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Everything posted by thetrees

  1. Well being as he's neither working class or a hero I'd say he fails majorly on both counts. More of a Middle Class Racist Arsehole I'd have thought Isn't everyone outside of the super-rich, so-called, 'upper class', middle class?
  2. Any time I see Cameron smile I think of a pile of slimy vomit. A potential Labour vote in my constituency. They still won't save their deposit :winkold:
  3. If the past is anything to go by 80% of the people who say they will vote Lib Dem end up voting for one of the other two. For me the modern day Liberal Democrats were shaped by Jenkins, Rodgers, Williams and Owen, four prominent Socialists.
  4. Fantastic result for Spurs and well done to Redknapp for lifting them from last Sunday's disappointment to two momentous victories. Better they get 4th than Man City.
  5. Wow, a party leader that is human and makes mistakes. Unlike one that is perfectly oiled by the party spin machine, and whose only mistakes jeopardise several generations and are easily dismissed as the effect of outside influences. Tough choice really.
  6. Putting on a media outlet that is not available for the mass public is pandering to Murdoch. It's bad enough we are having these but to allow Murdoch to start to influence things like he does with Fox in the US is a major problem. If they thought they had to put it on a different network to ITV and BBC, why not C4? or just on the radio (then we could have removed that shite about body language etc)? This. Sky is not free-to-air, therefore a percentage of the population, me included, are being denied the right to form a judgement over the entire series of debates. Democracy? Pah!
  7. I'm guessing he means 'surprising' because Cameron was taking the risk of tarring the most powerful country in the world and a crucial trading partner as an enemy. Is China a 'crucial trading partner'? If you want a cheap goods, throwaway society, yes, but I suspect that they need the west more than it needs them. Effectively the west is financing the rise and strengthening of a totalitarian regime.
  8. Undoubtedly held in reverence and not at all camera shy, although perhaps has to claim on his holiday insurance for leaving the camera lying around :winkold:
  9. Gordo promised us a referendum tonight, I think I'll vote for him...... .....oh bugger, Blair promised us a referendum 13 years ago. Not much has changed has it?
  10. :-) Seems more and more things from his past keep emerging to show him in a different light? Ian, are you commending Mr Cameron for his honesty?
  11. As it has been established by a number of correspondents to this thread that the Tories are an untrustworthy, money grabbing, all for the rich party, I think it highly unlikely that the minimum wage, which has become *the* wage paid to the majority of staff by unscrupulous, money grabbing employers (who undoubtedly vote Tory) will be removed. I think that this piece of legislation will be preserved by any Tory government as one of the big money grabbing plus of Labour's tenure.
  12. Blair refused to fly in RAF VC-10 and TriStar aircraft because they were 'too old' and subsequently spent shitloads of taxpayers money on chartering private jets and the occasional BA 777, a habit that has continued with Gordo.
  13. Crikey, so people who 'possibly' support Labour now call Labour party members that they don't like Tories? There's nothing like conveniently packaging things up :winkold:
  14. :shock: Milner's frustration when the referee blew in the 95th minute (4 minutes too early) didn't smack of lacklustre, in fact the opposite. The tiredness bit is also an excuse that is trotted out by many, and one that I don't buy. The team went out tonight and had a right go against a very well organised side. Despite the fact that the referee was doing everything to screw them up, and one or two murmurings of discontent in the crowd (after Everton's second) they kept at it and got the minimum that they deserved. I thought that they were great and served us up an excellent game, one of the best at VP this season.
  15. Probably my favorite Villa player. He can play some fantastic balls and your always confident when he has the ball. I do think he would be better utilised in a three man midfield with a runner and a creative player. such a solid player. honestly think you could count the number of times he's given the ball away this season on two hands. just wish he would demand the ball more and be more adventurous with his passing - he has the ability to do so. In all fairness if most of your passes are back to your defenders, who haven't got an opposition player within 20 yards of them, you won't give the ball away. Petrov didn't play one forward pass tonight, and I can't remember the last time that he did. He links play well and is tenacious in his play, but a playmaker he is not, not at all. Thats rubbish he played a couple of blinders! Crikey, did I blink twice? I must go to the doctors and get that tick sorted :winkold:
  16. I can't work out why Everton fans boo Ashley. Is it because he is better than anything they have got?
  17. By all accounts Bale was excellent again tonight. Let's hope Spurs get that 4th spot.
  18. Probably my favorite Villa player. He can play some fantastic balls and your always confident when he has the ball. I do think he would be better utilised in a three man midfield with a runner and a creative player. such a solid player. honestly think you could count the number of times he's given the ball away this season on two hands. just wish he would demand the ball more and be more adventurous with his passing - he has the ability to do so. In all fairness if most of your passes are back to your defenders, who haven't got an opposition player within 20 yards of them, you won't give the ball away. Petrov didn't play one forward pass tonight, and I can't remember the last time that he did. He links play well and is tenacious in his play, but a playmaker he is not, not at all.
  19. Back page newspaper headline for tomorrow: 'ATKINSON WREAKS REFS REVENGE ON O'NEILL' Proud of the boys again tonight.
  20. I shivered when I read that. But then for John Redwood read Peter Mandleson or Simon Hughes. Every party has a slippery animal or two lurking around somewhere.
  21. If they do manage to win the best way is to vote with ones feet, get yourself and your family away from the place and to the nearest place of safety that speaks the lingo (Holland for eg). Number one place in Europe to bring up kids and it has coffee shops, kinda laughs in the face of the class A,B and C bolox. 8) Holland is a good shout, especially if Labour get in. You can then get used to a barren, featureless landscape, which is what will greet you upon your return.
  22. in principal but isn't it slightly flawed ? as in i beleive all oldies get it so Mrs OAP with 2 cats living on a pension of £80 a month gets it as does Mrs OAP with 2 beagles and a pension of £3000 a month well then that is a problem. It should only be available to people whos earnings in retirement mean over a certain percentage is going in fuel bills. It's probably because they rushed it out then without thinking about it if what you suggest is the case with the winter fuel allowance. and if so it's another example of a "nice try" by Labour to do something positive, but just do it half arsed. Whereas the Tories would probably prefer to give it only to the beagle woman. whereas Labour gives it to everyone and wastes yet more millions. Yep, my folks were very grateful for the 'extra' allowance last winter when the temperature stayed below freezing for seven consecutive days on a couple of occasions. After all it must have only been about 15C in Spain at the time......
  23. But then you don't have to be a socialist to have a social conscience, so many of your VT correspondents who err on the "reptile" side of politics may well value the same, but with a different perspective. Personally I see no difference between snouts in the trough Tories, or snouts in the trough Labour, except that the latter allude to a 'working class' (sic) moral high ground. The Lib Dems, hapless though they be, have one agenda, and that is to be the power brokers through to the end of time. Let's hope that we are saved from that fate once again.
  24. The last Premier League match that looked like it could be fixed was Manure-West Ham when Tevez scored the winner to keep the spammers up. Tevez signing for Manure a few weeks later was the least shocking transfer ever.
  25. The fact is that he got the ball. There isn't a percentage of 'how much' that he has to satisfy before it's a penalty. It was a terrible decision by the ref. Whyohwhy couldnt he have been in charge for our game yesterday. Because he is a declared SHA supporter, so I don't think that he ever referees us, although I stand to be corrected on that point.
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