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Everything posted by samjp26

  1. Its vital that we keep him if we go down as Bent will inevitably leave us to keep his England hopes alive. Benteke + Weimann together could tear up quite a few of the teams in the Championship. The problem is that if we do go down will either of them, if not both of them, want to leave.
  2. I agree with the Norwich fan above, we need stability, but in regards to his PR stuff Lambert is starting to be a bit of a prick and it needs to stop. This week alone he wasn't going to do his pre-match presser before Millwall, then verbal handbags with a radio host and snubbing Kendrick who is one of our only links between us and the club nowadays. If we are to go down we need to hope that we aren't made to sell off the players we need to keep (not just the ones that Lambert has brought in, but Weimann etc), and only those that we've been trying to cut. Darren Bent won't want to stay with us in the Championship as it will ruin his England chances for the Euro's which could be his last chance at a major tournament, Warnock's contract will be ran down and Hutton will hopefully piss off to Spain.
  3. Big_John_10 I really suggest you go to bed or something mate, maybe slap on a DVD, if Lambert is found dead tomorrow you're going to be prime suspect
  4. Not exactly happy, but just chillin like villains, Vlaar with the Louis V and Ireland with the steel cases.
  5. Oh and do not forget the other classic: "Randy has been brilliant," said former Norwich boss Lambert. "Whatever happens happens, but he's been brilliant with me. He's a really good guy." Definitely a 10% "suck Randy's balls whenever possible" bonus in Lambert's contract.
  6. A journo took the pic, which is their one source and their second source is an ex player (apparently) - and Joe Bennett follows them whoever they may be I have no idea.
  7. "It's not great, but you have to keep going," Lambert told BBC Sport. "You take your medicine, pick yourself up and go again. There's no way you can lie down." Genuinely think the BBC don't even bother sending a journalist any more they just press CTRL+C CTRL+V and edit a few words (if that).
  8. Let us all pray that Joe Bennett is not the ITK link
  9. Imagine if we brought Glenn Roeder in, jesus christ
  10. We will spend in the Summer, whether that is in the Championship or not is a different matter.
  11. Just seeing on Twitter that he ignored Mat Kendrick or something like that in the presser, childish stuff, if he is to continue his reign then he needs to get some press training ASAP because his body language and now mugging off a local journalist isn't good at all. On SSN now he described the corner they scored from as 'bog standard', which is what many of these set pieces are and it leaves a huge arguement as to why they hell we keep letting goals in from them and not improving whatsoever.
  12. I think Lambert being told he is safe 'even if we get relegated' is the wrong way to see it now, and it's definitely more so the fact that he was brought in based on his ability to get us back up after we are inevitably relegated. I think we've all seen it coming for a while that, rather than pumping more money in as a means to 'save us' from dropping to the Championship, Lerner has now opted to go with a destroy and rebuild operation. Very sad to see it us in the destroy process, I just really hope the rebuilding process goes to plan. All in all, since the Chelsea game it has been a horrible period, but I think sacking Lambert now would be a huge mistake as it is next year when he'll be earning his stay in my opinion.
  13. "We pick ourselves up, we go again"
  14. Confidence must be very very low right now, we need a result similar to the Liverpool one ASAP
  15. Maybe Lambert is just mocking us fans with the fact he wont get sacked no matter what
  16. For all the people that slate Benteke, I think it's clear that he's needed in the team
  17. And so have we if we are in talks with him himself (well, his agent)
  18. Pretty sure he would only leave them if Arsenal or Tottenham are in for him, he came out and said he's happy there so the only thing we'd be able to tempt him with is an wage increase and we all know that won't happen. What exactly did they say on SSN? A host of clubs are thought to have enquired etc etc? Or specifically us?
  19. The extra TV money for being in the Prem next year would cover our entire wage bill as it is for the year would it not?
  20. In the summer we won't spend to fight for promotion because we might not get promoted (based on the logic of what PL has said)
  21. Why won't Lambert just go into the boardroom and slide the transfer budget over to the wage budget **** useless !
  22. All I can assume is there is a budget that Lerner has decided he wants us to stick to and we are X amount over it still, just don't know why he would allow McLeish to sign Hutton, Zoggy and Given when he was the one when was first brought in to cut costs. At least Lambert has made it clear now that were actually expecting to be relegated, hardly a great message to the team though.
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