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Everything posted by Indigo

  1. It's a mad league alright. In my head 90% of the goals there look like this one he scored last season:
  2. That job is a thankless task really, unless you win the Champions League with them you're not going to be viewed as a success so Emery's not alone there.
  3. Al-Nassr only owe a few hundred thousand to be fair, so I'd imagine it's something they'll resolve quickly so they can proceed to drop millions on more players. Hopefully folk are correct that his preference is to play in the Premier League,
  4. Still think David Soria was a good shout for a keeper. Believe he's still available on a free, has loads of top level experience and had some overlap with Emery at Sevilla previously. Only thing is I wonder if it'd make sense to use the back-up keeper as a way of getting another homegrown player in.
  5. Indigo

    Unai Emery

    I find xG to be an especially weird one because there seems to be no agreed-upon numbers for it. For example all of UnderStat, StatBomb, Opta, InfoGol etc have varying figures for games, so if you look at Villa games under Emery basically every single one of them have differing totals for each team in a given game. Even the likes of United and Wolves at home have different teams coming out with more xG. In any case I think context is important as always.
  6. Much like Torres this would be quite a statement signing, as much as there seems some trepidation on this thread the guy is very highly rated and getting him in would probably surprise a lot of people. Quite a consistent French international, always having his name linked to top sides etc. Definitely the profile of player we need as well as he's fast and able to offer a threat 1 v 1 against defenders. Can't say we're not going for it this summer anyway!
  7. We should only try to sign players that better teams also want, and in the process never sign anyone.
  8. I can believe the interest for sure but can't see it happening. He's pretty much exactly the kind of profile of player that there's a gap for in the squad as he's a wide forward with experience of playing on the right of a unconventional front two that has pace, goalscoring ability etc. Given they've already turned down £30 million for him it seems like there'd be much better value out there at the price it'd probably take to get him.
  9. Not a huge fan of Felix, personally. At two clubs in a row he's just not been worth the outlay and I can't see that being any different in the hypothetical world he signed for Villa. He's a lovely player and our system actually has a role for him better than most clubs out there do, but ultimately he's quite ineffective relative to what he should be at the top level.
  10. I think his wider point definitely has merit as this sport at the top level is pretty gross these days, but making it specific to Villa makes it an incendiary one that comes across more as a dig at his own club rather than football generally. It also just underplays Villa, I think the fact this point can even be made just shows how poorly managed the 2010s was by the club.
  11. Am I missing a gag here or something? I'm just saying that folk are posting Fbref comparisons between Diaby and Bailey and assuming one is mk2 of the other, when if we were to take out of context screenshots from there as gospel then you could do the same for Kamara/Dendoncker which most Villa fans wouldn't agree with.
  12. Really is quite poor that they were able to do a proper farewell for Steer while Young was left in the dark. He deserves better.
  13. According to FBREF Boubacar Kamara and Leander Dendoncker are similar players. Just saying.
  14. He's been a weird one. Was such an exciting signing at the time, but I think a combination of injuries, struggling to adapt to the league and seemingly constant hits to his confidence have made him a bit of a write off. You can see the ability is there in moments but I'm not sure I can see him putting it together properly. He'd definitely still be a handy option in the squad but can see why the club would be open to offers.
  15. Grrrrr why are you posting about a transfer-related article from a known credible source in its relevant thread grrrrr.
  16. According to Tom Collomosse: Leon Bailey is for sale this summer. Villa desperately want a wide man Harvey Barnes, was on the list but not top of it, the same with Brennan Johnson. Over the weekend Villa asked Leverkusen about Diaby and Emery remains a huge admirer of Nico Williams. Villa also want a forward to be both partner and alternative to Ollie Watkins.
  17. Can people please stop clogging up and starting threads with talk of days of the week? Despite this being a public forum I'd only like people to discuss things I'd like to read.
  18. Matteo Moretto, who has proved to be pretty credible, has said Villa are interested in Lo Celso and that Betis aren't able to make a sufficient offer for him.
  19. At the same time reasons to the contrary have also been said plenty. Ultimately none of us know until the season gets underway, but it's not unfounded to think this signing puts Mings' place in a bit of jeopardy.
  20. What do you consider as "realistic speculation" seeing as we've literally signed players that you initially wrote off as being nonsense links. Some of you lads need to lighten up a bit. It's the off-season, there's only so many times where people can debate over the merits of Konsa at RB or Buendia's wastefulness in possession. Give me all the nonsense in the meantime.
  21. I agree with you for what it's worth. I think people are over-simplifying the role by just saying that it doesn't matter if they're a CB because that's ostensibly the role they'll be playing. The below is Foyth's heat map for his last full season under Emery, he's still playing as a right back, albeit a more reserved one but he's not so far tucked in that he's playing as a CB. If it ends up happening and works then fair enough but I'm personally skeptical that Konsa being able to fill the role effectively for a team with Villa's aspirations is a no-brainer.
  22. A winger, striker and another midfielder are all wanted according to Collomosse.
  23. I don't like that Roma kit tbh. It should be great given that it's simple, the crest etc but Adidas managed to make it just look like a run of the mill training top.
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