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Everything posted by YLN

  1. He wasn't registered you **** tit Dowie
  2. Looks like a team he might have played in the reserve league and done well. Perhaps Rapid Vienna aren't much better than the best reserve team in our division.
  3. Especially if we have to play 20 games of Europa League... It's like Sophie's choice
  4. Disappointing from the point of view I was hoping to see Delfouneso and Weimann starting. Looking forward to seeing Bannan for a full game. And Lichaj. Wonder how long Albrighton will stay on for and how much damage he'll do
  5. Dan AVFC: VILLA: Guzan; Lichaj, Beye, Davies, Warnock; Albrighton, Reo-Coker, Hogg, Downing. Bannan; Heskey. Thursday August 19, 2010 16:43 Dan AVFC
  6. Team news coming right up apparently
  7. YLN


    Doesn't that sort of kill the point of legalising drugs? I'd like to see drugs legalised, because I think people should be allowed to consume anything they like. If they choose not to be properly informed about the drug and they take too much of it, then great. One less idiot. If you can't handle the drugs, then you shouldn't be taking them. I can't handle drugs. I don't take them. People don't need to be babysat. The information is freely available about drugs. If you're unsure about whether or not you will be able to take drugs, you can voluntarily take a variety of tests similar to what you have suggested. Your plan of regulation would mean that those who don't qualify from your series of tests will just continue to buy it illegally. It's the junkies who would not be deemed fit by the test who are the criminals' best customers. You do all those tests and then the purchaser just shares his drugs with his friends who don't need to go through the test. If I wanted to buy any drug, I think I'd have a good chance of getting it in the space of 3 hours. Drugs are freely available, but illegal. The money goes to the criminals and it's all done cloak and dagger, when they could be legal and the money would go to private entrepreneurs and the government in tax. I'm not seeing any justifiable reason why cigarettes, alcohol, caffeine and wanking are distinguished as being addictions that are alright.
  8. I thought Vienna was a terrible place. Full of bad museums and pubs with no atmosphere. Watched people eat Sacher Torte in the Sacher hotel. Cost about a tenner for a slice and I've been telling people that I ate it there since, but it didn't cost me a thing and was less sugary. Watched the Euro 2008 final there from outside the stadium. Through the bars of a gate and around a tree surrounded by people who couldn't get tickets for the game or were ticket touts or were waiting for people to leave the stadium so they could pickpocket as they left. Very unusual atmosphere. Then the swarms of reporters interviewing people as they left the ground. The sad Germans first and then the happy Spaniards.
  9. YLN

    General Chat

    I just sent away for my transcript today. Costs a tenner. Ranges from 1 week to 3 with regard to how long it'll take for them to post it back to me. Wouldn't be too confident you'll get them before Friday TSV
  10. The first gulp of a cold 500ml bottle of Coke after the first bite of a bar of chocolate while sitting down to watch a new episode of Futurama or IT Crowd or The Life and Times of Tim
  11. YLN

    General Chat

    You're apparently in America. Wasn't it circa 6/7/8:30am when you posted that? What time did you get up? For how many hours/minutes do you spend awake each day usually?
  12. Reminds me of some Futanari I saw once. And then after I saw it once I saw it again and again and again
  13. YLN

    General Chat

    Oh I mean it's great, but I'd appreciate the option of a trade off. Like a 1-0 win and an enjoyable conversation with a pretty girl, or a 3-1 win and some public transport frottering. Is it too much to ask?
  14. YLN

    General Chat

    When Villa are doing well, I can never manage to find anyone willing to have sex with me. Just when it looked like my dry spell was gonna end, Villa instead improve ten fold. Great stuff...
  15. YLN

    Match Thread

    What are you up to John?
  16. YLN

    Match Thread

    I'm getting an erection
  17. YLN

    Match Thread

    Milner you ****. Stay!!!!
  18. YLN

    Match Thread

    Love when Albrighton gets on the ball
  19. There's a crowd of children in Ghana with a **** insane football shirt collection. For which I, and those who donated the shirts from this site, never received any of the promised pictures of that Christmas morning when they were given out. Hey Charity :
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