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Everything posted by GasGasGas

  1. Hutton and N'Zogbia, the two players that were signed by the manager this season, have been useless every time they play and easily our two worse players this season. Not a good sign at all. I can't remember a single good thing that either of them has done this season. This certainly has nothing to do with the farcical refereeing. I hope to see the club making an official complaint against such shambolic refereeing that single handedly changed the game but we probably won't. The club has no bottle. People talk about the big teams like Man U, Barca hounding and berating the referees but to me that's one of the things that makes them good teams. They have fight, aggression, courage, and the will to win and this is how they show it. To take such injustice and other shit without putting up a fight or protest shows that quite frankly we don't even care. Pathetic and disgraceful.
  2. Racism occurs for a reason, and a lot of it is down to the plain fact that these people do deserve it and have it coming. There is no smoke without fire. They just don't care about lives. Humans, dogs or other animals, it doesn't matter. Then again they don't care about much else, including and especially hygene. Lacing milk with melanine, faking just about everything including medicine and food products resulting in people being poisoned to death. Many have no courtesy, are crude and boorish. There is a litany of stuff as to why they are generally disliked. Every country definitely has its own irksome ilk but China definitely has a way higher proportion than the norm, as well as being far more irksome than the norm.
  3. Now there's a lot wrong with Chinese society but this isn't one of them. A one-off I say. That's being too kind to them, almost to the point of naivety. There is a lot wrong with them but this isn't one of them??? Well that's contradictory isn't it. If this isn't one of the things wrong with them then what is?
  4. Rarely seen a player get owned so much in a game. He was beaten so many times by Downing it was embarrassing for him and he was left shaking his head. Just kick the ball past him and run on to it. Don't think only Downing did it to him, I remember Agbonlahor being successful with it once too!
  5. Thanks for denying us the enjoyment of watching Birmingham go down on goals scored you mean. It would have been far more hilarious and sadder than going down by one point or even goal difference!
  6. Fantastic win that does a lot to allay our relegation fears and boost confidence. It's made all the more better considering that we once again had to play against the referee as well. Blatant penalty not given, obvious goal disallowed, obvious corners not given. It should have easily been a more comprehensive 2 or 3-0 win. Not surprising that Gabby looks much more effective this game than he has for a long while, the first time he's actually playing in the middle. Houllier should take note. Ditto for Young who was "being an eel" on the wings and actually winning dangerous free kicks for us instead of being dispossessed the moment he touches the ball in the middle.
  7. Why couldn't Gabby have told the bench himself instead of having Petrov as the middle man relaying the message?
  8. Oh and I didn't know why the Bolton fans were constantly booing and howling at Young and ref with chants of cheat after Young had won numerous free kicks and a penalty in succession. It's plainly obvious they're still a physical thuggish team who manhandled and shoved Young about consistently. They got what they exactly deserved in terms of fouls.
  9. I also find as well that Bolton's defence was equally shocking. Bent had a couple of 1on1s that he got through but messed up, and had yet another couple that were called up for offside. Walker's cross was also a simplistic one that practically trickled across the entire penalty area, and yet it still reached Bent for him to score. The way Walker just kicked the ball past and ran straight through two Bolton defenders was a joke. The bigger joke is somehow, we contrived to lose to such a poor team. That speaks volumes about us and why we're in such a predicament.
  10. So we threw the FA cup tie against Man City for this? Conceding every single game from set pieces is beyond a joke now. As long as the opponent sends a ball into our box that one of their players directs on target, they WILL score. It's just **** totally laughable. Young in the middle does occasionally put in a nice through ball (about a couple each game), but it's being offset by him giving the ball away just about everytime he touches it, either with him being knocked off or some fancy stuff that didn't come off. However his dead balls are making him look a lot worse as they're not even close to average or decent standard. Totally garbage, pathetic efforts. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM, and this has been the case for at least a year now! It also seems that the Spurs fans here were actually speaking sense and the truth about Bent when we first signed him. That although he does score, he also misses and wastes a hell lot of chances.
  11. Blackburn were a tad lucky as it could have easily been more than 4-1. I think 6-0 or so would have been a more accurate depiction of how the match went and it wouldn't be flattering us! The ref was blind first half and for Darren Bent supposedly does nothing but score he really should have gotten at least 1. Still, he would have gotten an assist by winning a penalty if not for the ref.
  12. Sign him up! He'd probably still be scoring against us if we did!
  13. From what I can see Howard Webb should be running the lines for Sian Massey not the other way round.
  14. Arry talking shit again Yeh everyone wants to join amazing Spurs just like Adam did.Funny neither deal came to fruition....coincidence?
  15. Arry talking shit again Yeh everyone wants to join amazing Spurs just like Adam did.Funny neither deal came to fruition....coincidence?
  16. Were David Blaine and Copperfield drawing the balls? The draw is obviously rigged.
  17. We paid the going rate plus the fact that we prised their top scorer and possibly best player from them to immediately become our own possibly best player and striker instead and leaving them in the shit. Some compensation definitely needed for that but oh wait, we're disgraceful and disrespectful aren't we? Against Man City he didn't have a shit game. How could he if he did his job by scoring the winner? He just couldn't do a lot as it was pretty much a game of our defence, which also did its job, thats all. Good team win, job well done.
  18. WOW! IMPRESSIVE! Please enlighten me then as to why he has scored more goals than any of your players in every single season he's had except one (when he was with your shit club, and even then the other season he was with your shit club he was your top scorer!). It makes you look **** stupid really, writing all that pointless rubbish. Oh and I bet Spurs players only score their goals from moves of the highest quality in sweeping open play. None of their goals come from penalties as it's too easy to score from them and insults their ability.
  19. Is there a guideline stating a minimum weight for blood donors? 45kg or so.
  20. A player coming in (from Spurs, no less) and immediately looking heads and shoulders above all of ours, says a lot about our standard and the players we have. Gotta enjoy this rare win, chances aren't looking very good for another one at SHA next week.
  21. Errrrrrrrrrrr????? I'm sure we beat Wolves?? Didn't we?? It's been so long since we won away i can't be sure anymore?? Like I said, we fluked that win while Wolves were in a bad run. Do you honestly think they will not beat us easily if we played them right now? Everybody in the opponent half, Gyan not offside as he was in his own half despite being in an offside position and Friedel in front of him. Friedel joining in for a corner as if it was a cup final. We are desperate now.
  22. It appears that the draw against Chelsea was nothing to do with us being good or getting it right. It simply had everything to do with Chelsea being complete, total, absolute shit at the moment. Our wins this season have been lucky 1 goal fluky scrapes pass weak teams that happened to be having a bad game or bad run at that time. The truth is obvious. We can't even beat Sunderland. Or Birmingham. Or Wolves. They beat Chelsea and we couldn't and the truth is they would beat us easily as well. Or anybody. We can prepare to go down.
  23. **** off. He's a prick. Much like Cristano Ronaldo or Tim Cahill, fantastic but disgusting player.
  24. Great result and even better performance today! It's one step closer to the useless joke of a manager that is Gerard Houllier being sacked! Quite laughable how easy it was for Manchester City. They didn't even have to try.
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