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Everything posted by pablo82

  1. I'd like us to get in a replacement before Benteke left us, that would show we are moving on with this whole situation with our without him here
  2. As i said in a previous message glad this has happened sooner rather than later..an i do hope he goes for all his exploits last season i've never warmed to him..bye bye all the best in whatever path you choose to take you will be forgotten quickly here
  3. Well this didn't happen so I'd hazard a guess that they're talking out of their arse. haha love it. This is why i'd love Benteke to stay another season, so we can stick our fingers up at the London mafia (media)
  4. You know i was reading that as Spuds won't try for him now
  5. Blues could apply to have Ricoh as their home ground sell Sty and then we can go back to being the only Birmingham team like it should be
  6. Hence what is annoying me about this will he wont he saga, if he's holding out for someone to come in for him then he needs to go sooner rather than later, we all know he will go at some point, but is it unrealistic to at least expect someone to stay for more then one season?
  7. Thats a good point. The only thing that annoys me and i assume a lot of other Villa fans is that we don't know, if we knew either way what he wanted to do then that would be ok, i dont buy that he's keeping his options open if that is the case then **** him off Lambert now and get in someone who is willing to at least see out at half his contract rather than 1/4 of it.
  8. My only other suggestion is he breaks his metatarsal during the tour of Germany hence putting him out of action until Sept/Oct may put off potential suitors until after the transfer window has closed
  9. I imagine once he's back with the lads training and around AVFC in general it may make him think more about where his future lies
  10. If he did sign another contract or stay for another season then i think it would feel like a bit of a moral victory against the London mafia (media)
  11. Not sure he is obligated to actually declare any intentions to be fair to him That's a fair point but when you look at the likes of Michu who has declared he's staying at Swansea next season so they know exactly what they need to do in relation to building the team then it does get frustrating a bit...
  12. The more this drags on the less i'm starting to like Benteke, if anything his silence on this is worse than declaring either way his intentions
  13. If you manage to get any links for the live stream pass it on
  14. If he's going to go i'd rather he go now instead of it turning into a Summer transfer circus. We can then use that money to invest into the squad as i'm sure with that money Lambert has already got a replacement lined up and will have money spare to invest in a midfielder as well. We'll benefit nothing by having him here at start of season only to leave on the last day of transfer window
  15. This won't happen, reckon we'll get Chadli if anything.
  16. League 2 existance or even Blue square is far more funnier for us and more embarrasing for them i think though.. they will still be around but be so insignificant they may as well be out of existance..but they won't be
  17. But all said and done i wouldn't want them to go out of existance just a good few yrs in league 1/2 and maybe a few meetings in cup games
  18. Well lets hope so, in my eyes Benteke staying is as good as a new signing
  19. ah right with you. Sounds like they really are in the shizer then...league 1 beckons me thinks
  20. If we did god forbid end up doing a Coventry who would you ground share with? I'd go with Wolves
  21. I'll stick my neck out and say Lukaku probably has more potential
  22. i meant assuming they get there targets ie Higuin/Fellaini and possibly Rooney/Suarez, which all seem possible and at least 2 look definate
  23. Dont get that when they have Lukaku who is almost the same player....in that case we will come back with £10 milling + Lakaku
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