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Everything posted by bannedfromHandV

  1. Agreed on Kalinic, not sure how far he can go but he's looked useful against good quality defenders on a couple of occasions now. Not sure how much he would improve us though and as such would not be high on my wanted list.
  2. Okay I don't actually understand the last part of your post but to compare Rodwell to Stefan Moore is like comparing the impact the cure to polio had to the impact the invention of fragranced tissue paper had. I don't recall anyone outside of Villa claiming that Stefan Moore was going to be a world superstar, perhaps if you considered him as a potential world superstar though it would go some way to explaining why you think Rodwell is just another youngster.
  3. Fail. Marc Albrighton is "decent prospect", Danny Wellbeck is a "decent prospect", Chris Smalling is a "decent prospect". Jack Rodwell is a potential world superstar. Im with VillaChris, not seen it myself. Okay, no disrespect but how much of him have you seen? Personally I cannot claim to have seen extensive amounts of him but every time I have seen him he's impressed me. As far as I can see he's strong, tall and has a decent burst of pace for a big guy, he can pass well, run with the ball, tackle, head well, set-up goals and score goals, not only does he score goals but he scores in big games too. All this at the age of ? Name me another of his age currently who you can say even half of the above about..... Oh, should have added also, he can already play at centreback, fullback, central midfield and in the holding role.
  4. Fail. Marc Albrighton is "decent prospect", Danny Wellbeck is a "decent prospect", Chris Smalling is a "decent prospect". Jack Rodwell is a potential world superstar.
  5. Hi Gen, question for the season ticket bars for next season: For me this is one of the only bones of contention I have with Villa in general and that is having to pay to enter the season ticket holders bars before a match. Firstly, I don't personally believe that as ST holders we should then have to pay a further few quid to enter these bars before a match but I do appreciate that it's a good extra revenue stream for the club and as such my suggestion would be to introduce a sliding scale for entrance fees, for example 2 hours or more before a game - full price, less than 2 hours say half price, one hour or less should be free. There are many occasions when I have reached the ground later than planned and rather than pay what is in essence around £7 or so for one pint (£3 actual cost of drink + entrance fee) I have instead chosen to simply mull around outside, this has then cost the club the money that I would have paid for a pint but refused to on the basis that I would have had to have spent more just to get in than the cost of the drink itself - which is lunacy! Is this something you think could be implemented or at least something you could approach the appropriate people regarding? I appreciate the club will hardly miss the odd £3 from me but I can imagine that there are quite a few other people this could/would relate to.
  6. I don't think anyone has said we're incapable of buying players that are past it and are looking for one final payday. Henry is lined up fora move to the new York redbulls I believe, no disrespect to JPA but that should tell you all you need to know.... Mate you've got to admit that even if "he's past his best", his average is better than a shitload of strikers!? He could be that sub who can turn a game on it's head with a moment of brilliance! Alla Berger, or even the way Phillips is used at Brum. Also a star quality which would undoubtedley boost our profile. A la Berger. IIRC Berger had one single moment of magic in the entire time he was with us, I would have used Berger as a prime example against why we shouldn't sign Henry....a lot of money spanked on wages for **** all return. Which is what we would get from henry now.
  7. I don't think anyone has said we're incapable of buying players that are past it and are looking for one final payday. Henry is lined up fora move to the new York redbulls I believe, no disrespect to JPA but that should tell you all you need to know....
  8. Could even a modern day footballer be that stupid?!? If it was United, Chelski, Barca etc then fair enough, but it would be like suicide to say that in relation to City, a club by the way that we are still at the moment larger than. I appreciate that will quickly be erased once they win something.
  9. What if Randy thinks what is best is taking 30 or 40M, clearing some debts and funding our summer transfer spending? Then if thats what Randy thinks and MON agrees, I'm all for it. With respect, the person who originally posted the comment was saying that he didn't think we would take a silly offer as Randy would not think it in the best interests of the club, like you I think an offer of 30M plus would be too good for the owner to turn down. I was just saying to the original poster that his interpretation of what Randy feels is in the best interests of the club and what Randy actually feels is in the best interests of the club may in fact be at odds wtih one another i agree i was just saying i dont think Randy is motivated by big money offers for players, his interest is ASTON VILLA, and he trust MoN, and if MoN doesnt want to sell he wont regardless of the offer, plus i cant see milner playing up like GB. im fairly confident Milner will be in our beloved Claret and Blue next season. Not to mention that surely Milner feels he must owe the club at least some gratitude given that he's finally arrived whilst playing for us, MoN's seen the best in him and made him the central figure, literally and metaphorically, this coupled with the fact that he's still young enough to give us another couple of years and still be courted by the biggest and best should ensure that we have at least another 12 months of Jimmy to enjoy. If we don't make top four next season though he'll be nailed on to leave, a la GB.
  10. I would be shocked if he gave a direct answer regarding the bid from Man City, he will most likely say something like: "the most important thing at the moment is concentrating on the world cup with England", at which point some slimy journo scumbag will try and push the point again and an England representative will step in and say "no more transfer questions please". This will of course fuel the fire with regards him being likely to leave....cue pandemonium on VT.
  11. This. Oh how hindsight can be sow wonderful, Johnsons instead of Downing and we'd have been laughing all the way into 4th place this season.....in my opinion.....
  12. "new news" hilarious! All news is new hence the word news!!!
  13. How the fook do you judge who the best player is?!? Or has someone cracked the enigma code on capello's player index.....
  14. Is this a serious question? I should imagine Mascherano will be setting his sights a little higher than Villa big chief. Though whilst we're on the subject, would anyone take Torres and Gerrard?
  15. ok then so you'd rather risk losing the best young striker in the country? What we pay him now makes no difference to whether he stays or goes. If he's attracting attention in 2 years we'll offer him the money then. Paying it him now when no-one's particularly interested is madness. if he leaves in 2 years and his reason is "Villa didn't pay me £50k a week for the past 2 years" then he can **** off anyway. Well I've seen reports recently saying that Everton will offer Jack Rodwell 50k per week and he's the same age as Delfouneso and a lot less potential imo, it's called looking after your best assets or risk losing them It's actually reported in the mirror (best actual link, so hardly concrete) that it's £25,000 a week, and he also has played 47 games for Everton and 11 for England under 21's, so Delfouneso is less experienced than Rodwell. apologies, I thought it was 50k, I never said he didn't have more experience, I said Delfouneso has more potential which he does No, he really doesn't. Jack Rodwell can play in central defence, at full back, in a holiding role, in central midfield, in the hole and probably up top too, he can tackle, pass, score goals, win the ball in the air and hasn't looked out of place once since making his name. He's also scored big goals in big games. Jack Rodwell has all the attributes.
  16. I'd argue against that. A.Young Agbonlahor Carew Outside of that I can't think of anyone else that would be on circa 50K, unless when you say circa you mean anything within 25k.... no I meant around 45k-60k , I'd put my life on Dunne, Petrov and Heskey being on those wages Shall agree to disagree as we'll never know........
  17. I'd argue against that. A.Young Agbonlahor Carew Outside of that I can't think of anyone else that would be on circa 50K, unless when you say circa you mean anything within 25k....
  18. How can you say "Sturridge as the goalscorer"? Yet another example of the myth becoming bigger than the man through not actually kicking a ball..........he's barely played and certainly has not shown himself to be a proven goalscorer! A good looking prospect yes but to expect him to score 20 odd goals a season based on what he's achieved thus far is ludicrous.
  19. I agree he'd be a good signing, i bet he's on stupid money at Chelsea though. Shame KP Boateng crocked him the other day, because he's angry at the Germans. He's a free agent this summer, unless he signs a new contract with Chelsea. I think he wants to stay though and they'll probably offer him a new deal. I think it's not too unreasonable to assume that Herr Ballack will have bigger fish to fry than Aston Villa.
  20. I think they're as random as they can be aren't they? My understanding of it is that they randomly generate a set of fixtures then liaise with local authorities and police etc to determine any changes to the fixtures to help with motorway and street traffic congestion, not to mention of course the obvious examples where Spurs and Arsenal, Villa and Blose, Liverplop and Everton etc cannot be at home on the same day. It's quite a deep process though when you think about it, they have to ensure for example that Villa and Blose don't both play away in London on the same day, all kinds of shit, pretty complex little project I'd imagine each summer.
  21. Stephen Carr Does anyone else genuinely think this guy might actually be imbalanced, I don't mean this as a joke but as a serious point. I've thought this for a while now but Sunday just confirmed it for me, not even really his gesturing toward us in the Lower North but his all round demeanour, he's got the mannerisms and body language of a psycho, someone with way too much nervous energy, the type who might just go a little too far one day and set fire to the nearest large object, just for funnies. The gesturing on Sunday was the icing on the cake but the guys a loon and probably shouldn't be allowed out in public let alone playing professional football. I really would love to know if he's ever been evaluated and what the outcome of the evaluation was, my thoughts would be a danger to himself and others.
  22. Manchester City have multiple goalkeepers on their books. Manchester City also have a reserve and youth team, what is the point in having a reserve and youth team if not for back up to the first team players, are they trying to say they literally have no other goalkeeper available? That this Nielsen guy has, for the past few months been both reserve and youth goalkeeper, I think not. I wouldn't go as far as to call it a travesty if they're allowed to sign someone and/or force Hart back, but it would be another sign of how weak the Premier League actually is, particularly in the face of super rich arabs.
  23. It really, really doesn't. He signed Dunne becasue Distin chose Everton. Don't forget he only signed Milner becuase Bentley chose to go to spurs. Great signings granted, but lets not get ahead of oursleves. People really do think he is a genius don't they? :shock: And you actually KNOW this to be true, beyond all reasonable doubt? I find that hard to believe sorry.
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