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Everything posted by srsmithusa

  1. I think there is a great benefit to the clean slate of a new captain. The problem is, it needs to be someone that will start nearly every match. I can't think of anyone who would fit the bill other than Richards. Gil, or Sinclair maybe? Hard to make someone who has played so little, and been considered "fringe" the captain.
  2. reports say, one of RG's priorities is to pick a new captain. Who would you nominate?
  3. Mike Dean was not celebrating the goal. He was being a dick. When you play a big advantage and the player scores it is a good feeling. You know you made the right call. Running around with your arms up for more than a few seconds is just trying to be sure you get seen (and match assessor gives you credit for the good advantage. The "fist pump" wasn't a fist pump, it was exaggerated pointing to the center circle. Again, he was overly full of himself having played a good advantage. Just shows he is a pompous dick. The assessor should dock him for lack of awareness about what he was unintentionally, appearing to communicate. Having said that, I made a similar great advantage call once, made the call simply, quietly....I preferred to be the invisible referee.... But on this occasion, before the kick off, I made certain to walk by the player who scored (a name you would recognize if I told you) and quietly said "I get the assist on that one." he smiled and nodded. I understand mike dean's feeling excited about the nice advantage, but his self-consumed display was juvenile. while I'm at it. His letting play continue while a player had a clear head injury was unacceptable. A direct violation of FIFA and FA policy. He should get a flogging for that.
  4. Actually, that theory makes more sense than any other... including the one I posted above. But if it's true, he should be fired from any role at the club.
  5. I usually try to assume the manager is not a complete tool and figure out what he's thinking. This is one of those times it's hard to do.. I thought he tried to set up last time to capitalize n Rudy. I though t it was a foolish idea, but his lineup was targeting that. The only thing I can think this time, is that he's trying to put Jack to the best use possible. I think it's crazy. But I think it's what KMac is hoping. On the other hand. Can you prove yourself clueless enough as temporary manager, to put your job with the youth at risk?
  6. The communications office at AVFC wants to post a long interview with Remi on the web page at the same time the announcement is made. The problem is no-one in the office speaks french, so they are having to run the interview through google translator.
  7. 1 Houllier - he tried to instill tactical awareness into the team 2 Lambert - he too often chose the wrong tactics at the wrong time 3 MON - he had 2 tactics. Get the ball into the corner and cross it in to a tree. pack deep in defense and hope gabby and/or ashley can counter 4 McLeish - he had one tactic. set defense with more bodies playing deeper. 5 Tim - he had 12 different tactics. he lined up the formation for one of them and had each player working on one of the other 11.
  8. Howdy pardner, climb in the saddle right quick, you got some hard ridin' to do.
  9. Useless, you are wise and made me laugh. You did not like it when I nominated you, but you liked it when I withdrew the nomination.
  10. Was the interview in French? If so, you are bilingual and I nominate useless for manager !! That seems to be the important criterion. It was in English, although to honest it was more like a few quotes from Houllier rather than an actual interview. I respectfully withdraw my nomination.
  11. Was the interview in French? If so, you are bilingual and I nominate useless for manager !! That seems to be the important criterion.
  12. Dear Remi, I know it would be great if you could have all the backroom staff you want, but we can't control the decisions of other clubs. If you really want to gain experience as a manager in the Premier League, here's your chance. Now. If you take months trying to get your mates, it will be too late. Start. We can work on some temporary coaches and helps and then see what happens with your old mates contracts. Oh, and here's 30 million to use in January as you see fit. Now let's get this sorted, get you sorted, and get on with progress for you and for this club. Oh, and did I mention that here's 30 million to use in January as you see fit? Sincerely, Anyone with sense.
  13. i just read the thread back up to here and based on the posts here, there is only one conclusion. WE'RE DOOMED !!!!!! p.s. I don't buy it.
  14. huh? called irony, but after i said it we started to look good from set pieces so.... which one was the irony, then?
  15. Only a VT'er can take a positive and turn it into a slam at a player. Classic.
  16. welcome to the VT club, but sorry about your life.
  17. sorry about the crying bit. but envy your being there.
  18. This line-up would not have been my choice, but it might actually make sense. IF the plan is to swing in deep crosses for Rudy to crush into the net. Benteke's favorite crosser of the ball was Bacuna. Amavi does like to get forward. could be Richardson in back with Amavi and Bacuna pinging the ball into the box. Might work if that's the roles they are given and they fill those roles. one indication (since I can't watch) will be the number of corners we get. Amavi and Bacuna are both capable of hitting the first man.
  19. I don't think we know how many players we need because we have seen so few of them utilized well.
  20. OK, if this becomes a whole string of jaz, haz, laz, and maz puns, I'm going back to multi-quoting.
  21. Ahh, well now I feel silly. But at least I finally got the joke....
  22. Trent, i meant gaz711 and nazvfc recently above - just trying to avoid quoting.
  23. i think the truth is somewhere between gaz and naz. We have a huge challenge to avoid the drop. We are in a deep hole and need a dramatic improvement. But we have a solid squad of talented players and if we get the right players in the right formation, playing to their strengths in a cohesive game plan, we have good reason to be optimistic about it. But, there will be some stumbles along the way and we will need to ride those out and stay behind them, because rebuilding confidence is a delicate thing.
  24. You should add a couple more names just to be sure. Well said !!
  25. Has anyone said that is the case? It's pretty obvious when someone is posting just to antagonise. Well I've been called a troll on here just for expressing my view. Far too easy to call somebody a troll imo TROLL ! what do you know, you're right! That was easy.
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