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Everything posted by Don_Simon

  1. I've said this before, but im going to say it again. Why do we have a squad? We would be much better off, and save Randy some serious $$$ if we use the 11 players on the pitch now, add Gabby to the mix, and leave it at that. Martin O'Neill is a **** knobcake. USE YOUR **** SQUAD MAN! If your not going to, stop buying players. Name me and a few mates on the bench, and we'll do it for free. It beggers belief that he has such little faith in the players beyond the first 11. I'm a relatively educated young man, but i just cant fathom it.
  2. Ive been Emile's biggest defender since he arrived, but today, he has been absolute **** garbage so far. Get him off. Nippy Nathan on, and see what happens. It can be no worse.
  3. Superstitious? Although im sure with all those garments on you'll look suspicious as well!
  4. Just got back from the Upper Holte. Dont care about ratings or reaction, were going to wem-ber-ley, and thats all that matters. One man is responsible for all this, Randy Lerner, i love you.
  5. Hopefully next to Downing, Milner, Young and Petrov in our midfield of a 4-5-1 formation. One can dream.
  6. If I was Randy, I wouldnt let MON buy anymore players. We should just pay 11 players, sell all the squad players we have and be done with it. I have never heard of a manager being so afraid to use subs / lack confidence in squad players / be so adamant in his own tactics to make substitutions. What Delph must think not coming on in this game I will never know. The same happened last year, he finally made a sub in taking Gabby off, the fans cheered at the notion of a substitution, and we got slated in the press. The same may well happen again. All this rubbish about him understanding this is a long season, and we will have to rotate is a load of balls. Just wish he had the balls to make a change. Rant over. Sorry boys and girls.
  7. Hey General! Firstly, a massive, huge and exuberant happy new year to yourself and your family! I hope 2010 is one of full health, many smiles and utter villa / cleveland brown success! Secondly, I went to the Liverpool game in the snow and rain, and at half time, unsurprisingly, was desperate for a hot bovril / hot chocolate or anything to warm me up! Given the high attendance, "reputable" opponents and cold weather, I assumed the kiosks would be fully staffed to serve the masses with warm foodage! Wrong. I was sat in K4 Upper Holte, and there were 4 people at the kiosk, serving at an estimate 300 waiting punters. There must be a better way of doing things than this. There have been untold improvments in everything Villa since Randy became our saviour, however the pre-game and half time service has not improved, and must surely be costing the club money in lost revenue? I would have bought 3 coffees given the opportunity! Just a small gripe given the obvious leaps and bounds of improvements made, but thought i would pass on my experience anyway. Up the Villa General, and here's to you getting over to VP as soon as possible. Don Simon
  8. This was a SIGNIFICANT improvement on the Arsenal performance. In horrendous conditions, there was no shortage of skill, passion and desire to win. MON got the tactics spot on and made, I believe, the correct substitutions. He went to win the match and for the last 20 mins we had Liverpool petrified. Agree. As sickening as it is to lose a game in that way, there were a lot of positives: Albrighton didn't have a lot to do, but what he did, he did well. I think he has as much to offer as Ashley Young at the moment, especially with Young out of form and being triple marked all the time. We were at least as good as Liverpool for 92 minutes. Reo-Coker played very well. James Milner seems to be getting low ratings from everyone, but I thought he was just as good as ever. He is truly brilliant, astonishingly good at picking a pass. On the down side, I remember thinking after 5 minutes of the second half "We aren't going to score in this game." As many have said, we lack a class striker. Carew tried reasonably hard, but nearly all of his flick-ons were badly directed. Gabby was quite good, but miles off top class on this display. He never looked like scoring at all. Like at Arsenal, we were as threatening as kittens in the final 3rd. Worrying, that. Agree with all youve said, bar the Milner comment. He is just not as good as being described at the moment. His passing today was at times ok, at others totally woeful, bearing in mind when he went into the middle he was supposed to be our most creative outlet as an attacking midfielder. If we were to buy one player in Jan, I hope its an attacking midfielder with craft, imagination and vision.
  9. Oh. My. God. I hate this type of Villa fan, fickle **** ****. He's been great recently, give the lad a chance.
  10. I agree. I also agree that 40 is the new 30, and that Blouse are the biggest team in Birminham. (why on earth would you take Heskey off? we can win this!)
  11. Citeh's owners are from Abu Dhabi. Dubai's neighbours in the Emirates and they have been bankrolling development in Dubai for years now. Also recently bailed out "Dubai World" with a cool $10,000,000,000. Dey iz minted. (just seen that on bluemooon!).
  12. That was in regard to Lescott leaving Everton to join City. Said nothing of the sort when Barry left us. Totally agree with the consensus of the post though, he got all billy-big-balls when he'd acheived nothing in his managerial career. Tosser.
  13. "Harry Hotspur and the amazing change of fortunes". Sky Sports, you make me sick. sicksicksicksicksicksicksicksicksick.
  14. hahaha, i take it back. having read the beeb live text, i now see why sidwell was involved. funny that he's done more from the sideline than from on the pitch this year!
  15. is that wrong? i dont care, great word. i also like the word "humba jumba".
  16. The last post on the matchday thread is something im very glad to see: "Heskey put in a great effort". I'm happy for the lad, long may it continue. (and a nice post for posterity reasons too!)
  17. have just text in to the beeb, their updates on the villa game is almost non-existant: "Would it be possible to perhaps have some more updates on pompey v villa? As important as a united youth players name is (De Laet), our game isnt on the telebox. Cheers".
  18. I give you Derby County away, 2 seasons ago. He very rarely shoots from long range which is infuriating as I think he has proved on occasion that he is capable of doing it well.
  19. I was at that game, the 2-6 barca win. And the Barca fans around me were incensed after 10 minutes! I guess its similar to us playing Blues and the cretinous sloths of SHA battering Gabby, one of our own, all match. (not that it would happen now that gabby is a man-beast!) I think this is a different Real team this year however. They have improved their technical ability, and although not as free flowing as barca, do have players who dont need to resort to intimidation and rough tackling. Heart says Barca 3-0 Madrid, head thinks however 1-1.
  20. I have the San Miguel in the fridge. Will prepare some tapas for the evening. I love el clasico. Barca all the way!
  21. Woah, woah, woah. So your saying by playing our captain, were starting with a 2 goal defecit? Mentalist. Yes. What's wrong with thinking we are stronger without Petrov just because he's captain FFS? OMFGZ He's captain which means he's great....what happens if Heskey was captain and I said if Carew plays I think we will win 3-1, if Heskey plays 1-1.... I think we're a better team without Petrov. I'm not alluding to whether we are a better/worse team with Stan in it. For what its worth I think Petrov plays best in a 451 formation where he has more time on the ball. Just a little alarmed that you think by starting him, we are beginning the match with a 2 goal defecit, against Burnley. No player, even Heskey (who isnt that bad), could affect the outcome of a game in a negative way, like you were reasoning. Petrov started against Chelski too, how many goal defecit did we start that match with?! And then win. Mental. ps: What in gods green earth does "OMFGZ" mean?
  22. If being a winger was only about going forward, id have Lennon over Milner every single time. But it isnt, its about supporting the full back as well. Which Milner excels at. Given that, i'd still have Lennon, he just offers more in the attributes that wingers should have when going forward.
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