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Everything posted by Ads

  1. Tebbit wouldn’t look out of place eating a lawyer off a toilet on a tropical island amusement park. Cameron was right, Pakistan have been running with the hare and hunting with the hounds for some considerable time now and the Pakistani government need to get a grip on the ISI, because at the moment they're pursuing a policy independent from the sound bites coming from Karachi.
  2. I see you don't read the posts :-) - repeat after me, Ian is not angry, Ian is not angry :-) - you can keep saying as many times as Tony says the referendum on EU, but neither of them will become fact just because you keep saying it :-) As for being so tense - I am neither a wigwam or a teepee Alright you’re calm... but now you have me worried that I’ve made you OD on Xanex.
  3. Where are you drawing these foreigners from? It would be interesting to see who wouldn’t be influenced by the current banking culture, who wouldn’t be part of the “west” and who wouldn’t be a capitalist.
  4. It was more the concept rather than the word. Why would foreign banking experts have any more loyalty to the UK people than UK banking experts? I'd say they would have less (if that's possible - sorry, VT bankers :winkold:). Your suggestion would be to separate it by a further step from those for whom it ought to be working. There is also no need to outsource when we have a Villa headed institution that can and should be doing the job.
  5. Angry? Me - couldn't be further from the truth there old bean, love the H word of some of the Tory VT'ers and love to show them where and when they are wrong. Just because my views seemingly totally differ from yours and a few others on the Tory side, suddenly I am angry and confrontational. Ah well, Dave is right, Dave is great, Dave is the leader, the leader is powerful (sponsored by various offshore companies) No its not because they differ, it’s the way you present them. You seem genuinely angered by anything you don’t agree with. While I’m no delicate flower, I am perplexed as to why you’re so angry. I have a mental image of you foaming at the mouth, incandescent with rage. I just wondered why you’re so tense.
  6. Bank of England. Bank of England. Bank of England. Bank of England. Bank of England. Bank of England. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Bank of England. Bank of England. Bank of England. Bank of England. Bank of England. Bank of England. Bank of England. Bank of England. Bank of England.
  7. :shock: So your preferred state of affairs is to have the regulation of the UK banking industry controlled by a foreign, independent body? Wow. Frankfurt? Gulp.
  8. Don’t shave it, trim gentleman, trim.
  9. I see its confrontational when you point out errors in the person's assumptions and posts especially if they are attacking a certain political party. ah well, as long as none of us show up the Con / Dem's eh? Can you imagine that? See, you’re angry again, or at least that’s how it comes across. You can attack opinions and give criticism- that’s what we’re all doing and what this place is for, but you just seem so angry and confrontational. How come?
  10. Why are you always so confrontational?
  11. He’s going to have to hand it back to a Bank, the BoE. The major issue the FSA had is that it was staffed by folks not smart enough to work for the banks, but tasked with keeping an eye on the banks. It would seem a bit pointless to re-invent a square wheel with a new agency equally as inept.
  12. That’s your problem not mine. Balls is worried about a shift back to the left because he feels it would lessen Labours chances at 2015. Its short term thinking and opportunism, because if Labour is to survive then it must reconnect and reinvigorate its core voters and then build a new voter coalition who will be able to support them in long term. The Lib Dems have made this easier for Labour to do, buts it not cut and dry either. Nobody is suggesting an extreme view. Labour has never buttered my bread either. If you cannot see how daft your argument was over the previous pages, to firstly steam in with all that “pathetic” “no class” stuff and then moan about the lack of seriousness, then that’s your issue.
  13. Right wing in which respect? Economically, socially? Both? If Labour want to survive, then they must reach out to their core. I’ll stand by what I and the good people at the left wing think tank I was chatting with were saying. They must tack back to the left. Short term opportunism, which is essentially what Balls is advocating, won’t benefit the party if the core disintegrates.
  14. Ball’s policy would be to the detriment of the Labour Party. You cannot breath life back into the core by being all things to all people. A choice is necessary.
  15. Indeedamous, I have a scale. Liebour was funny once. It wasn't the hundredth time. The thousandth? I fell out of my tree. By the same token, one monkey once- that's alright, two okey dokey, steady now. Three, well, you get the idea.
  16. They show a humourless response from you and an immediate partisan defence of the Party with an anti-Tory jibe rather than a giggle at the jape. Presumably your quest for serious debate involves flaming the fires of partisan loyalties? Don’t think I didn’t notice it before your clickety-click ascent up to Mount Olympus to pour scorn on the mortals toiling below. With their fun and their internets. Its just not serious enough! If you’d have laughed or not commented, then you could have got back on to talking about the coronation of David Miliband before you could say clause IV.
  17. What the hell does Cameron saying that have to do with a few Villa fans posting pictures of monkeys on an internet to a bunch of seemingly more serious and humourless Villa fans?
  18. That would explain his and his friends actions in stopping Bullingdon Club pictures being released no doubt. You married Ian?
  19. This is a serious thread for serious people! We’ll have no humour here! And certainly not any of your foreign popular culture references!
  20. Appearance is very important. Those who say otherwise are telling porkies!
  21. I guess you see what you look for dont you. From my perspective I think the first time any personal comments are made they are generally from one, or two, people in the main who would not , I think , describe themselves as Tory. I don't look for anything personal from any poster, I will react when people are being personal without reason. I came on this thread to see a genuine discussion about the potential Labour leader. Don’t be so humourless. You’re on the internets for crying out loud, none of its real. I'm not humourless, I can take a joke, but it gets boring when the same old stuff is wheeled out and you just want to discuss topics seriously. How many politics topics have featured pictures of monkey’s recently?
  22. Is there only frowning allowed up on Mount Olympus?
  23. I guess you see what you look for dont you. From my perspective I think the first time any personal comments are made they are generally from one, or two, people in the main who would not , I think , describe themselves as Tory. I don't look for anything personal from any poster, I will react when people are being personal without reason. I came on this thread to see a genuine discussion about the potential Labour leader. Don’t be so humourless. You’re on the internets for crying out loud, none of its real.
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