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Everything posted by bannedfromHandV

  1. I was actually referring to the incorrect usage of the word, but crack on. You have intrigued me, I thought I had used it correctly?
  2. I agree. Right decision at the time, and events turning out as they did doesn't make it otherwise. You can only decide on what you know at the time, not what later turns out to happen. I thought it was the wrong decision then, and still do. Success breeds success, and you could see the players were pissed off by throwing away a tournament they'd worked so hard at. It was the turning point in the season, for all the wrong reasons, and you don't need hindsight to realise what a shit decision it was. How could you "see the players were pissed off", were you privvy to spending time in the dressing room after the game or something? You can't be "privy to" spending time in the dressing room. But grammatical stupidity aside, I think it's clear that the players just didn't seem as motivated from then on. Man City away for example, was an absolute disgrace of a performance. But to directly attribute that to Moscow is a bit far-fetched isn't it Risso? Oh annd sorrry foor douuble-tappping a keey, itt wonn't happpen agggain siiiiirrrr....
  3. Where to start, sometimes words fail me but I'll give it a go... 1. How on earth do you know Lennon was up for sale, and for £6m too. I would imagine had that been even a little bit true there would have been many more takers than just us - daft. 2. So who would you have played wide right then since the start of the season, Sidwell? Not sure if you have the capacity to have taken this in or not but Downing has only just returned from injury? Meaning Milner has been free'd up for this central role. Anyone following the club over the summer will have noted MoN's comments that Barry's replacement may well have already existed at the club (Milner), so it's fair to assume that it was always just a matter of time - unfounded. 3. Kiraly, ah okay, so you mean he should instead of played a guy we'd already sold, ummmmmm - far-fetched. 4. Why? Why? WHY? So we could re-sign a guy from BOLTON, who unless you haven't noticed are sitting somewhere near the relegation zone, oh and we currently have the best defence in the league too - unbelievable. 5. Name an "out-and-out" goalscorer we could have signed? Maybe Torres, or Drogba - perhaps they would have perfected your fantasy - dreamland. Apologies, I had missed one out: Collins - how do you know he was even available last January? Also I believe he was injured at that time and I'm sure that would have gone down just great on this board had we signed him....
  4. I agree. Right decision at the time, and events turning out as they did doesn't make it otherwise. You can only decide on what you know at the time, not what later turns out to happen. I thought it was the wrong decision then, and still do. Success breeds success, and you could see the players were pissed off by throwing away a tournament they'd worked so hard at. It was the turning point in the season, for all the wrong reasons, and you don't need hindsight to realise what a shit decision it was. How could you "see the players were pissed off", were you privvy to spending time in the dressing room after the game or something? And for the record I personally would have said the turning point of the season was the 92nd minute equaliser by Stoke, not the result in Moscow. Particularly as hardly any of the first team actually played in Moscow so I can't imagine it took too much out of them.....
  5. Hmm. In his 3 and a half years at the club he's yet to achieve anything of note yet. So where the hell do you get the dont deserve him nonsense from?. If you think he "he hasn't achieved anything" then you and I must have supported two very different clubs over the past few years........
  6. I'd say his biggest mistake was agreeing to manage a club who's fans question what his biggest mistake was at a time when the club is riding high and are in the semi-finals of a cup.....that for me would be his biggest mistake.
  7. We really should be pulling in more than 33,000 on saturday, I appreciate it's coming up to crimbo and I don't think it was the smartest move on the clubs part to make it category A but we should be looking at 37,000 minimum - come on guys, just forego one night out over xmas and come on down to VP instead on Saturday!!
  8. James Milner can kick the ball so hard that if he either needed or wanted to he could play a one-two off of the moon!
  9. Excactly what I was thinking. Whats with all the negativity on here today :? It's just ridiculous though, I don't want to go down the path of the "better fan parody" as we all know where that ends but I just find it very strange how some people 'support' this club, whatever floats your boat though U guess.
  10. WTF is wrong with us........"worst player of the season" & "worst decision O Neill has made".....with us fourth in the league and on the back of a win over Manure........god help us if we lose tonight - there'll be mass suicide!!!
  11. I'm sorry but you just know we're going to lose after saturday, the worst thing that could have happened for us was Kaboul scoring late on for pompey, had they won that one I think it may have been a little easier for us, as it is we will now be seen as a real scalp........
  12. You've never been to Wigan I take it? :shock: Haha....evidently not!
  13. and you know this for sure because .................? They're human? and you know this for sure because .................? I am human?
  14. and you know this for sure because .................? They're human?
  15. Except that it's the exact opposite? One is supporting the team and one isn't. I choose to support. Others can do what they want. So do I? I've never shouted at players at a match or booe'd the players and would never do that. However this is VillaTalk, I've seen plenty of posts even probably from you saying "He hasn't been playing well this season"...does that mean these people aren't supporting the club? No difference apart from this has a poll to be honest. But a poll such as this could be damaging couldn't it? At least to a players confidence anyway......how would Sidwell feel reading this? Don't get me wrong, I'm sure the £20k + p/w wages make it just a little easier to bear but you only have to look at last weekend, Bobby Zamora scored and then proceeded to 'celebrate' by telling his own fans to shut up....allegedly as he had been trawling the forums and was frustrated with the comments about him.....who's to say the same doesn't happen on here?
  16. I'm going, should be a good day out......plus I want to build up my points history in anticipation of the cup final (if we get there).....I should be alright anyway but just to make double sure!!
  17. why on earth after a great weekend and a so far great season do we feel the need to bring ourselves down with this kind of thread...... being as we're fourth in the league and have just beaten Man Ure I'll say that I don't think any of the players deserve the tag of being the "worst player so far"........ridiculous....
  18. If Curtis Davies leaves due to being fourth choice then I would say that we have made some pretty larges strides of late........... To the point in question though, Cuellar has been outstanding this season, particularly since switching back into Central Defence, he even seems a little more composed on the ball and from what I've seen since he scored past Bolton he's appeared to be more of a danger in the opposition box too, an all round improvement for sure. As a footnote I would like to say that I don't think I've been as happy to see someone score as I was to see Cuellar score since Bouma scored past 'Castle.......
  19. Young ---Barry---Petrov---Milner vs Downing ---- Ash Young-----Milner(Albrighton) NRC(Delph)-----Petrov I like the options we have now much more.
  20. So you basically started this thread to get a rise out of people? That's my interpretation of how you can be "loving the fact that people think you're miserable". And whilst on that point, I'd hardly describe you as a happy person being as you've started a thread moaning about whether or not to return your ST just because things haven't gone exactly as you'd have liked. Personally I hope this thread gets locked as space in the public domain should not be given up for stuff like this shit.
  21. Not sure this is comparable to the JPA thread. JPA left on mutual consent and left a cult hero, and still is a cult hero perhaps. GB left for reasons well documented, he was never a 'cult hero' and certainly isn't one now. Plus, JPA left the club two years ago now? GB left two months ago, just a little premature for this one don't you think??
  22. Agreed. To even ask yourself the question says to me that you should re-examine whether you care at all. I got my first season ticket last season having finally been in a position to afford one.....I don't envisage ever not having one again and feel privileged to own one. Just imagine what this guy would have been like if he was a Norwich fan, he'd have slit his own throat by now!!
  23. Hi General, I hope and trust all is well with yourself and the rest of the boardroom members. I have a question regarding smoking areas. I was wondering if there were any discussions at all on allowing fans out at half time to enjoy a cigarette (or three)? As you will well know by now watching the Villa can be extremely stressful and I feel the club could do a little more to accommodate fans who choose to smoke. I know Stoke City are going to pilot a scheme whereby season ticket holders are allowed outside in certain areas at half time. I appreciate it can lead to problems, some people no doubt will try and use it to their advantage to sneak in at half time etc but if governed properly it shouldn't be a big issue, I would suggest something similar to nightclubs where they stamp your hand or something on the way out, or for season ticket holders perhaps a handheld device that can verify the validity of the card? I appreciate it's not particularly 'politically correct' to be seen to be in support of smokers in this day and age, but until the government make it illegal I see no reason why the club should not at least look at a solution. Also, it will save the match-day stewards having to patrol the toilets every five minutes in the hope of catching someone smoking in the cubicles (which incidentally I don't do :winkold: )
  24. I'd be pretty shocked if Gabby, Milner and Gardner don't get a run out, as mentioned previously this would be their only preperation before the game Saturday against Fiorentina. I can imagine Gabby in particular would need to be match fit heading into the first weekend....
  25. What a save again, villa's no1? Sorry friedel.....
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