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Mandy Lifeboats

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Everything posted by Mandy Lifeboats

  1. Tanks are on the way but sometimes it’s the smaller efforts that make me proud. An Aussie car mechanic has gone to Ukraine. He takes any donated old Nissan 4 x 4 and services them. He then converts them to whatever can help. He has recently made 8 mini ambulances which house a driver and passenger sitting next to a stretcher and basic medical equipment. Just this 1 guy must have saved dozens of lives.
  2. Ukraine needs the Leopards first. Poland can supply all the maintenance, servicing and training. Ukraine probably has some Foreign Legion fighters who are already trained. Challenger and Abrahams will put a strain on the logistics. Next step - F16.
  3. 1970 Joke. What is black and white and travels across water at 250mph? Mountbatten's peaked cap.
  4. On a similar note. 1980s joke. Norman Tebbit and his wife are the fastest readers in history. They went to bed in a Brighton Hotel and went through 3 stories in 0.5 seconds.
  5. Again.........not all bad.
  6. Either you missed the joke or it was a rubbish joke. I was suggesting that blowing up Manchester was a positive.
  7. Gulf War 1. Genocide and Civil War in Yugoslavia. The first bombing of the World Trade Centre. The bombing of Manchester City Centre. OK........it wasn't all bad.
  8. Ukraine did/does have a problem with racism and Nazism. But it was a catch 22 situation. Addressing the problem would have meant weakening the army, Police Force and numerous other volunteer units. It was simply never going to happen whilst Russia's aggression was anticipated. Ukraine will reform and become better. But I think it will be a few decades before Russians are welcome.
  9. You have purchased goods and a service. Goods must last a reasonable time. Repairs to goods are a service and need to undertaken with reasonable care and skill. I don't think there is any resource which is going to give you the definitive answer you seek regarding these particular parts and this particular service. To get that clarity you need someone with in-depth knowledge of computer components who also understands consumer law. This website is as good as it gets when outlining your rights in a simple manner. Consumer rights & protection: get money back - MSE (moneysavingexpert.com) "Your consumer rights protect you when you buy goods and services. This means you have rights by law, which a shop or service provider can't change." And this one which goes into more detail. Consumer Rights Act 2015 - Which? "Here we explain what it means when buying goods or services"
  10. As I said previously- it’s debatable. It’s been debated for over 100 years and it’s unlikely that the definitive answer will be established on VillaTalk.
  11. WW2 - Definitely ( Basil Fawlty is the final decision maker on the matter) WW1 - Debatable.
  12. I joke about Germany sending tanks but I can appreciate that’s it’s an incredibly sensitive subject. The German people lost 2 World Wars. Europe blames them for starting both. Far right-wing groups are still described as Nazis. Far right-wing groups still claim to be Nazis. There are still a great number of complete idiots who actively try to glorify Hitler and the Nazis. Sending German tanks to fight Russia is the equivalent of the sending the Paratroop Regiment into Ireland in a peace keeping role. Germany needs to pull its finger out and allow other countries to use their Leopard Tanks. They also need to commit all the spare parts, maintenance and technical expertise.
  13. Germany sending tanks through Poland to fight Russia. It's not like it's breaking new ground.
  14. At some stage there will be a civil war in Russia. Wagner, various generals and various ethnic groups. Gorbachev made sure that the break up of the USSR didn’t resemble the break up of Yugoslavia. That was an amazing achievement.
  15. They have no idea that Russians and Nazis queued up for days to get tickets to Freddie Mercury’s concert in Poland in 1939. (That comment and picture annoys them on soooooooooo many levels)
  16. I get so annoyed with Russian supporters who immediately point out that the historic crimes of the US, UK et al. But when you point out that the USSR actually helped the Nazis take Poland they don’t like that accusation. Suddenly the USSR is not the same as Russia. Then you point out all the things where Russia is happy to take credit for the achievements of the USSR. We beat the Nazis. We had the first man in space. Etc. Ask any Russian supporter who pulls the “we are not the USSR” why they keep the mummified body of the creator of the USSR on public display in their capital city. The problem is simple. History. They know nothing about it.
  17. Nottingham Forest. Their 3 seasons; -promotion ,English Champions , European Cup was part of my childhood. It was Roy of the Rovers stuff. Berwick I used to go to the matches if I was nearby. A English Team with English Supporters playing Scots every single week.
  18. We are now in a position where we can sell our unwanted players to relegation threatened clubs for decent money. A few years ago we were the relegation threatened club paying big money for cast offs.
  19. I wasn't aware that it couldn't be discussed. But you just realise that you are in a minority on this forum because the majority support Ukraine. In Russia you cannot legally refer to this matter as a war. The free speech you have on here is more than you would have if you posted on an equivalent site in Russia. I'd still like you to answer my earlier questions. What is the aim of this war? If Ukraine surrendered unconditionally on day 1, what would Ukraine be like today?
  20. Agreed. Mrs Lifeboats' goatee is awful.
  21. May I ask you a couple of simple question please. What is the aim of this war? If UKraine had unconditionally surrendered on day 1 what would have happened next?
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