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Everything posted by vreitti

  1. Why should I care about England winning? I'm Finnish ffs. I absolutely wanna be entertained watching football. Poor me. I have zero idea what you're referring to with Samatta fans. Have I expressed an opinion on the matter?
  2. Well you for starters... attacking each post that dare to question anything in regard to Southgate or England's performances. I get it though, you're so starved of success, it's no wonder you and many alike reek of that sense of entitlement now in your moment of triumph. Furthermore "questioning opinions" are totally fine, you should try it out sometimes...
  3. This is absolutely true... but I find it equally rude and demeaning , that we 'neutrals' aren't allowed to voice our opinion... when it doesn't conform with the majority view.
  4. It's funny how it always seems to be a question of "needing more of something" when it comes to Jack.
  5. It's not a question of not seeing or understanding what Shitgate is trying to do, or why he did it... It's just not agreeing with the rationale. Some will argue results speak for themselves, and they certainly do, but as others have already alluded, there's more than one way to skin a cat. As a neutral, this England side is almost unbearable to watch... which in itself is a crime against football imho.
  6. I would say, based upon my profound knowledge and expertise... there's zero chance Emi is leaving us anytime soon.
  7. Don't sweat it mate, we all knew you'd eventually come around.
  8. Kamara is a fantastic player. You don't need to look at any stats to come to that conclusion.
  9. Yeah sure it's the way how people aren't agreeing with you, that make you get personal, instead of just agreeing to disagree. I can't be arsed anymore, it's just not worth it.
  10. Lol, you seem to have some issues with differential opinions. Perhaps it's time to go to bed now!? He gave Jack a hug after the game, I'm sure that will have meant the world to him. It's not like these players want to play or anything. They're just happy to make up the numbers. Lol. And fwiw Foden is equally undeserving of a place on the bench.
  11. You can twist and turn this whichever way you like, but I'm quite certain Jack himself is devastated not to be involved more, even more so than us fans. I don't see this being a good thing for Villa either.
  12. Yeah well, there's still a long way to that. Also they wont be playing the likes of Ukraine or Scotland in an eventual final. I'm not the least bit bitter mate, just a bit sad that Jack isn't getting to show off his skills on the big stage. It will most likely also mean he moves to a bigger club.
  13. Of course, the results have been great for England. Football is terrible though. It would be a tad better with Jack playing.
  14. If you think England's been playing well, I truly feel sorry for you. Each to his own. Doris the tea lady would've gotten to this stage given the opposition. Denmark is an altogether different kettle of fish though.
  15. I couldn't care less about England. All I want is to see Grealish play. Sorry if that upsets you.
  16. Probably, but it doesn't really matter. Jack will play bit part minutes, if at all.
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