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Everything posted by PieFacE

  1. Yeah i went there last year, it's got this bowel effect to it, for a newish stadium it really is piss poor atmosphere wise. They need to buy a new stadium already
  2. If he stays I hope he signs a year extension on his current contract. Cant see it happening though after all this...
  3. I dont mean just this very thread, i mean in every thread regarding City... quite frankly i dont even read your posts anymore, if i wanted to know more about Man.City then i'd just go on the Man City site... (so apologies if you cracked a joke and i missed it)
  4. Last season we played in England, errr....some places called 英国 and 英國, L'Angleterre, oh we had a couple games in that Αγγλία place, which we went to after we played the earlier round in Англия, finally getting knocked out of the competition when we were in Inglaterra. As you can see, we've really had lots of travelling over the last year or so, and to afford ANOTHER trip to the US was a step too far. Dude - seriously, don't you just get bored correcting people in EVERY thread regarding Man.City... How many other forums do you do this on for other clubs? Not taking the piss, genuinely curious...
  5. HTC Desire rocks! Is 2.2 released now? how do you update it?
  6. I don't really understand why people feel hatred towards Milner - He's only doing what he feels is best for his career, which isn't all that long anyway. You have to take a risk, it could all go completely wrong for him... but the otherside of it is it could go completely right and he could captain a title winning team in 2years. The only person who i'd expect to be really pissed off is MON. He's made another player get into the national team and people now take notice of him, only first chance he gets he wants to leave and shows no loyalty to MON or Villa. But it's his choice and it's not as if 25-30m won't go down well for us either, i do feel it's a win win situation for us, we get a shitload of cash to improve the squad, or we keep one of our best players. If Milner does go then best of luck to him and i hope it all works out for him but i do have my doubts about that (although i'm sure it'll be forgotten about with his massive wages), but i'll still be going to Villa with or without him and will support every player on the pitch in claret and blue. When Milner does come back, i won't boo him, nor will i cheer him. He left us, so **** him, we're bigger then he is.
  7. We should give Man City a deadline date on when we'd sell him. Trouble is they could leave it till the last day, and we wouldnt then have time to get in our replacements. 30m by the end of the month or piss off.
  8. Or Ireland, Keane and another DM, Sell the shite and purchase a right back. Play 4-5-1 with Ireland being more attack minded, with 2 DM's behind him. That would be amazing IMO.
  9. Well that is totally untrue. MON has ALWAYS said that they would review his contract AFTER the world cup. He still isnt back from it yet. But yeah, i still think he wants to leave.
  10. But at the same time if he were to stay you'd think he would have said by now... I really am not sure. I hope he stays, losing your best player is never good for a club in our position as i do believe we can sell off a load of our deadwood and still improve the squad without the Milner money. Saw Man City are interested in Landon Donavon (sp) too? Doesnt he play the same position as Milner?
  11. Not bothered about Liverpool signing Cole. They've only signed him to give Torres some company in the sick room.
  12. Yeah it's all well and good saying players should honour their contracts, but if Milner was to do that he'd stay for 2 years and just leave on a free which is worse for the club then selling him for 25m now.
  13. And you can believe that. In my case it isn't true though, I just don't like the player at all. I was happy when we bought him, I thought he'd be useful for a while to come and grow as a player here. And he didn't. And he flaws gradually irked me to the point I decided he'd be the first to go in the midfield. I echo Chindies opinion. NRC is so frustrating to watch. Although everyone always points to the Liverpool game as an indication of his ability. Which in my opinion is totally false, yes he had a bosting game, but has had many worse games then good. He was a good prospect, obviously has never improved behind the scenes as MON would have hoped. Quite frankly, Petrov is twice the player NRC, not only does he have the ability to break up play, he also has a football brain and can read the game. Petrov does so much to benefit the team, even if it's just going down and getting a free kick when we're under pressure, he does it so well and it gives us a breath of fresh air. NRC isn't capable of thinking that way IMO.
  14. It's a bit of a stupid question considering the age of Petrov and the fact you've stated long term. It's always going to swing in NRCs favour because of his age. But just because he gets more votes, deosnt mean he's a good player, Petrov will always be a million times better then NRC. Let's face it, NRC is an athlete not a footballer. Not what you want in the middle of your pitch when you play 4-4-2. He'd work well in 4-5-1... but he still cant play football. Get rid. Needs to be an "other" option in this poll.
  15. hahahahah.... cant believe there's now a debate of whether Bent is better then Higuain. Bent wouldnt play good for any top club cos he'd just totally bottle it. There's a reason he plays for Sunderland. It amazes me how you cant see that SGC and yet even more so how much you rate him. Good goalscorer? Yeah, of course. Brilliant footballer? - No. The level he is at is perfect for him, he's the main man at Sunderland, they're a club with no pressure to do anything, there's no expectation. If he played for a big club, he'd just crumble and get "homesick" no doubt. That is exactly why no decent manager as ever really rated him enough to take him to a top club.
  16. To me MON is clearly saying James wants to go. Shame... real shame. I'd be interested to see if Milner will get more stick then Barry will. As far as i'm concerned, Milner will deserve it more. I really do think that if MON really wants Milner to stay then he should show a little bit of loyalty for taking the risk on him and stay one more year, and then can leave have we not got Champions League. But then again, i'm a fan, and to him it's a job so it's probably totally different in his eyes. I'll understand why he'd want to go though, they certainly have more chance of winning silverware then we do, my only gripe is that he is still so young, it's not like Barry and it was his last chance to win something. Milner could stay here for a year or two and then go on to win major titles providing he keeps impoving. Anyway, will be interesting to see where he fits in next year in the Citeh squad. The evil streak in me hopes it all goes horribly wrong for him there. But i'm just bitter.
  17. Cant believe they got that jacket so wrong with the big AVFC. Is lovely apart from that. It's really off-putting.
  18. So you think you'd have no problem with paying out 30m for him? I suppose the difference between 24m and 30m is just loose change for your lot
  19. I like you Damocles, although everyone tries to put Man City down (hell... this is a villa forum), you always come up with the goods to prove everyone wrong. I personally don't feel it's a done deal, i also don't think we'd be interested in a part exchange either. I think MON will hold out for 30m. If that figure is not met, I think Milner will stay a Villa player AND he'll sign a one year extension. But i could be totally fecking wrong
  20. Played Fifa with the 2D to 3D conversion, it's good!! But not amazing... you may aswell just play 2D really... adds depth but you can tell it's not designed for it.... Played Stardust on the other hand, and wow! It's absolutely incredible in real 3D. Cracking game, looks beautiful! Although, my only gripe with this whole thing is.... the Playstaion3! What a horrible console!!! One thing i do love is the free online gaming, that is really really cool.... but the contol pads are horrendous! It's like something from the 90's, so uncomfortable to use, my hands started hurting after an hour!
  21. What makes you think his heart isn't in it? In all fairness, after the whole Barry thing, he's probably been instructed by MON and RL to not say anything to the press till he gets back from his holiday and discuss' it with Villa. It could be the case that if Milner would be open to a move, we'd prefer the 30m then to keep him. It could be the case that he wants to go? It's tough to know really...
  22. Although i don't like the bloke, i can't say there's much wrong with what he has said. He knows he'll be moving on, we know he'll be moving on, so do Ajax, so what's the issue? As for a holiday, he probably does deserve one! He's been working all year, what human being doesnt deserve a holiday after a year of work?
  23. Adebayor is just a cock and i would hate to see him in a Villa shirt. Would much rather Bellamy, who is a lesser cock but still a cock.
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