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Everything posted by phily85

  1. He can **** off, he is a tosser I hate him. BUT theres nothing wrong with the north (well apart from all its obvious problems)
  2. Well, easily Martin O'Neill! When we were doing awesome, strolling around 4th and 5th I remember we were worried Liverpool were after him. Really ok it must have slipped by me then I always thought it was accepted we where the biggest club he was ever going to get. Maybe it's just I have a few Liverpool supporting mates who never wanted him anyway near the place
  3. TalkSPORT's drive time show cracks me up every night on the way home from work its obvious what he is doing to the arsenal fans and is just having a laugh with it, however when they talk about villa I have to turn off
  4. When was the last time we had a manager that we were worried a team might try and poach him off us I cant remember one
  5. and on this topic Wishfull Thinking : AVB Very Happy with: Martinez / Lambert Just for laughs: Di canio (sp?) Im not up to date with other countries leagues but anybody who would be happy to build the clubtop to bottom and change the football philosphy here would get my vote
  6. Oh isnt it exciting again being a Villa fan. I cant wait for all the posts every night for the next god knows how many weeks about betting being suspended
  7. The noses cant even send a special agent in right
  8. I have a strange feeling today, not felt anything like it for a while. Whats its called again? ah yes HOPE
  9. Enjoying games of thrones now. Its picking up pace nicely, plus im managing to keep up with who is who at the moment
  10. "You are what you eat" Which is why I dont like to think of myself as a cannibal Im just an innocent child
  11. They say 'In space no one can hear you scream' You can say that about a lot of places. Like a desert. Or Portugal
  12. Must resist temptation .... cannot put "thats what she said"
  13. 4-0 Loss. Man U will be really up for it. I expect a few early goals
  14. I know the 80% figure was going around when MON left but we have lost a few players since then. I dont remeber hearing anything else about it to see if we are in a better position
  15. I think he is staying and everyday he does my love for the game dies a little bit more
  16. when the accounts came out was anything said of our wages to turnover %, I cant remeber seeing it anywhere
  17. I had a great result after stealing part of a rail track and selling it for scrap. I made £50. And my mother in law broke her neck falling from her stair lift
  18. Last series yes, this series no. I know quite a few people who watch it who havent read the books, and they're well confused about this series, as am I. Introducing new characters with little explanation to who they are is always a bad move. Im glad its not just me then I really enjoyed the last series but I am finding it difficult to remember who is who and whats going on, there is just so much happemning. Its starting to become one of those series that you already have to know what is going to happen so that you can enjoy it
  19. The Hull accent is strange. It owes as much to scouse as it does to Yorkshire, no idea why. I never realise how bad it actually is until I hear somebody from hull on tv. I suppose thats the same for most regional accents however
  20. I find my Hull (ull) accent can have the same efffect
  21. If we'd defended better, and scored more, we'd probably have a minimum of 10 extra points and nobody would be complaining.
  22. I heard you can take even more across if you have some condoms and no gag reflex
  23. never mind going to the game I dont even want to make the effort to watch it on sky
  24. No I dont think he timed it that way, I think it was all to do with being told he would not get the Milner money to spend. However I do think he probably thought that it being so close to the season starting it would increase the power he held
  25. Funny really im guessing there are a few fans that would rather see us playing fancy football than be in the prem. im not defending Mcleish but martinez oh dear
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