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Everything posted by srsmithusa

  1. We have speed, we can play with speed, I have seen us do it. I have no idea where it has gone today. It aint on the pitch, everything is slow and ponderous except Duran.
  2. Can't be. Johnstone is shite and will never make it in this league. I read it here on VT when he was in our squad.
  3. My point was that everyone can see that the striker role for us is not producing and rather than replace the player who is not producing, you replace the captain. That's what I call persisting with Ollie.
  4. Oh Come on !!!! You are NOT new here and know better than that. Tielemans is useless and should be sold to the glue factory. now I have restored the VT balance.
  5. For reasons that are not clear to me, Unai is clearly persisting with Ollie.
  6. It might be that I couldn't see this before becuase TV camera's prohibit being aware of much that happens off the ball.... but today, when in posssession. Kamara is absolutly playing right back. sliding from the double pivot out and back while cash moves to the wing. I love the intelligence of it but for those who see more live, has this always happened out of camera angle? or is it a new twist in our tactics?
  7. 3 points and no new injuries is all I really care about. At some point this season I will want to see us playing as a beautiful, well-oiled, flowing machine. But for now, 3 points and no new injuries. done.
  8. i felt that too many players didn't assert themselves with any quickness. Any loose ball, liverpool players reacted quickly and we didn't. They anticipated and stepped in to passes that the intended recipient was "waiting" for it to arrive. Diaby was the only one to attack any balls with quickness. Luiz played well, but not by being quick and aggressive, but by being wily. They couldn't anticipate his play because he consistently did the unexpected. Quickness and agrression was the difference. They had it. We didn't. First time i've ever given Unai Poor. I also gave the referee poor, not becuase he was terribly one-sided or made bad calls, but his positioning was terrible. Referee's are supposed to run a diagonal. He ran straight up and down the middle of the field. Not good enough for any top level referee.
  9. I wish somebody in the team would grow a Jedinak quality beard. Douglas isn’t getting it done. That’s all we’re missing to win the league.
  10. I would argue that a result of 634 to 12,982 is not plausible. But other than that, you are correct.
  11. Fish is on for Hibernian. !!! unless the official site posted a Red Herring
  12. watching minute by minute on AVFC. three fouls in first 6 minutes. Two by Hebernian Doidge and the third against him. Active boy update 9 minutes played and 5 fouls. is the ref calling little stuff or is this going to be bloody?
  13. are we playing 4 in the back , if so, who's right? If three, who's in the center?
  14. Apparently we have a new signing named Cuptied.
  15. you may be right, but I would guess the opposite - I think Unai wants Konsa to get accustomed to R back, but also wants to give Carlos a break after a long injury comeback.
  16. I can’t imagine Emory thinking anything different from my brilliance ( )and I think it will be all kids….Torres the only exception as he is still adjusting to tempo. but I have a sneaky feeling you may be right emerge may think we’re trying to get our feet under us and get several new twists into play and start a mostly strong and experience side to help them learn to play off each other more intelligently.
  17. i love the we are so well ocached that we can play a modified formation and line-up and even shift it fluidly when in or out of possession. sometimes three at the back. often 4 as Digne dropped back, a few times even 5 as Cash dropped back. Glad to see Matty played more as a midfielder, I have thought for some time that it was actually a better position for him. SJM flawless for the entire match and easily my MOTM. Zoniolo showed incredible touch and drive, but looked out of sync with the rest of the team. Taking away dribbling and passing lanes from the man with the ball I think he could be a great, but he is not at all in sync with the system we are playing {yet}. Not laying off the ball to Ollies was the most obvious example, but not the most eggregious. My concern is who will play and who will sit when we have everybody back and healthy. I still wish we had an option to take Watkins' role, and Zoniolo might be it. Becuase he seemed a bit out of place in the second striker role and Diaby OWNS that second striker role with Bailey and Bertie to back him up. So Zaniolo is extremely talented but may struggle to get a start. JJ will slot back into left mid with SJM moving to right mid and making Cash another reserve (who could come on at R mid or R back).
  18. Do you not understand the point he is making?
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