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Everything posted by coda

  1. People go on about Collymore like he's some kind of oracle. He's a good broadcaster who stirs up things to get people listening/calling.
  2. Is Makoun likely to feature? I thought it was late January for his permit.
  3. We could well have taken 3 points but I'll settle for a point. Nearly had a heartattack at the end when Friedel was beaten to the ball by that freak. Good old Ridgewell.
  4. Want to see more of Walker and Albrighton getting at their left back.
  5. Why do a lot of you think Carew will start? I hope he does but I can't see Houllier picking a player who has behaved so poorly recently.
  6. Sunderland are an inconsistent side who don't seem to travel well. Having said that Potatohead has got them playing and they won 3-0 at Chelsea. I'm going for Villa 2-1.
  7. With Wilkins, Lampard's cousin and Coventry monkey boy Keys in the studio you aren't going to get much Villa love.
  8. I just want to see some comittment and desire today. UTV.
  9. Fack off. I'm not a fackin' wheeler-dealer I'm fackin' footbaw manger. Nice bit of business if Arry gets Beckham in.
  10. I had money on us to win at Stamford Bridge last season. I won't be making the same mistake again.
  11. Disappointed that Eat Pray Love is omitted from another best of poll. Inception didn't do it for me so I'd have to vote for The Social Network. I have never joined Facebook so I don't think it's relevant to liking the film.
  12. If I ever bet against Villa I'd back Lampard to score first. I think we'll lose 3-1. :|
  13. coda

    General Chat

    Not everything, but let's analyse some of the issues you have raised: The moon - the moon is a hollowed out planetoid, probably built by cosmic intelligence, that exists to disrupt the frequencies of planet Earth and as such, retard mankind's development. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spaceship_Moon_Theory http://www.google.co.uk/#hl=en&expIds=25657&xhr=t&q=moon+hollowed+out&cp=12&pf=p&sclient=psy&safe=off&aq=0&aqi=&aql=&oq=moon+hollowe&gs_rfai=&pbx=1&fp=733b49addeb556 Aliens - there are more stars in our galaxy alone than there are grains of sand on earth, yet you believe we are the only life form? JFK - JFK's head moves BACKWARD after the shooting, yet we are meant to believe that shots came from BEHIND him. Bonkers. Princess Di was murdered. 9/11 was false flag terror, as was 7/7.
  14. Dunno if this has been mentioned as it's a few years old. Definitely worth a watch.
  15. Nice to see a bit of positivity in this thread. The one crumb of comfort I took from the Spurs match was the amount of chances we created. OK, they weren't clear-cut chances but if we could have a bit more composure in front of goal you never know. I think Heskey not playing is a massive loss. We just need a good start and a bit of luck. It's the hope that kills you.
  16. Seeing as you're going to be in London you might as well pop to Stamford Bridge on the 2nd.
  17. Alan Hutton looks like the Eraserhead baby: That is all.
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