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Everything posted by KevinRichardsonsMoustache

  1. Spot on. You're conscientious. You give a shit about your performance and professional reputation. Part of me thinks that the club created this monster by overlooking him. But you know, he's always been an arse. I don't know how he sleeps at night: I suppose that sack of money acts as a nice pillow. To repeat something I said earlier in this thread: I hope he goes bankrupt.
  2. It's the total lack of any plan that does my head in: we have money; we don't have money; a new chairman comes in in the middle of January; we definitely don't have money. You can see what's coming next. Randy will panic on Monday and come Tuesday morning we'll hear that we had a £12m bid for Jordan Rhodes refused and that we enquirer about Benteke on loan. Perhaps we aren't seeing it but If there was a clear plan put in place in December, we would have foreseen that some players might not want to come to the club at the bottom of the division and an alternate arrangement could have been made. I'm sorry to keep whinging but there is never coherent a plan with this board. The changes in policy are bewildering. I'd be less offended if the board would have come out at the start of January and said 'this is our policy now'. I might not have liked it but it would've shown clear leadership. The only bright spot is that we have a manager who has his head screwed on. Garde's claret and blue army.
  3. If the problem is about players not wanting to move because of our position, then, frankly that isn't going to change. Moreover, if it's that we won't splash the cash, it won't matter if players are available following the flurry of activity in the last few hours. There's only one of these things that the club can affect between now and the deadline. The board won't shift position now. I can't see us signing anyone.
  4. It's the sheer cheek of N'Zogbia to come out and say what an awful lot of footballers are thinking that is shocking. He effectively plays a part: one that he and the Villa hierarchy created. He's like one of those old WWF wrestlers who would play the heel. Unfortunately, I think the chip that was on his shoulder when Le Havre picked him up when he was stealing cars is still there. Society owes him something in his mind. Villa we're willing to pay the money. It's Zog musical chairs: when the music stopped, we ended up lumbered with him. I hope he reflects on his career in twenty years and thinks that perhaps he made some questionable decisions. I doubt he will ever have this kind of insight. He'll continue to buy Darth Vader-inspired clothing, goading the odd fan on Twitter who remembers him and live a lifestyle that is unimaginable to most of us. I hope he goes bankrupt. I've been to Le Havre: for the most part, it's a shit hole. What a waste of talent.
  5. I've said it once and I'll say it again: it's the bonhomie on this forum that brings me back. I think we're all in the same boat. There's no way we're all so deluded to think something might happen this window, are we... ...Hello?
  6. Are you writing this or can I? Like someone said before, it's amazing there has been no sit com written about this. I do have one condition to this becoming a bestseller, though: Can we rename chapter eight to 'lalalala, I'm not listening', please?
  7. A 75?! Your flattery will get you nowhere, Mr Ambassador. If we were a car, we'd be shot-full of holes, have a rear suspension that you have little confidence in and, up front, one wheel that doesn't move very much. I think I just described a Reliant Robin.
  8. I totally agree with your sentiments that it's bananas that we don't seem to be taking a punt on someone - for all we know, at least. Maybe there's a surprise but I would've hoped it would come earlier in January, to be honest. I hate the f-img transfer window and I hate how we always seem woefully unprepared for, or in some way outwitted by, it. Gotta take issue with the duty of care thing, though. That's a very specific legal principle that just can't apply here. In this context, it's so subjective anyway that we can't claim this. Sorry to be the forum pedant! I wish I could say that the Board's decisions, as far as I know the ins and outs of them, made more sense to me, too.
  9. When Charles I was executed in 1649, witnesses describedthe crowd letting out a sort of sigh, i imagine we'll have something similar and then, I hope, most of the people with brains cheering a team that, again I hope, has put some effort in.
  10. Seeing friends? Wanted to see a match with no pressure on his shoulders? Maybe talking about a player elsewhere and had to catch up with people afterwards? I wouldn't read too much into him being at this particular game. He is, for what it's worth, human after all. He does human things.
  11. We don't appear to play to our players' strengths, to be honest. Kozak will win no prizes for his technical ability. Kozak's lack of a decent first touch, though, stops him from holding the ball up and bringing other players into the game. He didn't do himself any favours today.
  12. Didn't know where else to post this, not sure if it has already appeared. If this is Nixon's 'big thing' as well, I think I might kill myself: http://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/news/aston-villa-owner-randy-lerner-7234447 Unless he's an 18 y.o. wonder kid who no one else has heard of, then he can do one. I couldnt imagine us becoming more of an f-ing laughing stock: what was that Randy? You can?! Of course...
  13. Both teams are appalling. We've edged it but I mean really: it's like playing strip poker with the queen. Nobody seems to know what to do.
  14. Two points rolled away this afternoon. Without question.
  15. Gana. That goal against Wycombe was really an exception wasn't it.
  16. Bacuna. My lord. In other news, Jordan Bowery has scored. Can we recall him? :-o
  17. Opening up. Come on lads. Gil has improved imeasurably this half.
  18. So you're telling me that the feet of Gary Birtles are my favourite snack? Ruined a perfectly good bit of confectionary there for me.
  19. Can't accuse them of not trying today - plenty of effort. Today is a matter of execution and quality. There isn't much of the latter.
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