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Everything posted by bannedfromHandV

  1. Why? I think NRC still has a future at the club, MON needs to use him more and make his ability count. NRC is an athlete, but not much of a footballer. I don't agree with that myth which originated on VT; I believe he has the athletic ability and the footballing talent also to improve our first eleven. And he hasn't grumbled about his situation at the club which is a credit to his character. He did spark O Neill clean out though :winkold:
  2. why does everything on VT have to become some great philosophical debate!?! We have a promising youngster, all that was required was to reply as such. To criticise the club for not procuding a Wayne Rooney is farcical.
  3. On that basis then every club other than Real Madrid should adopt the same attitude. Being hounded into selling one of your top players each summer isn't a sign that you're a feeder club! It's a sign that you're competing. So negative always.
  4. This, and I said it a while ago too to be fair....... Stephen Ireland has problems beyond our comprehension I believe.
  5. and if we sign stephen ireland, youll see all the crap passes he does. There is nothing that ireland can do that milner cant. but there is plenty milner can do that ireland cant I think we'll have to agree to disagree. I've seen Ireland score goals that I can't image Milner scoring. Ireland get's into positions that Milner doesn't because he's too busy helping the wingers or the defenders. And I've seen Milner score goals Ireland can only dream of: away V Sunderland home V Everton 2008/90 (free kick) away v Blackburn (CC Semi final) So what's your point? Ireland is a decent player with a troubled past and an almost certain troubled future, to sign him would be footballing suicide. The last sentence is nonsense. Is it? You may wish to brush up on your general knowledge of young Stephen Ireland then.
  6. and if we sign stephen ireland, youll see all the crap passes he does. There is nothing that ireland can do that milner cant. but there is plenty milner can do that ireland cant I think we'll have to agree to disagree. I've seen Ireland score goals that I can't image Milner scoring. Ireland get's into positions that Milner doesn't because he's too busy helping the wingers or the defenders. And I've seen Milner score goals Ireland can only dream of: away V Sunderland home V Everton 2008/90 (free kick) away v Blackburn (CC Semi final) So what's your point? Ireland is a decent player with a troubled past and an almost certain troubled future, to sign him would be footballing suicide.
  7. I've just cum. Looks a lot like a rugby kit with that collar though....not for me......
  8. We need to develop a central midfielder, it appears to be the one position we're lacking in the reserve/youth department....
  9. Downing It all makes sense now..... Its his stage name, he is a DJ in his spare time I've heard he's a footballer in his spare time......
  10. SLOW CLAP TO YOU MY FRIEND! I'm almost certainly having a severe 'blonde' moment but who the feck is DJ? (as in "Ash, Gabby and DJ")
  11. This is a thread for transfer speculation/talk. Please stay on topic.
  12. It's completely different PieFacE. Sorry Rob but I think you're badly and sadly deluded if you think we're that much different to City ultimately. There's a lot of this going round at the moment and it smacks of people finding nothing other than the chance to try and take the moral high ground as they've nothing else to use. None of us are happy that Milner, and Barry will have gone to City, none of us like the fact that a shit club like them are all of a sudden mixing it with Europe's elite in the transfer market, none of us like Manchester City. But you don't hear us resorting to ridiculous claims in order to try and make ourselves feel a bit better about it all. Accept it and move on.
  13. i'm not sure any sensible person who wants us to be successful would be saying that trickie. Well done, you have more money than anyone else :? I don't believe you. I do not believe for one second that whether we won the league through true grit and determination or through throwing £500M at it that the likes of you or anyone else on here wouldn't be wetting their pants through excitement and sheer unadulterated joy. It really paints us in a bad light this many people spouting this kind of crap. You win the league because you have the best team that year, end of discussion.
  14. Skybet are still offering 2/5 on Milner to join Citeh. If what MysteryMan says is true (which we all know it is), then it could be a nice way of making yourself feel just a tad bit better about it......£100 returns £140.........just a thought......
  15. Well, Martin was surprised to find out, after defeat to West Ham that we did use least ammount of players last season, in fact that's an hattrick. But Martin won't think that losing tough away match yesterday at st.James Park was due to any other fact than, that you just can't beat recently promoted teams at their home starter. But we will be looking to bolster our squad before end of the month, hopely before Everton defeat at 28th, and it's not only up to MON, the big clubs have to got their time first, we are looking to things. What?
  16. do you have to mention him in every post? we know you rate him! west brom would want £10m imo and he's not proven at prem level Plus, he just signed a new feckin contract hasn't he?!?! Sorry to rain on your parade but if you kept up with the news you'd know he's not looking to move at the moment!!!!
  17. From where? Strange how everyone seems to love him......given that he's such a toublemaker......really seemed to be the orchestrator of all things evil when the entire team surrounded him to take part in 'that' goal celebration (the one poking fun at the season before when Phil Brown made them all stay on the pitch at half time)....can't imagine he'd have been poking fun like that if he was public enemy number 1 at the club. Sorry to shoot it down but possibly the most ridiculous comment of the summer thus far.
  18. I don't follow your logic. Please explain. Okay, not being a dick or nowt but not that difficult a post to follow, at least I don't think anyway. I think it takes the shine off it a little that another club, a club far smaller than us have the same. Probably therefore means that the deal we received isn't as large as the club and we might have hoped for being that they also then decided to sponsor another club. You also have to imagine that Fulham wouldn't have been expecting a major shirt sponsorship deal and probably weren't searching for one so if the two deals are the same then it's likely that it's not for masses of money as we'd all hoped. The above then leads to my imagining that it's the reason that no official figures have been released, Spurs, Liverpool, United etc are all happy to boast about their shirt deals whilst we've been left in the dark, probably because they don't want to seem inferior to the above mentioned.... Does that make it clearer?
  19. Bit wank that fulham have got a deal with em too, doesn't really make a difference but it can't mean ours was 'megabucks', probably why it hasn't been disclosed....
  20. Bonkers positive. Yes, we've just signed a new £20m sponsorship contract and we have a billionaire owner who has consistently spent money on improving the club/squad plus we have quite a few players to sell/release to raise funds. I dont know where I get my ideas from. The owner also indicated sell to buy, as well as the club being self sustaining. Your also assuming players will want to come to Villa and sit on the bench. MON has shown no evidence that fighting for your place ensures you have a chance of being in the first team unless your a favourite. Players are dumb agents are not. Good luck with your 5 players in. You're a real fountain of positivity this summer aren't you Jez, we all REALLY look forward to your inspirational and motivational words.....
  21. Thats fine you believe he will, i think you'll be disappointed. Nothing he has done at Villa has shown he is willing to do that. Lets be honest its not really a gamble with Celtic he had Guppy and Lennon looking like world beaters in that league, i doubt he was particularly worried who he brought in. Earth to Jez......Earth to Jez.......Jez are you out there?
  22. Sorry guys but this is all smelling a little like sour grapes. If it was us who had been taken over by the arabs we'd be absolutely loving it. People said the same thing about Chelski ruining football, have they? Or have they just made the league more competitive? Have they just raised the bar a little? It's the nature of the beast ladies and gentleman, no point in trying to fight it as you'll only fall out of love with football, and if you've reached that point already then you're in the wrong place I'm afraid.
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