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Everything posted by villarule123

  1. I'm pretty sure he didn't anticipate Houllier going out and then being replaced by a manager with such a defensive - defeatist even - mentality. hence why i said 'turning out to be' his career is going down the shitter and he has no chance of going to the euros now (especially with redknob taking over)
  2. darren bent joining us is turning out to be the worst footballing decision ive ever seen we're practically ruining his career
  3. why do the liverpool fans love suarez so much, he is their best player but not world class IMO, he is a gobshite who has racially abused a player and has a lot of previous for bad antics yet they still defend him against anything, even their own club (read comments that he should move to a better club who will not betray him!) if we had messi in our team and he did the things that suarez has done id want shot of him ASAP
  4. working in halesowen tomorrow will be fun
  5. hennessey is such a shite keeper time and time again he makes stupid mistakes like that
  6. i am petrified of going to the dentist, i went 3 years ago and they were scrapping a metal stick on the inside of my teeth for some reason, it felt like dragging my finger nails along the ground i havent been since, i need to man up and go soon though i think
  7. no-one will do it for me, its **** annoying even more so when people at the bottom of my road can get it.. i have emailed that address and no reply, called virgin and they said no and pretty much wanted to hang up on me asap
  8. think im going to cancel my sub, its a great game but i think im done with mmos now ill probably return at some point but ill never be able to raid consistently only made it to 32!
  9. well, if money is not a major issue, and the house is cold, just turn up the thermostat. We have our thermostat set at 20 degrees, and have the heating on 24 hours a day, and the house is always boiling hot (wife likes it like that). 13 degrees sounds crazily cold. i am doubling up the radiators in the next few days, cavity wall in a couple of weeks and a new front and back door in a week or two. im hoping they will more than cure our problem... we have a little one incoming in 26 days, so its a bit of a rush
  10. thermostat too low? clicks at 13 degrees so yes radiators not getting hot enough? they're fine, we are upgrading them all to doubles though air in the system? nope pump not powerful enough to keep the radiators hot? radiators are too hot to touch enough insulation in the loft? yes just had it done double-glazed windows? yep draught-proofed the doors? front and back door could be a big problem but we've just spent £1k on new doors and they will be put in in a couple of weeks
  11. its not the saving money im worried about, its the miserably cold house im in at the moment! we had the british gas guy round when they were doing it for 'free' but he said we'd need scaffolding due to the garage at the side of the house, and it would be around £400. maybe it would be different with a independent/other retailer? he also said something about not being able to get to one of the walls due to decking in the garden, maybe he was looking for excuses as it was a free offer.
  12. having problems with a cold house at the moment, is it worth getting cavity wall insulation? hoping that it could be the fix to our problem!
  13. i am by no means skys biggest fan but you can't deny their plans for the sport on their F1 channel are impressive a dedicated F1 channel, HD of all practices/qualifying/race, talk shows etc and a good team of presenters too looking forward to it, and i usually slate sky!
  14. i currently have o2 broadband 20mb @ 9mb speed.. however i am getting increasingly jealous of all the people i know on 50mb broadband and want in on the action it says on the virgin site that my address isnt supported for fibre optic (i live at 108) however it IS supported down to number 36, then its cut off is there anything i can do to extend it to my house? i can practically see number 36 from my window now!
  15. its got more bizarre.. zigic with 4 goals :shock:
  16. we have to have another scan as according to the graphs the baby hasn't grown in the last 2 weeks, even though there's plenty of movement and a good heartbeat. the midwife a couple of weeks ago didnt measure the baby from the top to the pubic bone though, so we dont even think the measurement from 2 weeks ago is accurate anyway just what we didnt need though, typically the wife is stressing out over it
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