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Everything posted by trekka

  1. I'm struggling here, my shedload of music is back in Portsmouth and I'm stuck here in London on my laptop OOoh but what's this, going back a few years and a song (well technically, a remix) that I bloody love
  2. I'm off back to Brum tomorrow for the first time in ages. Not upto much; catch up with the family, etc. My old man is making one of his famous curries. Not as good mine mind, but bloody gone nonetheless. Back here to London early on Sunday to tidy up the place as my mate's girlfriend is coming to stop again on Sunday evening for a month (no stupid comments please - I've said the reason why in threads before and it's not something to cheer about. Ta).
  3. ...and on that note, email messages to say "your inbox is full".
  4. K D Lang - Hallelujah (Live at the Winter Olympics Opening Ceremony. I loved this when I stayed up all night watching the ceremony. I had it recorded on my Sky+ box for ages until I cancelled my Sky subs. Amazing rendition. Incidentally, I thought that the whole of the opening ceremony was simply amazing. That's how to do it. (ignore the commentary at the start...its only for a few secs)
  5. trekka

    General Chat

    looks like scrambled egg for tea ? Tea is a drink, not a meal :| I'm fairly sure afternoon tea, includes a food element But the emphasis would be on the tea drinking Not really, sandwiches, nibbles and cakes Cucumber sandwiches no doubt.
  6. That's my birthday too! High five! Wait a minute, you're not my brother are you? :shock: What year?? Ah, you live in Nuneaton so you aren't my brother *phew*. 1980, a vintage year 8)
  7. That's my birthday too! High five! Wait a minute, you're not my brother are you? :shock:
  8. My brother in law played for West Brom (reserves) and Kidderminster Harriers. I share my birthday with my brother (I was born on his 9th birthday) - the stupid fool also got married on our birthday I won the "Psygnosis Playstation Challenge" - basically, I played Playstation in HMV in a competition when it just came out, met the producers of games like Destruction Derby, kicked everyones arse, met Dominic Diamond in the final (what a dick) and won a shedload of Playstation stuff (games for a year was one ) I was finalist at the "Twix Gamesplayer of the Year" competition (year's supply of Twix bars never interested me ) I've met the dude that played Barney in the US, in an LA nightclub - he was about 4 ft and was the guy in the Barney costume. I met him as he was trying to chat up my then girlfriend which was hilarious. He even handed over "Barney" business cards
  9. Rubbish TV on a Friday evening / Saturday morning. Question Time on BBC1? It was only 1am! What's wrong with a decent film such as "The Thing" (I've got the DVD looking at me).
  10. That part of VT - questioning (again) the motivations of General Krulak. He's gone, live with it. I've put my 2 pence worth in the thread but for crying out loud, stop embarrassing ourselves with the comments.
  11. I watched Snakes on a Plane for the first time the other night. WORST. FILM. EVER. Yet, I continued to watch it until the very end. Why? Maybe it was because I just got in from work and couldn't sleep but maybe, just maybe I wondered how much worse it could get (which was lots).
  12. Sorry, looked for a thread but didn't see one on the first search page 8) Last episode tonight and I've loved every one of them. Who else watched it? Who else had the same thought that I did when they were "killed"..."surely it's not that simple, is it"? Thankfully, my thoughts were correct and here's to a reboot in a few years time. It's a bit strange with the makers of this programme (Kudos). Spooks was one of them, as was Life on Mars and Ashes to Ashes. I love the work they do but lately, it seems as though they want to cut and run and start afresh.
  13. Curry update #3: I've given up. Far too much juice but I've just had a little taste and it tastes lovely. That'll do. Now why didn't I buy naan bread
  14. Curry update #2: too much juice! Bubble down you barsteward, I'm hungry!
  15. Curry update #1: it is bubbling away nicely and the flat smells like a curry house. Hard part done - I can now get drunk
  16. Well my recipe which usually turns out to be a stonking curry is as follows: (I haven't included timings as it's a bit of tasting this, bit of tasting that..). It isn't really "traditional" either -lightly fry 3 garlics, chopped with a smidgen of low fat butter (I say smidgen, more like half a small block) -when golden brown, add in chopped onions -when onions are nicely golden it's time for the fun part: add in chopped ginger, chopped fiery hot chilli, bit of cayenne pepper, tumeric, cinnamon (teeny tiny amount), roasted cumin, dab of mustard, big splash of curry powder. -give a good few minutes before adding chopped tomatoes, potatoes and meat of your choice (I prefer it on the bone) - give it a good stir and let it bubble away for a good while - check juices - I usually add in some water with some oxo cubes -let it bubble away and add in anything extra you want (I go for carrot, aubergine, mushrooms and whatever else I've got lying around) - let it bubble and suck up the awesome smell - let it bubble away and give it a taste - not hot enough, add in more curry powder - do not forget to add salt! EDIT: Oh, and bear in mind that I usually make a huge pot of the stuff!
  17. I'm making a stupidly hot curry this evening, I'm hoping it will turn out well (I'm not so sure as my curries are normally awesome but I've already started on the Tesco Finest Oak Matured Still Cider). Other than that, I'm giving the flat a little bit of a spring clean as my houseguest will be coming for a month again next week. Rock n Roll.
  18. Gorillaz - 19-2000 Quality vid - reminds me of Mad Max (as a cartoon!)
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