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Everything posted by briny_ear

  1. Can we go back and have a rerun of the Newcastle game now, please?
  2. I also think he rather overgrooms. No manager should trust a player with hair that perfect.
  3. Yes, he should be sold just for that.
  4. I guess it wouldn’t be VillaTalk if, after an extremely successful return to European competition, people weren’t wanting to sell off one of the players who contributed most to our success.
  5. Try this - should get you the full match. https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m001q7jc/sportscene-202324-europa-conference-playoff-hibernian-v-aston-villa-first-leg Says it is available for 6 days./
  6. Just trying to imagine the catastrophic events that would render Villa as part of the Scottish Premiership.
  7. Pretty ruthless. Good for Ollie to get on the score sheet. Good games for Digne, Dougie and Kamara. Worried about the knocks we were taking - hope there are no new problems for the Burnley match. Nice to see Hutton and Bremner.
  8. Sloppy again early on in 2nd half. Hoped Emery would have given them a talking to.
  9. The only reason most people seem to want Digne to go is his rumoured wages, which is really of no concern to the fans at all.
  10. Get Bailey off please. Not worth crocking him for this.
  11. We are just 2-0 up and not coasting! Nice that the Hibs supports get to dream of what might be.
  12. Ha ha, “The SPANISH ref”. Reminds me of the old Marty Feldman sketch - “the Swiss-German referee…”…
  13. Cripes BBC Scotland has a big delay. I was informed of the goal by the Europa app about 2 minutes before it happened on screen.
  14. How many times is the commentator going to say (of Hibs) “defend well, and if you get a chance take it”?
  15. His assist for SJM’s goal was pretty good too, and that move threw Everton off their game plan and started the slaughter so it was significant. I thought he was good, shredding Everton’s defence a few times, although Everton were so bad it is hard to judge completely objectively.
  16. Not really sure why he wasn’t given a yellow for his southpaw effort on Ollie.
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