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Everything posted by MrDuck

  1. MrDuck

    Giving blood

    Can they only give it to other gingers?
  2. Yeah, several people involved have said things along the lines of "you think this is bad, wait until you see what's still to come".
  3. Stop it with that common sense talk, there's no place for your sort here. :evil:
  4. "The suggestion is that a cleaner thought it was rubbish and put it in the bin." Yes. Cleaners always find bags and put them in bins. Especially bags containing laptops. This charade just keeps getting better
  5. Wenger, for all his undoubted qualities, couldn't sign a decent keeper if his life depended on it. Although there was rumours City wouldn't sell to a rival?
  6. MrDuck

    Giving blood

    They won't let me give blood here in Australia cos I lived in the UK between 1980 and 1996 - thus making me a mad cow disease risk.
  7. Brilliant signing, very happy. A step up from Friedel for sure.
  8. A failure throughout his career you say? Let's just see if he's won anything... Winners medals as Aberdeen player: European Cup Winners Cup 1982–83 European Super Cup 1983–84 Scottish Premier League 1979–80, 1983–84, 1984–85 Scottish Cup 1981–82, 1982–83, 1983–84, 1985–86, 1989–90 Scottish League Cup 1985–86, 1989–90 3rd most capped Scotland player of all time. Management honours: Motherwell 1994–1998 Scottish Premier Division runners-up (1): 1994–95 Hibernian 1998–2001 Scottish First Division winners (1): 1998–99 Scottish Cup runners-up (1): 2001 Rangers 2001–2006 Scottish Premier League winners (2): 2002–03, 2004–05 Scottish Premier League runners-up (2): 2001–02, 2003–04 Scottish Cup winners (2): 2002, 2003 Scottish League Cup winners (3): 2002, 2003, 2005 Birmingham City 2007–2011 Football League Championship runners-up (1): 2008–09 Football League Cup winners (1): 2010-11 A more accurate assessment would be that he's a winner throughout his career who has had a couple of crap seasons. I'm not exactly overjoyed about the appointment, but "a failure throughout his career"? Hmmm...
  9. Not nearly enough bitching about Murdoch on this page. Disappointing.
  10. MrDuck

    Do you read?

    Quite possibly the best book I've ever read. Sheer genius. I love the Three Musketeers so I also have this on my to read list. I used to fly over the Island where the prison was set every couple of weeks flying in to Marseille while my girlfriend still lived down there. Cool! Musketeer books were brilliant, but Monte Cristo is just... ah, just read it
  11. He's split up with his wife, although they're still married. She probably got fed up with his constant whingeing too.
  12. MrDuck

    Do you read?

    Heh, I found Follett a little painful too. I'd disagree with you on Cornwell entirely... I think the stories are so strong that the "poetry" is not needed, but these things are very subjective I guess. The only writers I've enjoyed as much as BC are Dumas and Tolkien. If you want to combine the fantasy stuff (Tolkien) and historical fiction (BC) I highly recommend you try David Gemmell, especially the Troy series and the first two books in the Rigante series. Will keep an eye out, cheers.
  13. MrDuck

    Do you read?

    Quite possibly the best book I've ever read. Sheer genius.
  14. Someone actually needed to employ a research company to tell them that people are more likely to phone their neighbours than people in other parts of the country?
  15. MrDuck

    Do you read?

    Yep, O'Brian very good. Also CS Forester. I don't wanna labour the point too much, but again Cornwell for me ticks the same authenticity boxes... he can transport me right into the 6th century or the 10th century for example. I think he always pretty much nails it in this respect. Have you read Edward Rutherford?
  16. MrDuck

    Do you read?

    Heh, I found Follett a little painful too. I'd disagree with you on Cornwell entirely... I think the stories are so strong that the "poetry" is not needed, but these things are very subjective I guess. The only writers I've enjoyed as much as BC are Dumas and Tolkien.
  17. MrDuck

    Do you read?

    I remember reading Mountains of Madness many years ago, great story.
  18. MrDuck

    Do you read?

    I'm re-reading them at the moment, they're the books that got me back into reading after around 10 years of not reading unless forced to! If you like that, make sure you try the Conqueror series (Genghis Kahn) as well. I thought the Conquerer series was much better than the Emperor books, although I enjoyed both. Still has a way to go to reach the levels of Bernard Cornwell though, who I think is untouchable in the historical novel genre. I'm not really a fan of Bernard Cornwell, I think Iggulden is far superior. The thing that gets to me with Cornwell is I always feel he goes overboard on British national pride type stuff, almost to the point where he's coming across as actually being a bit racist. Wow, haven't heard that criticism of BC before! I think BC has a knack of making his tales "real", more so than anyone else. And given the time periods he's writing about and the subject matter, national pride would certainly come into it from a character point of view, but I've never thought of it as racist. A lot of the time he's focussing on the incredible penchant for idiocy of the British powers too. CI's books have really entertained me no doubt, but I don't think he can do battle scenes with anything like the reality and suspense of BC.
  19. I don't know if anyone has mentioned this, but Wikileaks apparently have a massive file on Murdoch that they stated would be released if anything happened to Assange. Intriguing....
  20. MrDuck

    Do you read?

    I'm re-reading them at the moment, they're the books that got me back into reading after around 10 years of not reading unless forced to! If you like that, make sure you try the Conqueror series (Genghis Kahn) as well. I thought the Conquerer series was much better than the Emperor books, although I enjoyed both. Still has a way to go to reach the levels of Bernard Cornwell though, who I think is untouchable in the historical novel genre.
  21. Liverpool look a lot more appealing to a player than Villa regardless of Europe, let's be honest. They're investing heavily, have a manager who is one of football's all time legends and despite lack of recent success they still have a reputation as a club that we can only dream of. We now sell our best players every year and have McLeish as manager. I say get rid of him ($20m minimum) and spend that money on someone who'd like to play for us. I cannot believe we can't get a better player than Downing for $20m.
  22. You can't blame Houllier for the Ireland situation. Ireland had a fine track record of being a total prick long before he signed for Villa. Jeez, I never thought I'd be defending GH!
  23. FIFA now apparently looking at the option of playing matches at the Qatar world cup in 30 minute "thirds", rather than 45 minute halves, cos of the heat.
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