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Everything posted by choffer

  1. Must dig that one out again at some point. I really didn't like it when it first came out but I think my tastes have changed a lot since then so it's got to be worth a second viewing.
  2. Classic heist caper - had it on the list for ages but finally got round to watching it last night. Quality stuff:
  3. Recommending this as much for the DVD extras as the movie itself. The film is a fairly interesting study on the male psyche, specifically about an obnoxious womaniser and his motives/tactics/shallowness. The extras are a film geeks dream though as they contain: - Actors commentary (fairly standard stuff) - Director/cinematographer commentary (where they go into detail about how they composed various elements of the film from a technical standpoint) - Dissection of one key scene - "Featurette" interviews with director, composer, producer, etc. Dylan Kidd is the first-time director and has obviously gone to a lot of trouble to explain the film-making process and it's a genuinely fascinating watch. Anyway, the movie in question:
  4. Recent comments from MON would indicate that might not still be the case: Brum mail a few weeks ago
  5. Apologies if already posted. As always, probably nothing in it....... SSN
  6. Do you take them to Hooters too? Thinking back to my playing days, I know I'd definitely play better if I knew that was the reward
  7. Clearly he does have an agent: Brum mail a few weeks ago
  8. Not quite all it could have been (a few too many loose ends left dangling) but very enjoyable fare from Adam Goldberg.
  9. We can kiss goodbye to game six then
  10. isn't the problem that he didn't actually want the job ? I believe his current plan is to stand down after 1 term He has eyes on PM me thinks so wants to get back to being an MP If that's the case, then one might contend that he took the Mayoral job more to further his own ambition serve the people of London. I know it's possible to do both but it does seem a little disingenuous.
  11. i too am a resident. i think he is trying hard to cut crime, more police are being on the street. alchol ban on trains has cut the hooligans on trains sigficantly too. furthermore more green with recycling schemes. whats your thoughts on him? It's a difficult one as I never really took him seriously initially. I really thought he was just a character actor with little substance (maybe that's just my conditioned response to most Tories ). I think he's probably done a fair amount of good for London but unlike Red Ken, I'm not sure he's as good at publicising. I do have a slight problem with his campaign promises of transparency and accountability as I see less of this than I did when Ken was about and there have still been allegations of cronyism even though he was dead against that in his pre-election pledges. Over all though, I think I could see how hard Ken worked for London and the major (positive) impact his tenure had on London. I don't see that with Boris and my suspicion is that he is more keen to improve his own name than anything. Livingstone on the other hand, never shied away from upsetting people if it were in the best interests of London. Maybe Boris hasn't yet had enough time though. I should point out though that having met both of them, Ken is possibly one of the most repugnant human beings I've ever had the displeasure to meet. I'm certainly no fan of him as a person but I respect a lot of what he did during his time as Mayor. On meeting Boris on the other hand, he was just as you'd expect - a charming old buffoon.
  12. Not wanting to open up a can of worms but I'm interested to know what the basis of your opinion is. As a resident of London, I'm intrigued to know what others feel about Boris.
  13. To be fair, my initial reaction was that if people wanted to vote so badly they should not have waited for Coronation Street to finish before they went to do so. Then I reflected on how long it had taken me to cast my vote. Went to my polling station at 6:30 (incidentally, not the one at the end of my street, the one a mile away!) only to find a long queue. When I finally got in, after about 40 minutes it was clear there were two tables to collect your ballot papers, each table responsible for certain streets within the area. The table I'd queued for had a huge long line and the other table had no queue at all. So basically, if you lived on one street you had to wait an eternity and if you lived on the next street along, you could be in and out within two minutes. When I finally got to the table to collect my ballot papers, I indicated that I had my vote to cast and a proxy vote on behalf of my flat-mate. I was told I'd only be allowed one vote at a time and I'd have to re-join the queue to cast the proxy vote. By this time the queue was almost twice as long as it was when I first joined it (and obviously the queue for the other table didn't even exist!). It really was a bit of a shambles and to top it off, the polling station at the end of my street which I wasn't allowed to use, was very quiet all day. On the basis of my experience, I can well imagine that people could have arrived well before 10pm and still been denied a vote. No doubt it will all be swept under the carpet but the system really does need reviewing.
  14. That'll be a vote for the libdems then! Got to keep that horrible, non-dom, dirty tricks, pretty-boy oik, Goldsmith out at all costs. So you'd rather have somebody completely incompetent who shouts down anyone who doesn't agree with him? If David Cameron does walk into Downing Street tomorrow, he'll have my sympathy because by the looks of things the British public in general are completely biased against him for no good reason. Sorry - I was only talking about Goldsmith, my local Tory candidate. Everything I've seen of the guy is unpleasant. I made no reference to Cameron or Brown in my comments, just a comment that having met my Tory candidate, I would not like him to get the gig. I could comment on Dave and Gordy but I'd suspect you wouldn't like my point of view and on the basis that I'm just off to cast my vote, any debate on the issue will be slightly superfluous anyway
  15. http://www.bnp.org.uk/ Tells you very little but if you're trying to work out how racist they are you don't have to read too hard between the lines.
  16. That'll be a vote for the libdems then! Got to keep that horrible, non-dom, dirty tricks, pretty-boy oik, Goldsmith out at all costs.
  17. I'll PM you. Received and responded - many thanks Mike.
  18. Anyone got any local knowledge on the Leeds area? I'm in the running for a job based near the airport and I've not spent much time up in that neck of the woods. Any info on the area would be appreciated.
  19. I know most of these were done within the first couple of pages of this thread but this one tickled me somewhat:
  20. As someone living in England - I whole-heartedly agree with the above (just don't tell my gf in Swansea!)
  21. Off to the polling office tonight but am not really sure why I will bother. I have my vote to cast and a proxy vote form my flat-mate who is away. We'd discussed how he was going to vote and he'd decided he was voting the same way as me. He texted last night to say he's changed his mind. There's only two viable options in our ward - Tory or Libdem. So, now I have to decide if it's even worth going as his vote with nullify mine. Seems a bit pointless but I've never not voted so I guess I'll just go through the motions.
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