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Everything posted by LondonLax

  1. He wants the newspaper to also call it a terrorist attack. Not just report that Trudeau did.
  2. How about comparing western Muslims with western Christians in a secular run state?
  3. But that can't be true keyblade. Since the Reformation Christians all turn the other cheek now.
  4. You should take a look at what the Christian extremists do to Muslim minority's in parts of central Africa on a fairly regular basis. A quick google search will show you plenty of horror involving machetes and mosque burnings. The punishments met out to people who are discovered to be gay in a number of Christian countries in central Africa rivals the Muslim states in the Middle East.
  5. It is very easy to dismiss when you are not one of the 109.
  6. It's almost as if you guys were in a bit of a desperate trade situation and looking for a way out
  7. It was not announced publicly until after it had been lifted again, probably so as not to send the wrong message. Also I suspect Obama would had worded it a lot better in consultation with other branches of government to minimise confusion and impact on people like existing visa holders.
  8. No that's certainly not the case. If a person is suspected of such a serious crime the police have a duty to investigate. The parents may wish to make it go away but if nothing is done a predator will go on to attack other children.
  9. Yes there is an element of bringing things to a head which would not have happened had Clinton gotten in and carried on with the status quo.
  10. I have seen plenty of his supporters who are very happy with his first week in charge and the way things have gone. There are many of these people out there, I have no interaction with them on a day to day basis but you can tap into threads of his supporters on the internet so they very much do exist. In fact, I suspect the vast majority of people who voted for him are happy with the way things have gone. He's doing exactly what he promised them he would.
  11. You are talking about the standards of proof for a conviction but we never got to that point because the club didn't even bother to tell the police. Who knows how many other kids were potentially impacted because the club sacked him and then walked away from any further responsibility to let the police know what they knew.
  12. How could they have had enough evidence to sack him but not enough to report it? No one's going to come out of this looking good.
  13. Judging from how this has played out it looks very much like a 'shoot from the hip' executive order and the Presidential office has not bothered to consider all the implications i.e. bans for Green Card holders. They are now having to clarify and make up amendments on the fly. I wonder if Trump is bothered by the chaos this approach has caused or if he feels he's 'getting things done' and the details will sort themselves out later. Either way it does not bode well for future decision making from the supposed most important person in the world.
  14. He is completely cynical but he does not give a **** and neither will his rabid supporters.
  15. Well as president you've got to control the narrative don't you. You wouldn't want pesky scientists presenting 'alternative facts'.
  16. It started out as a porno/swingers term, short for the adjective 'cuckold' (as in the cuckoo bird who lays its eggs in other birds nests). The men's rights guys use it to mean a man who is weak/submissive and lets another man take 'their' woman. Now it is used by angry right wing types to belittle men who express a progressive opinion or any support for feminist ideas (usually also in conjunction with the terms 'beta male', 'social justice warrior' and/or 'white knight' :P)
  17. That song came out nearly 15 years ago! Time flies.
  18. They also need to take on board the lessons learned from episodes 1-7 and work on improving the security of their key shield generators/control rooms.
  19. Well apparently he has pissed of a lot of CIA people over it. Not really the guys you want to be upsetting if you are a sitting president
  20. It's about managing his image and turning his supporters against the media. If anyone from the media report that the intelligence agencies are unhappy with him he can point to the video of people cheering his speech to them. Accusations that it was only his supporters cheering in a memorial to the dead will just be shot down as another example of biased reporting.
  21. Interesting, anyreason why? Trump seems like the kind of guy who would look to bend you guys over and take advantage when you're at your most vulnerable.
  22. You are not worried at all by his 'America First!' rhetoric in the negotiations to come? Particularity given the potential for the UK to be in a vulnerable position at the end of the Article 50 process and potentially looking for 'any port in a storm'?
  23. Spotted on the women's march today:
  24. This is nothing more than hateful propaganda. Trumps inauguration is the most watch inauguration ever. Trumps press secretary tells us so! Sean Spicer: Trump inauguration had largest audience ever
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