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Everything posted by Corcaigh

  1. Fixed. You go to much LoI BOF? Shams are way out on their own in the scummy supporters as a % of crowd department. I'm not saying they're gonna be attacking Villa supporters or anything, they're just unpleasant. Like a mini-me Birmingham City.
  2. Looking forward to this, nice stadium wish it was a nicer team we were playing though. A section of Shams support are true scum.
  3. If we go down this year it'll be because of a Bannan ****-up somewhere along the line
  4. I was hoping he'd be there 'til at least the 29th of April, then get sacked after being pwned at VP!
  5. Surely Sidwell has to be up there. Sure he got a couple of goals and assists but for the transfer fee and wages paid he was pretty useless. The club lucked out big time with Fulham willing to come in and take him.
  6. Sickening stuff last night, need some serious luck now to finish second.
  7. Little sympathy for Villaboy69 being pwned by a lady . If I were in that position holding KK, if someone was going all in off that flop then they're suggesting to me they already have 3OAK or 2 pair, I don't know if I'd have been brave enough to call it. Of course Its easy to be wise after the fact. Am playing tomorrow night, its been a month or so since I've played live, its a regular game usually around 10-14 players. I have to stay sober (up early for work) and everyone else sinks back the pints. I tend to finish in the money places frequently enough .
  8. Yeah I was not overly impressed with Sammon in the Poland game, I'd rather see Wes starting there. Bigger loss though is potentially Wilson, he's looked mightily impressive playing in the green, I have no confidence in Stephen Kelly.
  9. A tad harsh Voinjama, I thought there was plenty of promise in Friday nights performance amongst the new starters in the first team. Of course tomorrow night Trap could start with Whelan for McCarthy and Sammon for Keane, that would immediately extinguish any nascent optimism on my part. I see the Austrians only use Weimann sparingly, that's quite the surprise. I hope he remains benched for tomorrow.
  10. Decent performance alright last night, very impressed with the solidness of the backline. I expected the worst and came away happy with the point. Means feck all though if we can't get the win against Weimann's boys. COYBIG!
  11. No one is saying give the Falklands to the Argentinians so they can turn it into Nuevo Buenos Aires, rather come to an agreement whereby oil & gas revenues are split between the Falklands & Argentinians. That afterall is whats it all about really, with a settlement t Everyone wins. Already been done but the Argies tore up the profit sharing agreement in 2007. If they weren't such petulant children they could have built the infrastructure in Argentina to refine the crude and made a packet on that too, but no. **** them, they don't deserve anything. Yes I've just read through the thread Awol and I think we can ascribe your position on falklands to 'The Sun' school of international diplomacy.
  12. No one is saying give the Falklands to the Argentinians so they can turn it into Nuevo Buenos Aires, rather come to an agreement whereby oil & gas revenues are split between the Falklands & Argentinians. That afterall is whats it all about really, with a settlement t Everyone wins. But Argentina have no logical claim over the islands (and their resource) under international law. It's well outside their territorial waters. The population aren't Argentinian, they are British. Argentina have more a claim to the Falklands and the waters around it then a country thousands of miles away. And to be frank, international law is an ass. Its not as if the UK doesn't pick n' mix when it chooses to follow international law. With regards to the nationality of the Falklanders, surely they are Falklandese rather then British per se? Even countries with island relics from their colonial days, The Dutch and The Danish, don't consider their island possessions as 'Danish' or 'Dutch'. More so they recognise them for what they are; legacy territories under imperial control.
  13. Ah if your under pressure for time Stevo then change it to another night. I've played a live game after playing football a few times and I find my body is drained and the adrenalin is still flowing, which kind of messes up my poker game.
  14. No one is saying give the Falklands to the Argentinians so they can turn it into Nuevo Buenos Aires, rather come to an agreement whereby oil & gas revenues are split between the Falklands & Argentinians. That afterall is whats it all about really, with a settlement t Everyone wins.
  15. I'm down for whatever, next Thursday anyone? or is that too soon?
  16. Why can't the UK come to a solution with Argentina like it did with the Chinese over Hong Kong? A sharing of sovereignty and economic rights pertaining to the islands allows the Falklanders maintain their Britishness whilst alleviating Argentina concerns that the UK is only in it for the money. Yeah I'm wearing my balaclava as I type this You know the Falklands are hundreds of miles from the Argentinian coast right? They're not even in Argentine territorial waters. Perhaps on this basis the UK should claim the Faeroes. And maybe Ireland. Or perhaps France wants to put a claim in on the British Isles? The Shetland islands are a couple of hundred miles off the British coast, if a foreign power from the other side of the equator occupied them and then started laying claim to North Sea oil and gas reserves what would Britain do? Just stand there and take it? I think not.
  17. MON Ireland team: -------------Given Ireland - Dunne - O' Shea - Clark -----------Whelan - Gibson McGeady----------------------McClane ------------Heskey - Walters------------
  18. MON? If Trap is sacked after these games then if the FAI hold their horses 'til this premier league season ends then he will surely be available. International football management probably suits him more anyway, no buying players, not enough training sessiosn to start fighting with players etc. Thing is though O' Neill plays near identical tactics to Trap, plus side is he is probably more intelligible then Trap.
  19. Think its been clear since the Germany disaster and the sacking that never was that these 2 games will be Trap's Alamo. Four points needed from these games, can't see us getting anything in Sweden.
  20. Why compromise? I don't see what's wrong with the current policy of letting the Islanders decide their own fate. And what I propose chimes in exactly with that. keep the Falklands British, but let the Argentinians have the oil and gas. Everyone wins. Whose waters is the oil and gas in? The waters are in an area whose ownership are in dispute by a south American country which is close by, and a knackered old colonial empire from north of the hemisphere which is still clinging desperately onto the last few baubles from its glory days. The 19th Century has been and gone, time to accept that fact. Why compromise? I don't see what's wrong with the current policy of letting the Islanders decide their own fate. And what I propose chimes in exactly with that. keep the Falklands British, but let the Argentinians have the oil and gas. Everyone wins. Whose waters is the oil and gas in? British, so why give up our oil to a bully like Argentina? To Hell with them. Lol, the British are the victims here, not the bully. Quite the role reversal I'm sure you'll agree.
  21. Why compromise? I don't see what's wrong with the current policy of letting the Islanders decide their own fate. And what I propose chimes in exactly with that. keep the Falklands British, but let the Argentinians have the oil and gas. Everyone wins.
  22. I think a decent compromise would be to keep the Falklands under British administration, but let Argentina have rights pertaining to oil & gas extraction in the south Atlantic, with a small token payment to the Falklands public administration of course.
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