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Everything posted by flamingsombrero

  1. "How dare you make me look like a manager with half a clue! What will my paymaster at SHA say if we win?! I'm not here to win games. I'm don't have the title of Agent for nothing. Now get out there and do **** all!" Both of these comments annoy the crap out of me. your ability to imagine stupid things to say is hardly evidence that he said them. I'm not happy with our play this half, and there's lots of room for criticism, but if your point is valid it shouldn't require you to make crap up to support it. Learn...To...Laugh
  2. Petrov MOTM - kicking Frimpongs face off was the key to victory. Well done Keane.
  3. He did have a good roll around to make sure. Still a definite red regardless but it wasn't like it was studs or anything. Get in Keane
  4. Frimpong going off could be bigger for us than getting the equaliser, we might actually get some possession in the middle now and take control of the game for a bit.
  5. No more than they deserve. It's frightening we can make them look so good because they really are a shite team.
  6. The 33 year thing keeps getting brought up but I'd be surprised if we have played them more than 10 times in that period. Besides our 65 year undefeated streak at the Bernabeu is far more impressive.
  7. Seven Day Fool A proper singer with believable emotion in her recordings.
  8. Too close to call, if there is to be a winner I think there will only be one goal in it. Depends on Wolves and if they feel like going for it/how much the cup replay takes out of them. The only thing we can be certain of is the shite we are going to serve up away from home, but even then that still might end up being enough.
  9. With Assassins Creed first going stale and then falling off a cliff, PES destined to be a the usual disappointment and no Fallout 4 announced it's Mass Effect 3 all the way for me.
  10. I think a 1-1 as this fixture regularly ends up a draw. See that Given is going straight back in so I feel a bit bad for Guzan. I think he has done enough to keep his place for the time being at least but it's not a decision I have a major problem with.
  11. Unless they have something pretty special up their sleeve Wigan and the like just got thrown an extra life line.
  12. Hmm not great, don't fancy watching us get schooled by their youth team, maybe Leeds will do something and set up an interesting tie
  13. Ahh bollocks the commentary is back on, I was enjoying not having to listen to their cliche ridden nonsense. I wish they would bring back the red button option of just crowd noise like they had during France '98 that was bliss.
  14. Napoli are my second team and if you disregard the big **** off ugly sponsor on the front the shirt itself is very nice (especially the away) and the material and cut are pretty good too. But don't let silly things like facts get in the way of a good 'ole moan.
  15. Why oh why didn't I put a bet on! :shock: .... Oh nevermind. .... Why oh why didn't I put a bet on! :shock:
  16. MOTM - The guy skinning up in his bedroom window live on ESPN, that was priceless.
  17. Job done, Bristol had obviously been sent out to contain for 30mins so they would have the legs for the grandstand finish, we needed to take advantage of that and we have.
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