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Everything posted by thetrees

  1. I don't think so. He would've faced the same problems that Bentley did in that his style of play wouldn't have fit with the rest of the team. His crossing ability would've gone to waste and he'd have to adapt his game to fit in with the game style, as Bentley has recently started to do. Although I am not too pleased with Downing at the moment, this I disagree with. Downing is a far better player than Bentley, whose reputation has been built solely on hype.
  2. If MON were a murdering, rapist, tax evader who battered old ladies for a hobby, but brought you lot CL football you would still think he is wonderful :winkold: Football, that's what I think about, and for that reason I like 'arry a lot better than some in the game.
  3. because he's a grade A arsehole. He's a liar, a crook and an absolute gobshite. Then theres how he operates, he cares not about the clubs he's at its all about him and how much he can line his pockets with and you'd be surprised at the way he does that, that includes some extremely fraudulent behaviour involving bookmakers and hprse racing Nothing would surprise me, but then we have had celebrated Villa players who go home and knock their wives about, Villa managers who allegedly have lined their own pockets during transfers, or who allegedly support murderous terrorist organisations. I just look at it from a football perspective, and the guy has a lot more respect for the traditions of the game than some of the other managers. And look at Spurs' goals scored column this season. On that basis they are the only ones who are trying to keep pace with the so-called 'big 4', and that's because they are sent out to try to win every game.
  4. I fail to understand why people who love football continue such campaigns of hatred against Redknapp. He loves the game, plays the game in the right way and respects the tradition of the game. 'Arry talking sense
  5. Not song, album. Y & T 'Earth Shaker' A hell of a rock album!
  6. Not giving a penalty for that "tackle" (more like wrestle) on Carew was such a stupid decision. Unfortunately he couldn't give a penalty as he was already running away and didn't watch the incident. I think that it was a penalty, but whether it was or not, I am disappointed that the referee was not in a position to witness the incident and make a decision either way. A poor refereeing performance in my opinion.
  7. I thought that we struggled when we went down to ten men........... ........oh shit, it was them who went down to ten men. They were there for the taking, and O'Neill took off our playmaker and best player, Delph, while others remained. Downing once again proved that he is twice the player Balaban was, at least in transfer fee. Young was shockingly poor, yet again. No pressure, no penetration, against a side that were there for the taking. I know that O'Neill is lauded by most, but he ain't no tactician, that's for sure!
  8. His home was raided by the police and an entourage of 'in the know' reporters at 6 a.m. when his wife was home alone, something that the police were well aware of. The fact that Redknapp has not been charged with anything relating to that raid is neither here nor there, no way should his wife been have subjected to such treatment, and he was right to be upset, because any decent husband would have felt exactly the same. So he cares about his family and plays attractive football. There's two plus points about Harry Redknapp, but then perhaps misplaced hatred makes people blind to everything.
  9. Perhaps Harry took the chanting too much to heart, but in his defence it was a time when he was deeply(and rightfully) upset over the treatment of his wife by the police. The incident in the same game, with a supposedly mature, responsible man throwing a coin was disgraceful, and a stain on our club. Similarly such people standing behind him and giving all sorts of abuse is unacceptable behaviour. Holte End chants are one thing, direct, in the face vitriol is something else. All Redknapp did was comment about that and give his own view. But we all know that football fans can dish it, but don't like taking something back. I dunno. If he came up as manager and made us play exciting, attacking football I think a number of us would bestow popularity upon him. Anything to relieve us from the sterile dirge that we are presently subjected to, surely.
  10. Very disappointing performance. Okay, Friedel was on top of his game, and all of the back 4 made some excellent last ditch challenges/blocks, but going forward we were sterile. Perhaps had Heskey not gone lame again we would have offered more, but Carew was awful and Gabby just didn't cause enough problems. Young/Milner/Downing offered nothing, with the latter having a very poor game. I'm just not sure that we have anything in our locker to worry the opposition, particularly those placed higher than us in the league. One final point on Defoe's 'penalty'. Lawrenson on MOTD has just said it was a definite one. If you watch the replay Defoe was going over before Petrov's leg came out. Another good decision from the ref.
  11. Not sure that it was 'boneheaded' or just common sense. Sure it was accidental, but it was potentially giving us the best advantage of the game. The ref had to pull it back and was right to do so.
  12. General, You have obviously heard enough about tickets but, nevertheless, I wish to register my disappointment that the club sees fit to allocate 5 final tickets each to youth team players. I have no problem with the fact that every employee of Aston Villa has the right to tickets, that is only fair. First team squad members who are likely to be involved in the final should be entitled to perhaps between 5 and 10 each so that family and friends can attend, but for all other employees I would venture that two tickets each, enabling them to attend themselves with a friend or family member, would be perfectly adequate. There are plenty who don't qualify for a ticket, such as the dedicated ex-pat Villans, who have supported the club through thick and thin before departing these shores, and who would really appreciate those extra tickets that are handed out to youth players and other employees. Our allocation for a possible FA Cup final appearance is likely to be less than our total number of season ticket holders. Will the staff ticket numbers be maintained should we make the FA Cup final? This gripe is not motivated by a personal situation as, whilst I don't have my ticket yet, it should be secured on Monday by virtue of my season ticket,
  13. Tranmere (45) The Witton Lane upper was literally moving during that game. Last night's match didn't get anywhere near the atmosphere.
  14. I'm pleased to see that the club website are showing 'limited availability' on tickets. The full house Tranmere semi still ranks as one of the best atmospheres at VP in my lifetime, so let's hope that the last few tickets are picked up. Mr Lerner arrives at BHX in the next few minutes, so he's obviously up for it!
  15. An opposing view. The disgraceful behaviour of the vermin Manure followers both before and after the game in 1994 means that I would never prefer a loss to them over anyone else. Forget Barry, a final against Man City would be a great day out. The vast majority of Man City supporters are good humoured, quality football people, who are still pinching themselves and making jokes about the sudden financial might of their club. If we get there, and I have a feeling that we might not, then a day out against City will be a far more enjoyable experience. And if we were to lose, then City fans are much more deserving of the joy than the vermin that follow their neighbours.
  16. BHX has performed well this past week, losing few flights and accommodating many extras from elsewhere. Obviously the main performer is the weather in these parts being relatively good in comparison with elsewhere. I also learned a 'leaves on the line' type excuse relating to aircraft this week that would make a good tabloid story and further embarrass London Airways :winkold:
  17. Although to be fair TT I'm yet to see any convincing evidence that voting is bad for your health, other than if Drat catches you voting Tory. Yes, but I'm sure that I heard Nick Griffin say once that there was no evidence to suggest that smoking was bad for your health :winkold:
  18. Such open-mindedness is exactly the reason why the voting age should be raised to at least 25, probably 30. nah. He's just cottoned on really early that the Tories really are the devil incarnate. He's not far wrong with his analogy, IMO. and i can see why the Tories, and Tory supporters, would be all for raising the voting age to 25 or 30 :nod: "The young don't seem to vote for us much! I know, let's raise the voting age, so that the young can't vote". If you don't have a clue who to vote for and might use the televised debates to help you make your decision, then why would you dismiss one party before watching the debates? I'm all for raising the age of majority, consent and that at which you are allowed to purchase alcohol. After all it is your* Labour government that has set that precedent by raising the age at which you can purchase cigarettes. *I know, I know, but you called me a Tory, so we're quits :winkold:
  19. Such open-mindedness is exactly the reason why the voting age should be raised to at least 25, probably 30.
  20. thetrees


    Absolutely loathe paella. Next month I'll be at a suppliers and they will put one in front of me, and I'll pretend to enjoy it. At least it will be followed up with a thick steak!!
  21. Given that VT appears to be largely populated by impressionable youngsters and ageing 'thinking' socialists (with respect), I think that any narrow lead for the Tories in a VT poll will translate into a landslide victory on election day.
  22. The Tories have never been popular in Wales and Scotland, two populations with enormous chips on their collective shoulders who have a huge influence on who governs the English. Again, i can't disagree that the Tories have, in the past 'tossed' people aside, but as a disaffected middle-Englander with a family who pays shit loads of tax (willingly), I feel very 'tossed aside' by this government. Twelve or so years ago this country married a woman who was quite attractive and gave us hope. She has lied to us, cheated on us and burned everything that we have worked for by spending big and putting it all on credit. Now we have seen another woman, an old flame, who knocked us about a bit in the past and in truth is pretty damn ugly, but we have to get away so we'll climb in bed with her and see whether she has mellowed for the good and we can scratch out some kind of future from the ashes of the present.
  23. Accepting your view, you don't think that Brown, Balls and Miliband are smug? And presumably Prince Mandelson is the absolute epitome of humility? At least you concede that Labour are incompetent. The problem for all of us is that they have been very incompetent for a very long time. And if Cameron is smug, and I think that you may be right, is it not the 'glam' politics of this generation that has elevated him to his position, ahead of an eminently more competent guy like Hague who will never have the right image?
  24. Shit happens. The result neither makes them top 4 world beaters, nor stops us being top 4 pretenders, just one of those nights. Damn cold though!!! Everyone who hasn't got a ticket for Saturday should now get one and go down to roar on the lads and show them how much we appreciate their efforts.
  25. League Cup before 4th, 3rd or 2nd. This club needs a trophy to show true progression, not a cameo appearance in an invitational tournament that lost its credibility years ago.
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