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Everything posted by Genie

  1. Watkins miss, Diaby miss, Bailey miss. Crazy how wasteful we are
  2. Not interfering with play… even though he puts it in the net 3 seconds later
  3. I absolutely hate it when Martinez time wastes, I’ll make an exception today to save embarrassment.
  4. A deflection, a spill, and then bumped into the goal. Oh my. That’s special.
  5. Imagine how bad it would be if Putin wasn’t enjoying the battle against the useless Zelensky
  6. Yeah, he can headbutt someone half his size minding his own business on camera to sell some PPV’s and there is no punishment at all.
  7. They wouldn’t have to worry about negotiating a payoff with Keane in charge, the players would be begging to go
  8. It would be funny if the victim here reports him to the local police and John Fury gets locked up in a Saudi jail.
  9. Absolute bellend, but we all know why he did it, and that it will work. Such is the state of boxing nowadays.
  10. If they are thinking of sacking ETH they should make him deal with the crap of doing the clear out first. Then sack him, then bring in someone else with a clean slate.
  11. At a height of roughly 55m, Old Trafford Falls stands as England’s 4th tallest waterfall behind only Cauldron Snout (60m), Canonteign Falls (70m) and Cautley Spout (76m).
  12. Sunak speaking about a dangerous few years ahead. Same fella who was threatening to leave the ECHR to get a couple of hundred people a year sent to Rwanda. Of all the things the Tories have zero credibility on, this could be the biggest.
  13. He must be having some massive buyer’s remorse. It’s easy shouting from the sidelines, now we’ll see if he has the stomach for it. The squad needs hundreds of millions spending on it to get it back to CL football. And then again the next year, and the next year. That will include selling several players at a loss, and offering them incentives to leave the club. All whilst the stadium is falling apart in the most embarrassing and public way possible, live on TV with a worldwide audience.
  14. I don’t think it’s necessarily a bad apple in a certain role. When you have a few wrong’uns in the dressing room it drops the standards of everybody. Rashfords body language, lack of effort, and occasional swipes on social media are appalling but they they keep picking him when fit. It’s completely wrong and sends the wrong message. Whilst AWB and Dalit might not look so disinterested they are probably not tearing up trees either if the dressing room is toxic. Look at Sancho, he lost interest very quickly and just couldn’t be arsed at United. Once dropped back into a proper squad with proper discipline he’s tearing it up again. Rashford, Bruno, Casemiro, Antony, Martial, all look like they have stinking attitudes and any decent manager / football director would have shipped at least some of them out by now. The fact they don’t just adds fuel to the fire behind the scenes. They even offered Pogba a last minute £200k/w contract even though he was shite on the pitch and a nightmare off it. They have to prioritise getting harmony in the squad before adding players. They just don’t learn.
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