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Everything posted by Mic09

  1. I think "he" doesn't speak. It's his agents. Every minute of this saga is extra Jack followers and a possibility of a higher wage. Jack being silent means $$$. And that is what he pays his agents for.
  2. Those are the same journalists that we always laugh off. The big sky looking to engineer moves. Why would there be denial from the player or the club? The player has an agent who drives his social image (and this story is getting Grealish some serious attention and $$$) and the club is waaaaay too professional to indulge in speculation or say something they might regret down the line. I'm not saying there isn't truth in the transfer story. I think city have bid £100m. But I don't see to a single thing that will convince me 'he is off'.
  3. I don't understand those 'convinced' he is off. There is more evidence that he is staying at this moment. Of course, he could be off, but there isn't any good evidence for it.
  4. I want an absolute media silence. And this Saturday, in front of a packed Villa Park, for Jack to come out at half time/after the game to announce his new deal.
  5. I want Smith to stay as long as possible, I think he is a good manager and will keep improving us. But I do wonder, how high would the owners aim if they wanted to replace him? We are way past the Bruce/big Sam/Pulis managerial circus, so just how high big of a calibre of manager could we now get?
  6. Krychowiak in France on the left, Krychowiak after a season in Russia on the right. Russia changes people.
  7. That's the point of Twitter, people making often pointless or obvious statements and hashtaging the shit out of it.
  8. What a great sponsor to have
  9. Ok, I missed most of today but it looks like people are talking about positivity. I don't have time to read 100 pages. Has anything remotely optimistic happened to suggest he is staying? Or is it the groundhog day?
  10. I like your post but I would stop at the very first sentence. It's not his decision. It's the club's, and if the club decides to take the money I will be dissapointed.
  11. Because both clubs seem well run and professional. This isn't the Jordan Sancho saga.
  12. That's the thing, were we negotiating? Maybe we said "how about 30m for ESR?" and Arsenal said no. We then said "ok, how about 35?" and they said no and that was that. Media went into frenzy for a few days, VillaTalk was full of fish puns and Kenneth Williams GIFs but it might not have been a "negotiation". I'm hoping that the Jack saga is not a negotiation either.
  13. As @Keyblade said, he will be a top athlete for many years, but he might experience some injuries. Look at late Robben at Bayern as a good example
  14. Funnily enough I think you are correct, hence I wrote "reportedly"
  15. We are talking about the same City who reportedly just bid £100m for 28 year old Kane? Jack is a top athlete, he will keep his fitness until 33/34. 30 is the new 26 in football these days. Personally I think Jack will only get better in the next 2 years. If he does not, if he gets worse, then being benched at City when the next big star comes does not sound fun.
  16. To be fair, it's a stupid time for Jack to move. If he continues on the same trajectory, he can make this move if the Villa project fails in 12/24 months. He can get his £100m move to City at 27years of age, nothing will stop him. If he gets worse and fails to start at City, or Villa get CL football, he would have been wiser to stay. So if I was Jack I'd demand 200k a week and stay at Villa at least until 2023.
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