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Everything posted by Okonokos

  1. Reason number 1286578939 why we shouldn't pay attention to Twatter ITKs. Hairyhands has now deleted that tweet saying Jack has turned his back and tweeted this...
  2. He's learned how to teleport hundreds of miles but sadly hasn't cured motion sickness for dogs.
  3. He sat out training with blisters. The videos and pictures have all been posted and discussed.
  4. It's sad that I read that most of the way trying to decide if it was genuine or not.
  5. If he's recently entered contract talks with us then, no I don't think we'd have heard anything at all. We won't until he signs it. The next bit of news we'll get will either be a) a bid has been accepted via the official site or b) a reliable journalist will announce that the $hitty deal is off.
  6. True. If he stays, I wouldn't expect him to sign a new contract for a couple of weeks at least.
  7. I took my blood pressure 2 mins after it finished. You won't even believe what it was. I think I legally died that night.
  8. Why the bold? They're trolling us all aren't they? The bold bits seem completely unnecessary.
  9. Exactly. Seems a bit excessive to get dressed up in the new training kit and take part in training just to say goodbye. I've got to stop these positive thoughts.
  10. You deserve one. Your positivity has never wavered. I hope you've been right all along.
  11. I'm just hoping it's over soon so I can move out of this thread for the first time in 7 days. At this stage I honestly feel like I know most of you personally. Some of you, I feel like I know a bit too well *cough @Follyfoot cough*
  12. Look how good we are at stopping transfer leaks now. Nothing gets out until we want it to. If we wanted this to be a secure behind closed doors session it would have been. Looked more like a family fun day. Would be pretty unfair on the fans if it turns out to be bad news after all. Would the club be so silly as to let something like this get our hopes up?
  13. Possible. I just think the owners and management would be well aware that the fans are going batshit crazy at the moment. They'd be very keen to not allow any false hope to get to us. We're such a tight ship when it comes to transfer leaks nowadays. Surely it would be pretty easy for the club to arrange a private, locked down, no phones allowed training session? Look at the videos. There are bloody kids there.
  14. It clearly wasn't a locked down training session. There are obviously kids, family members and friends there too. The club knew full well pictures would get out and they knew it would give the fans hope. Like you say, it's very strange they'd allow that to happen if it's going to be bad news.
  15. That's quite negative by your standards. Only 96%? So long Jack.
  16. Nothing on the ones I've seen. If we can find the original photo then maybe.
  17. The absolute worst part of this is that I was resigned to it and now I have hope again. Son of a bitch!
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