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Everything posted by villadude

  1. And doorstop cheese n onion sandwiches.
  2. Option 2 for me. It's not as though we could have offered Champions league footy is it, we can't even offer Europe now FFS, so how are we going to attract the billy big time players that we all want. Either way, when the team's fully fit and hopefully playing well, I believe that they'll do a good enough job this season and suprise the doom merchants.
  3. Good stuff! Thought Clarke did very well for his debut, he must be chuffed to bollocks!
  4. villadude


    Couldn't give a shit.
  5. You joined this forum today, have made ten posts to date, and you're creating a poll (with bad spelling I might add) already! I'm guessing it's raining where you are, and all your mates are doing something without you...
  6. I can't wait to get to work tomorrow and rip the piss out of the scouse lot at our place. 8)
  7. Well he was a captain for a bit, so he defo counts.
  8. Oh, and I talk bollocks from time to time too.
  9. I don't think I'll ever like the badge, it looks like it was designed by a school kid.
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