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Everything posted by TheStagMan

  1. Wants so much to make a joke about JT and certain things being left sloppy when he is around... Thinks better of it *Walks away*
  2. Can you imagine how mental it would be for a mid-table championship club to sign the current England goalkeeper. Unheard of..... But possible UTV
  3. If Gabriel Agbonlahor scores 20 league goals this year, I will get his name tattooed on my a*se
  4. Yes, lets worry about *actually* getting promoted first!
  5. Jesus, what a sanctimonious pr*ck. If he is going to boycott Villa over this then good riddance. I think we have done the John Terry: Racist? conversation to death, and ultimately he has been dealt with by the authorities for the incident. Aston Villa is far bigger than one player, or one self-righteous fan. I will never stop supporting and loving Aston Villa. Players will come and go, but Villa is forever.
  6. Yes, it is. And frankly he doesn't look bad for a 105 year-old
  7. Show them all the beauty they possess inside.
  8. CURLY WURLEY i might have misunderstood how this works.
  9. Well, as the industry saying goes... "write what you know....."
  10. Its not a question. I think you will find he is both.
  11. Only three pages? I am not sure that will be sufficient.
  12. People keep saying things like this, but does he actually have the coaching badges etc to be able to take over as caretaker? Genuine question as I don't know - I know some of the statements are tongue in cheek but there are a lot of statements about him doing his badges and management apprenticeship here.
  13. So, assuming he retires after leaving us, he will only ever have played for European cup winning sides
  14. That's one hell of a shot. Clearly wasn't any of our players. :-) On Topic - Welcome John :-)
  15. Yes, neither of them use English as a first language. Should be good.
  16. A 100,000 what? Trophies? Their owners have a trillion of them by all accounts. Yes, you can buy all sorts of shit at Latifs in Digbeth *Edit* Wow - Didn't realise I was 5 pages down when I posted this!
  17. Anyone else reckon that Bruce let JT win the golf game just to seal the deal? Welcome John. I don't care what you have done in your personal life, I care about what you do at Aston Villa. Get us promoted, and win another trophy.
  18. Although a month ago, every single one of us would have said that about Terry!
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