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Everything posted by Dirtysanchez

  1. Shouldn't have started yesterday and he should never play for us ever again.
  2. Many things he may be.... ... but lazy is not one of them. He was absolutely terrible yesterday, pissed me right off from the moment he came on, you're right he ain't lazy but his touches were embarrassing
  3. Okore is an absolute beast, love this guy
  4. Made such a difference yesterday when he came on, he will be a big loss when he leaves.
  5. Yeah I agree I thought he was class myself
  6. Drove me mad all day yesterday, made no sense and put us under immediate pressure straight away, he was utter shite yesterday
  7. Fair enough I misinterpreted your post so
  8. I don't think he will struggle to make that call. Well he should because it takes balls to make the call of leaving Vlaar out and I will extremely disappointed if he starts ahead of Clark or Okore. As I said, I don't think he will struggle to make that call. But vague there in your message tbh If you think it will be easy to recall Vlaar then it's a joke of a setup
  9. I don't think he will struggle to make that call. Well he should because it takes balls to make the call of leaving Vlaar out and I will extremely disappointed if he starts ahead of Clark or Okore.
  10. Quite unbelievable when you think about the statements! 3-1 Villa Grealish to score
  11. If Okore gets dropped there's going to be training ground drama at precisely the worst possible time. Lambert needs to show he's the boss and have Vlaar fight for the right to start. No starting place should be guaranteed to anyone. Couldn't agree more, would be madness if Vlaar walks straight back in.
  12. Lovefest? Clark is playing well and seems to have a good understanding with Okore, my point is why should that be broken up by someone who will more than likely be gone in about 5-7games, Vlaar is the better defender I agree but he ain't the future, these 2 lads currently in the 11 are, they are the present and future,Vlaar ain't and will be sold.
  13. This mule cannot start on Saturday just no.
  14. It's not about being a 'Clark lover', it's about the idea that you deserve to retain your place in the team if you play well. Even more so if you have been one of the standout performers in the last few games. Spot on Isa
  15. Why is it that even when Clark does well he is still seen as the first one to make way? He has come back into this side by default rather than by his own doing but you can't deny he is taking his chance with 2 hands and making even the biggest Clark doubters doubt themselves and have to reevaluate their opinion on him(me included by the way) I would hate if he was dropped on Saturday for the simple fact that he doesn't deserve to be and it wouldn't do the lads confidence any good whatsoever. He ain't a kid anymore I know but he could be a very important player and I would hate to lose him because he is showing signs that he has worked really hard on cutting out silly mistakes and is a real no nonsense defender. Obviously I don't want to get carried away but he deserves his chance and this is a massive game on Saturday which he has earned the right to keep his place.
  16. Football is a result business, even if Vlaar's contract is running out, he's still a way better defender than Clark. Would you play Richardson if Ronaldo were in our club? Ridiculous comparison, fact remains we have Ron Vlaar and not Ronnie, bit of perspective of the caliber of player we are discussing here wouldn't go amiss.
  17. Clark is in great form and Vlaar wants out, why should he walk back in? No player is bigger than the club and especially not Ron **** Vlaar.
  18. Guzan Hutton Clark Vlaar Cissokho Delph Cleverley Sanchez Weimann Gabby Benteke This will probably be the starting 11, personally I wouldn't have Vlaar or Weimann in there but sure we will see.
  19. Ridiculous if this materialises, the lads are on a roll you can't just drop them it would be completely wrong
  20. Tickets arrived today, bring it on
  21. Wouldn't that be bloody lovely Let's go get the 3points on offer and gain some serious momentum for the Christmas period
  22. Clark was criticised for a continued run of terrible performances, he is playing well at the minute and I hope it continues but I won't be getting carried away just yet but it's a serious improvement
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