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Everything posted by avfc89

  1. With no policies, a wet leader and a record of authoritarianism and economic ruin. What can you say, people are **** stupid. I think it says more about the belief in the Coalition Government.
  2. Labour leading in the Voting Polls.
  3. His ball to Albrighton was very similar to the Scholes and Beckham partnership at United.
  4. I've completed the single player mode, it is epic and so intense.
  5. Firstly has any party got vision? and tbh whilst the Victorian era was dreadful, I don’t think the dismissal of the Victorian vision really tallies with the ambition of some of the people of the era. You are correct it was dreadful, and it is terrifying when you have people using the economic boom of the Victorian generation as a model for the future; and these people being ignorant of the social hardships of that time; it is totally regressive and immoral. Does any party have a vision? Questionable, I think we have seen the vision of this Government, and it is a frightening future that awaits us.
  6. Woolas had a slender lead in the original election, and this certainly influenced the verdict.
  7. Won't he be banned from office for a certain time? Five years I think.
  8. He can't stand in the re-election.
  9. Yes, he should stand down and be humble.
  10. Ian, nothing surprises me with this shady government and their outdated Victorian vision for the country. The sooner we have them on the opposition benches the better.
  11. I wonder if Woolas will be removed from his seat
  12. Yes. I don't want to divulge further information, it will ruin the game experience. All I can say is: if you like 1984 and SAW you will love the narrative
  13. I've seen the first mission, and all I can say is you will be surprised by the game, it is unlike other COD's.
  14. Unlike labour who gained total power by kissing rupert's butt and giving pensioner's a 75 pence a week rise. I know that's a line gideon used, but it was gordon who gave him the ammunition. At that time I was disgusted with labour. Labour sold out on the nhs, privatising services, pfi schemes so the lovely hedge funds and venture capitalists could make profits, guiding the regulators to be soft because they failed to understand the risks. Thye sold out on ethical foreign policy because they wanted to garner respect from the US of A. They sold out on nuclear planning - literally months before announcing new nuclear power stations, they privatised the state owned design authority. Labour sold out their ethics to nulabour. If they had relented and ditched gordo back at the start of the year we would have a lib-lab coallition now. They sold out to the largest threat the UK democracy - rupert, having him around to lunch once a month - I used to be accused of being obsessed by murdoch by the nulabourites in those days. How times change. I can't argue with your view. New Labour have done many thing which I didn't personally agree with.
  15. The Liberal Democrats have completely sold their ethics for a slice of power; It will be extremely interesting to see how they behave in the next general election, which I hope is called sooner rather than later.
  16. I was quite surprised by the cheering in relation to the cuts; I would of thought they would have the decency to refrain, especially in a solemn situation such as this.
  17. Envy I'd rather not have a penny in my pocket and a pot to piss in than be a multi millionaire and have the morals of that smug bastard. You forgot to call him a Tory rocket polisher again. You’re slipping. I've never called him that but surely most people would take that as a given
  18. I met DM in Manchester; he seems very upbeat and positive about the future considering his disapointment on Saturday.
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