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Everything posted by sheepyvillian

  1. I didn't realise that Burnley have lost 3 less games than us.
  2. I wouldn't mind us going in for Ryan Kent. Love his directness.
  3. The more tense the game got, the more inept the ref got.
  4. That was a proper Brummie "feck off".
  5. He's class, but still inexperienced.
  6. Sometimes your reputation precedes you.
  7. Pep, maybe destined never to win CL again. It's certainly seeming that way.
  8. It's really hard to feel sorry for Citeh, it really is.
  9. That cross for the second, absolutely sublime.
  10. No one does these kind of comebacks better than Real Madrid.
  11. Is Hazard injured or just not considered up for it?
  12. Every plot line reminded me of the saying, same song, different dance.
  13. Benzema, he's so laid back in his approach.
  14. Haters will always hate. I'll never forget the happy memories that Jack provided.
  15. Nothing annoys more in football when players give away needless free - kicks in dangerous areas.
  16. I stopped watching it after season 2. It just became too far fetched for my liking.
  17. What a comeback. I expected them to get a draw after going 2 down, but they're just on another level.
  18. Liverpool to get a draw, trust me.
  19. I didn't think it was a pen after seeing the replay.
  20. What a header. Reminiscent of Andy Gray in his prime.
  21. For me, comedy such as that works far better on screen. It's just not so funny on a stage.
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