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Everything posted by AvfcRigo82

  1. I do read, Mainly football autobiographys, but some crime, thriller and scandal ones too.
  2. What a post Lancs!! 100% spot on and i couldn't have said it better myself. One of the very best things i have read since being a member of VillaTalk!
  3. .. Offer to pay for his Funeral for a start!!!
  4. Very true.. and i agree with the majority on here, that this is a mess, needs looked into further.. this is shambolic. Only a week ago the Scottish FA made the same f* up drawning aberdeen twice or something, and it looks 90-10 that the English FA have f* up on this one too!! Even if we still end up playing Manure.. i still want verification or something from the FA.. other wise It's what demitri and a few others have posted, and still looks to remain a farce.
  5. Is it just me or will our 'Old Firm' game now in april be even more hyped up.. MON & Mcleish going head to head.. this has to be brilliant for our ' local Derby' status, and midlands football in general.. Think of the build up to this one come april... especially as its nearer the end of the season aswell, amoung the other hype that will now be added to it, and again alot could be riding on this game for both teams come that time!! (Brum getting the win that keeps them up.. or Villa getting the win (which will happen) to gain a minimum Uefa Cup place in the league!!)
  6. Ha.. so mcleish is the new farmer at the sty... all i can say is.. of all the clubs that man could have chosen and he landed up at dirty birmingham.. Oh well its about right, as he was always the 2nd best manager in glasgow aswell behind o'neil.. looks like history repeating itself again in birminham!!! See you in april alex.
  7. Waahahahahahaha!! This thread is such comedy! Id love for McClown to get the job at the sty, having already hate the carrot this would just be the most hated club than it already is now!! ...Lemme guess.. there going to make a statment saying they have approched Arsene Wenger next!! :roll:
  8. Did'nt O'Deary say the same about us a few years back when he was in charge - i.e. "We can't compete with the Wigans or Charltons of this world".... Imagine the quality stuff he'd come out with as blose boss..... HA HA True.. "My time at Villa, we... blah blah blah" "Iv'e known Ridgewell since the Villa Days.. He was one of my honest bunch of lads" "When i was at leeds... blah blah blah" "We've got a small squad" The interviews would be great viewing on MOTD... thats if they stay in the premier league.. which with this mess going on.. i recommend taking the best price you can get on birmingham being relegated and make some money while you can.
  9. I bet this is how ridgewell felt after he scored....
  10. Aint nobody ripping them apart. When you all going to realise we are not that good!? Excuse me for getting excited about sundays game! :winkold:
  11. Berger would still rip them apart!!
  12. ooh crumbs... il post the link! Edit - tried the short link thing but it keeps coming up saying sky sports error when its done that way.. but a link is better than no link!
  13. http://www.skysports.com/story/0,19528,11677_2870375,00.html They will if we don't win.. Just come to Villa talk!
  14. I wonder if Alan Sugar knows about this!! :winkold: ..... il get my coat!!
  15. haha i remember when that sour faced applejohn 'le tosser' predicted only a few weeks ago chelsea would beat us.. and we ended up making them look poor! ...but le tosser knows everything about football i guess.. all them players of the year awards he won.. countless winners medals.. :? Rant over!
  16. I wouldn't even waste time talking about the gypsy(s)!
  17. This game is going to be so immense come saturday!! If Carew is fit, he should make the bench and not thrown straight back in like its been suggested! Id also play Gardner at RB and move Mellberg back into DC for this one! A midfield of Petrov - NRC - Barry - Young* (pending fitness) Views everyone....
  18. At this point in time.. it is Yves La Rock - Rise Up
  19. Why can you never buy a cup of tea at St. Andrews? ...Because all the mugs are on there pitch and all the Cups are at Villa Park!
  20. ...Super... cue the next 20 pages of 'The J Defoe Thread... listen guys... just look back over the last 700 pages.. im sure it's all been spoke about before... I've said it once and il say it again.. but anyone would think the way half the people bum him up that he was only only striker in the world gettable. :yawn:
  21. Im with you jez.. as much as i don't wanna read into it, it just pisses me right off, spurs thinking there somethng all of a sudden cus of a few things they have going for them! ... Theres always one thing that Spurs will never get over on us and thats a European Cup in there trophy cabnet!!
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