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Everything posted by Dante_Lockhart

  1. Unfortunately my weekend is filled with partying and Superbowlness so I won't be on this that much. Typical.
  2. That was meant to happen a few weeks ago but never did This has come straight from the developers, the last double XP weekend was never mentioned by them, only MS.
  3. Lee Bowyer Stephen Carr Oba Martins! If you're trying to recreate a team, 06-07 newcastle probably isn't the best place to start
  4. I 'pick up' £20k. Stupid tax and national insurance taking loads of my monnies.
  5. o_0 Are you playing on easy mode or something? lol. Some of those goals were class though. I loved the audacious lob. You uploaded the tactic anywhere?
  6. Choices do, yes. (i.e. Who you made ruler at the end of DA:O)
  7. I noticed a lot lately too that in LLM it's not just the technical ability of the players that take a big dip (obviously), but mental stats and athletic stats too. Are you telling me that you can't have a lightning fast winger in LLM? Sure he might be crap at crossing and passing, and have 2 flair, but that 20 burst of pace and 19 speed surely isn't impossible?
  8. It's a different play style this time round I believe (Haven't seen much on it as I didn't want to spoil it for myself) so it's more 'console friendly'. I had no problems with the first one on console though.
  9. You can change class, gender and appearance as far as I am aware, but you have to be Human. No Dwarf or Elf.
  10. In preparation for Dragon Age 2 I've booted up Origins again. I downloaded all the DLC too (50% off all last week) and thus far I've completed Awakenings, Witch Hunt and Leliana's Story. (Already had Wardens Keep and Stone Prisoner done from earlier) I've fell in love with the game all over again. Going to get a 100% complete file with all the choices I want to carry over to the next game.
  11. I'm a Pack fan for the evening. I get to wear my Rodgers jersey too! Would have preferred to wear my Suggs jersey... alas.
  12. You just want the 5 * on your gamertag I'll prefer you if you prefer me.. >_>
  13. I'm in. I'd say it's because I enjoy talking to y'all but no fecker ever spaykes!
  14. I did prestige again last night, but I think I'm going to take a step back from BOPS for the time being. It's beginning to piss me off something rotten. All last night I lost EVERY 1 on 1. If that wasn't bad enough all of the lobbies seemed to be filled with campers running Ghost Pro. Literally proper campers, squatting down in a corner or behind a box (or in Nuke Towns case, upstairs in one of the houses aiming at the only entrance). I just kept swearing at the TV. I also seemed to get put on the worst teams in the world. I'd break even, going say 20-16 or something. My other teammates were going 5-21, 4-17, 7-19 etc... Obviously this is turn means the other team are alive for longer periods which = me getting shot up from all angles. Ah well, had a good run. Launch til last night. Total play time 2 days.
  15. I'm level 49 first prestige now. Think I'll prestige again tonight. It just keeps things fresh.
  16. Has Clarks current ability gone up since the start? He seems to have performed well.
  17. Henry Winter: Agreed. Bent will doubtless do well at #avfc, enjoying service of Albrighton & Young (if stays) but he's not an international c-f
  18. Darren Bent for Villa, he wears the Claret and Blue He cost a load of WONGA, but he's better than Carew He can score with his left foot, he can score with his right And when he's down Broad Street he'll score all ****ing night!
  19. Darren Bent for Villa, he wears the Claret and Blue He cost a load of WONGA, but he's better than Carew He can score with his left foot, he can score with his right And when he's down Broad Street he'll score all ****ing night!
  20. Because the fans have no patience and turn everything into a drama. It's been a day and a half / two days!!
  21. Lifetime challenges do stay, yeah. You also keep your playercard stuff (slots, emblem pictures etc)
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