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Everything posted by jacksonho

  1. Though his link up play with KKH and Bailey tonight was excellent. He didn’t seem to get caught in possession as much tonight either. Still didn’t boss the midfield but much better than against Leeds. One of his crosses was terrible, one of the fans near me really got in his back after that one.
  2. Why would we even play him in u21s? If he isn’t signing we will get the development fee if we don’t sell him anyway. Just let him train by himself and play no games. I doubt youth contracts have must play conditions in them.
  3. As excited as I get about youth, at the end of the day, if they aren't willing to commit to our offer then I just say let the terms of the agreement run out. I know there are legalities with youth contracts but essentially the contract he is on was agreed by both parties with the risk on both sides. If he has said he isn't signing a new contract no matter what, or only at a price we don't believe he is worth then as a business decision we shouldn't invest anymore resources into an asset which the life is going to expire at the end of the year. I'm sure we didn't enter the contract thinking that where we are now was not a potential outcome. I believe that he is probably 2-3 years away from being a starter, he isn't forcing anyone in the team out immediately. If all goes as planned, in 3 years time we will be in Europe, higher up the table and attracting better quality players anyway.
  4. Post just on avfc Facebook with Gerrard, he said that he hasn’t signed a contract that has been with him for a while so Steve made the decision to leave him in the UK. Hause is recovering from surgery and Anwar is expecting his first child, everyone else is there.
  5. I’ll probably go to Raffles as it is the official pre match location, it does not look like it is that close to the stadium though? I’m from NSW so will be my first trip to Perth. I’m in the 2nd row behind the goals in the Villa section.
  6. We are reasonably well supported but definitely a drop away from the big 6 to us and the likes of Everton. ManU will have more fans there but I feel we will be more passionate.
  7. I’ll be in Perth bringing my family from Sydney. Going to get tickets in the supporters section if I can. Kids want to see Ronaldo even though they support Villa so it’s an extra $2k for me by the looks. I will definitely be at Raffles for pre drinks and sing some songs. Keen to meet up with anyone here!
  8. Or two more? Actually I am going to take the family over from Sydney so 4 more in the box plus accommodation would be good
  9. I'd much rather be in Brisbane in July than Melbourne. Looking forward to the trip up if it is confirmed. I'll probably go to the Saturday game as then I don't have to take time off work.
  10. I believe the announcement on dates will be made today if rumors are true. I'm going to take the whole family down, I can't wait. Would be excellent if we can get some ability to go to training sessions as well.
  11. The same reason I got hooked on Cocaine and Lingerie models, Mark Bosnich! I'm an Aussie and I was a goalie when Bozza was starting out at Villa so it was a natural thing to support the team.
  12. I'd take Kewell just so I can see a few more T-Shirts walking around Australian streets
  13. Hi General, First post in this thread. I'm just writing to let you know of some issues faced by overseas fans. I am a member of the Worldwide Supporters club in Australia and am trying to organise tickets to the away game at Middlebrough. I faxed the form through for tickets on Monday and asked to be given notification that I would get the tickets but I have not heard anything. The game is on the 14th of April but I am leaving next Saturday. I have pretty much re-arranged my honeymoon in order to get to this game but as of yet I have not heard anything nor have I been charged for the tickets. Of most importance is a) getting the ticket confirmation been given instructions to pick the ticket up from the gate. I will not be at home for about 3 weeks before the game so I can't receive the tickets. I have a bad feeling that I am going to turn up at the Riverside Stadium on the 14th without and tickets. An online ordering system with confirmation through the supporters clubs would be great.
  14. Man, can't we just put this club on e-bay with a 7 day auction?
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