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Everything posted by vreitti

  1. Let's not kid ourselves, he'll absolutely tear the league apart with City. Doesn't mean we can't challenge them though.
  2. While this is heartbreaking, we will persevere. No player is ever bigger than the club. There's still plenty to be excited about, especially our youngsters. And in regard to replacements, I think Oyarzabal would be an adequate option.
  3. My memory says otherwise, but I'm probably living in the past then.
  4. I would think Jack is pretty torn on the matter atm, but I have no doubts should he stay, he'll 100 % be committed.
  5. Surely the club would simply come out and confirm we've not received any bids, if that were the case.
  6. One would like to think so with the added few hundred pages of drivel on here, but nope.
  7. I believe Buendia will make the difference, even if it's further upfield.
  8. Lighten up old fella. Sure it was a cheap shot from me, then again you've yapped about the same issue for years. Perhaps you do not remember, but I share your concern myself, but I don't claim to know better than the manager. And I don't think Dean will want the type of player we advocate. Furthermore I generally agree with you and respect your opinion.
  9. I do get your reservations, but as you yourself said, there were quite obvious reasons last season. Fwiw I don't think well see the same problems occur this coming season.
  10. You certainly are. Just as I'm entitled to call out the continued arrogance of your opinions. You aren't merely a spectator are you? You claim to know better than the manager.
  11. You should have applied for the position of head coach!
  12. Not sure if serious. He was Russia's best player in the Euros, and the same could be said for the last WC too.
  13. I still maintain he was only included in the squad due to the media pressure. The fact that he got to play at all, is nothing short of a miracle. It doesn't really take a genius to see that Shitgate had little trust in him. How he wasn't among the five penalty takers, is beyond baffling.
  14. Shitgate had them playing with fear throughout the tournament. The end result was a given. Anyone thinking otherwise is deluded. No doubt he'll still be knighted and whatnot.
  15. Just saw the topic and felt an instant urge to chip in. Every **** game under the Cabbage's tenure.
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