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Everything posted by jim

  1. What has Smith done in his managerial career that suggests he will be a success here? Genuine question. His win % at his previous clubs is nothing to write home about and he hasn’t challenged for anything at either. Yes he plays attacking football but his teams also leak goals like a sieve. We saw an upturn in results after he let the players off the leash but now we are seeing his tactical frailties come to the fore. For the last 4/5 games our opponents have exploited our flanks and Smith has not remedied this. I don’t believe it is because the players aren’t good enough, we have seen this season and last that they are. For me he is a poor mans Kevin Keegan and it seems the only thing he has going for him is outplaying Steve Bruce on a few occasions and he used to clean the bogs at Villa Park. I had my doubts about him and sadly they are coming to fruition. When we finish mid table in May we should move on. Pointless keeping him for the sake of stability. We will go nowhere under this manager.
  2. Awful. We are going backwards under Smith. I hope we don’t back him this window and start a fresh in the summer with someone who knows what they are doing.
  3. 3-0 Another abysmal managerial appointment.
  4. Rubbish. We have seen these players perform. The manager is at fault, plain and simple.
  5. He will give lots of analysis and insight. Shame he is all talk.
  6. Smith is out of ideas and out of his depth.
  7. Another appointment we have got wrong. Getting worse by the week.
  8. For the 4th game in a row we have been exploited down the wings yet Smith does nothing to address it.
  9. It’s down to the manager to get the players to perform. We have seen that they are good enough and now he is failing. We have looked turd for weeks and that is on the manager IMO.
  10. So? Are you telling me this team isn’t good enough to beat the likes of Wigan, seriously?
  11. Obviously been watching our games as a lot of teams have been exploiting us down the flanks. Worrying Smith hasn’t addressed it.
  12. jim

    Kortney Hause

    Speaking to a mate who is a ST holder says he is a strong athletic defender with some skill but he has a mistake in him.
  13. I don’t get the fanfare about this young man. Every time he has had a chance he has looked average at best.
  14. My personal opion is they aren’t thinking about any scenario other than promotion.
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