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Everything posted by PaulTheVillan

  1. Still is according to our kid who saw them at Twickers last year :nod: I was there and can indeed verify that this is true. Curiously Dickinson's predecessor, Paul di'Anno fronted an incredible live band. Having seen Dickinson as the front man for Samson prior to his Maiden days I can only conclude that it is the band as a whole that has that on stage wow factor, rather than its front man. Never got to see them with Di'Anno (boo) Mind you I was 6 when he left (hooray) From what I've seen he certainly gave them a different energy, and more of a punk vibe. But then their songs back then were more condusive to that. There's no doubt that having 'Arry and the boys backing Dicko makes a difference, but then so does having some belting songs. My knowledge of Samson is limited but I son't think they had anything in the same league as Hallowed By Thy Name or the Trooper. Didn't he try to convince people that his name was Bruce Bruce in the Samson days? Hallowed is an amazing song. I'm going to listen to it now.
  2. Tyler, Rose, Dickenson, Mercury all should be up there. Roth is a good front man but an awful singer.
  3. Theft by finding. Just because you find something doesn't mean it's yours.
  4. SSN reporter said Barry Brennan clearing in the woods.
  5. I'd like Sidwell to take the game by the scruff of the neck.
  6. Let's hope Downing continues his good form at Villa Park, he's always done well here for Boro.
  7. Tried it again and I can hear it if I put the phone right close to my head.
  8. I've tried the Stealth Grenade and I can't hear it. Im 26 and been playing in bands since I was 18 so I'm not surprised
  9. Thanks for letting us know! My pleasure.
  10. I got my iPhone 3G in August 2008. Can't remember if I took out an 18 month tarrif. Wasn't 24 months, I know that.
  11. I've got the 3.0 OS and it works fine. I like this app. iEmoji (note it only works between iPhones) more info
  12. Anyone downloaded the upgrade yet?
  13. I don't like the qwerty keyboard for texting, have they changed that?
  14. Week ending 28th June Mother **** BOYAKASHA!!!
  15. When is the new software available on the iPhone?
  16. Prawn sarnie sir? Is there an area where the majority of VT users sit?
  17. How about... Martin Laursen, set to retire? Martin Laursen, set to retire?
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