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Everything posted by zippy178

  1. 32, 5'7, 10 stone. Because my ass is so bloody fat, I carry substantial junk in the trunk, then it varies. If I'm buying bootcut, it's 30s I get, but if I want skinnies I buy 34.
  2. Tune! Artic Monkeys - Fake Tales of San Francisco
  3. zippy178

    Do you read?

    I'm reading Tom Jones at the moment in preparation for my Uni interview. I'm actually really liking it!
  4. Oasis - Cigarettes and Alcohol Get It On's chord sequence, but far far worse!
  5. Radiohead - Bones I don't like White Lies, Unfinished Business was crap.
  6. Tune! My favourite Beach Boys. Shearwater - Leviathan
  7. Johnny Cash - Big River and The Killers - Spaceman
  8. Rage Against The Machine - Calm Like A Bomb
  9. I think tonight will see extensive drinking of some mixers. Mojitos it is!
  10. Is it normal to have really variable emotions? My mind just jumps all over the place, it can seem really bleak sometimes but then it can be fine. It seems to go in phases. Is that normal? Family help immensely. It will be fine, but at times it can be really tough. And they say being a kid is easy. **** hormones.
  11. 5 years ago I was 12 and leading a very narrow existence of what was next for lunch and generally not understanding life beyond the next week. Now I'm staring down the gun barrel of life, and I am scared shitless of where I'm going. I'm relishing it but at the same time am scared of the uncertainty, i.e. of university and leaving home. My mind has also grasped the wider context of things, and perhaps it has led to my head becoming a bit messed up. My eyes have been opened but it has also caused my brain to become confused and at the moment things are a bit tough. But I'm sure this will eventually make me a stronger person. 5 years on will be very interesting. *excuse my lack of coherency
  12. Johnny was awesome with the Cribs at Reading. I absolutely adore The Smiths, I go through phases where I listen fanatically whilst in others I just listen to them when they come on. The best bands are the ones that, although you like them at first, you keep coming back to them. The Smiths are one. My favourite track is probably Please Please Please... However, the cover at the end of This Is England of that is shocking!
  13. I can see the table beginning to open up at the top end soon, I hope we end up going with that group.
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