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Everything posted by srsmithusa

  1. i agree. i'm not sure if Emery wants more of a wing (how bailey played it) or more of a a withdrawn forward (how SJM and Buendia played it) Maybe he wants one of each and change to fit the match But out other, and I think biggest need, is a strong, young, reliable, back-up keeper.
  2. depends on his wages and if he's willing to invest time in teaching the art of intelligent positioning to others.
  3. paranoia alert. What if a 99 gajillion euro club offered unai 40 gajillion euro contract and villa 59 gajilion to release him ?
  4. wow. jacob and SJM massive. Mings and Konsa looked really shaky for a while but truned up immaculate later on. I was outraged at many of the referee decisions, until I had a moment to take my villa glasses off and then he was overall pretty reasonable. The most annoying thing in the match was Gross and Mac Allister complaining in the referees face after every call and non call the entire match long. That coupled with the screaming and holding the lower back when it had never been touched after minor contact was offensively attempting to cheat. I though Brighton was better than that. Did they turn into scum for the last match or had I just not paid enough attendion in their previous matches? All that aside the turn around post Gerard is beyond belief. UTV, Europe.
  5. I remember posters here saying 4 years ago, that it would be better if we lost, becuase we weren't ready for the premiership yet, another year in championship would let us solidify and get stronger. Since I live in the US and could rarely see championship matches, my reaction was "F off, a**holes" Now people are saying "better if we don't go to the low level Europe next year." I'm thinking the same thing as before. There is TV money, marketing sales, and fan bases to build that can never be recovered. Come on Villa, the higher we go the better at all times. None of this, "we're better to just stay lower" nonsense.
  6. I don't give a damn about how brighton approaches MC or us, or how tired they are. If we win, we go to Europe in 7th. If we draw we could be anywhere 7 to 9 depending on other results. So. for UE and the lads, everything comes down to planning and execution for one match. That's it. The pressure on everyone is to get this one right. There is plenty of reason to feel confident they are capable of doing that. So I'm smiling all week.
  7. Do you really talk to your 8 year old about blow jobs?
  8. most referees recommend running two watches. one run continuously, the other stops and starts at stoppages. Then you base your added time on the difference.
  9. So, we are guaranteed end of season, no matter what to be 9 or higher - top half - that was the optimistic goal at season's beginning, destroyed by slippy and now realized. I'm going to have another drink on that !
  10. Amd if we draw next week, we could be anywhere between 7th and 9th? Not going to go into all the likelihoods it depends on other multiple other possibilities.
  11. Am I correct. If we win next weekend, we are guaranteed 7th and possibley(less likely) 6th, no matter what else happens.
  12. I hesitated to give MOTM who found himself wrong side of Firmino to give the goal. But he was just so massive for the other 139 minutes of the 120 minute match that I had to.
  13. peacock commentator just predicted 10 minutes of added time.
  14. Young is at left back but JJ is being asked to give extra coverage on Salah. That and starting Digne, it's clear that part of UE plan this match was stop Salah.
  15. i'm not sure, but it looks liike SJM is playing left back with extra support from JJ. and then it shifts and young is there. SJM back to right mid
  16. SJM has been massive in this withdrawn forward role.
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