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Everything posted by briny_ear

  1. I guess some Villa fans just worry a lot. I do understand, I do it myself - then I look at the table and remind myself we are 5th, 11 home wins in a row, 2nd best record in 2023, etc., etc. It’s a legacy issue. The past weighs heavy on us, we have seen so many false dawns, so many charlatans who wasted the club’s money. But it feels like this has changed. As far as we can tell, Torres was chosen by Emery as one of his targets. He is exactly the sort of player Emery wants in the defence and he knows how to play the Emery way. Really, I think we should all relax and enjoy all these high scoring wins and not be constantly seeking out negative points to dwell on.
  2. I love this - how elegantly you undermine the entire argument against Torres by admitting we would be little or no better off with Mings in his place!
  3. They always show the goals from Saturday on MOTD2. It’s part of the format.What was your case for them to change that for this edition?
  4. Did well that half but should be 2 or 3 nil up. Hope we don’t pay the price in the 2nd half.
  5. He nearly scored a couple of minutes after coming on, combining nicely with Lukaku, so it wasn’t all negative for him.
  6. Austria’s first goal came as a result of Doku getting turned over in midfield. The as you say Onana got sent off. Second came from a penalty given for a handball by Theate. So obvs Tielemans would take the blame for all that.
  7. I’m glad he wants to play more Much better than the opposite! Can you imagine a player being criticised for wanting to play football? Yes, but maybe only on Villatalk.
  8. Now I am convinced there is a parallel universe in which Zaniolo’s doppelgänger plays, is terrible, but gets overhyped. Meanwhile back in the real world…
  9. Yes, don’t get me started on the penalty that wasn’t! It was said on the Sky Sports show that VAR couldn’t intervene because it wasn’t a “clear and obvious error” by the on-pitch ref. Leaves me very puzzled indeed about what might count as an obvious error under VAR. At the very least they should have made him watch it again on the monitor.
  10. Apart from the one on 46 minutes where he very nearly scored with an excellent shot on the turn to the top left hand corner of the Wolves goal.
  11. Couldn’t agree more with all these points. I think with all the issues we are facing this season, we have to expect performances to be a bit up and down. Not sure those people making shopping lists for new players are necessarily going to get what they want. We basically have to make do with the squad we have. I do think we could probably have won that game with a little more focus and I am sure that is the position Emery will be trying to get them to.
  12. Bit confused by this. I am at a concert and tuning in during the interval and I note he has scored. So I guess that’s one thing he can do?
  13. Can’t wait for him to score his first goal, then the beast will be unleashed. Sorry that some people are pointlessly comparing him with Buendia. It’s not an either/or. The only question is: are his skills useful to the squad, which has to be a resounding “yes”.
  14. To be fair, I think we have only shown once that a stronger XI in the second half might not be entough to turn games around. Last night. I think we did turn things round! Unai keeps saying he has to be able to rely on the entire squad to cope with the number of games we may have this season. I think we need to bear with him while he works at that. Last night seemed like a step forward to me.
  15. Feel like that was a massive step forward. This squad is new to European games, even though some individuals have played in competitions. They have to work out how, as a team, and with some top players rested for these matches, they can win matches against sides who have much more experience at league-based European competition, even if they are lower on ability. let’s hope this win gives them confidence to take control of this group now. Next game is a real biggie.
  16. I think the point about flying under the radar is that you do it until you are within reach of your target, then strike when it’s too late for your opponents to stop you. So not seeking permanent anonymity, just getting stronger without anyone noticing or taking special efforts to work you out until you are unstoppable. Anyhow, I’m not sure beating Brighton so spectacularly is the best way to keep your heads down so maybe it’s over anyway.
  17. As far as I can see we had a run of 13 home wins in the league between 12 Feb and 15 Oct 1983. This obviously straddles two seasons but then so does our current run of 10. In 1983 it started with a 2-0 win against `Everton and ended with 1-0 against Small Heath. Next home match we crashed to earth with a 2-6 defeat by Arsenal. So I think @robby b and the BBC are right.
  18. Must say I try hard not to get irked by the occasional lapse from a squad that is still in transition, suffering some key absences and having to throw a number of players unused to the PL in at the deep when I’m sure the plan was to introduce them more gradually. There are also still some issues about squad depth given all the extra commitments our success has brought us. 5th place, 2.14 points per match and a +7 goal difference ain’t a bad return in all the circumstances.
  19. Have to say Gareth was looking distinctly puzzled and gloomy as Ollie was banging in the goals. Bit of a blow to his preconceptions?
  20. Well, scapegoat means “a person made to bear the blame for others”. On a number of occasions this season Torres has ben blamed on Villatalk for goals conceded when he only played a part in a more general defensive failure. So, yeh, scapegoat. No problem with definitions really.
  21. A sensible note of caution here. Let’s not remove that scapegoat label just yet!
  22. Fine, as long as he is back on course with his xG, that’s all that matters!
  23. What a fantastically positive pre match thread we have here! What a fantastic set of fans Villa have. No wonder Emery keeps saying how much he relies on the supporters.
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