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Everything posted by stewiek2

  1. See, its that rubbish you had to google it mooney! haha
  2. I met Uri Geller once. I was designing a paranormal magazine called Encounters and he turned up for a meeting to discuss endorsing the mag. Which then became Uri Geller's Encounters, resulting in everyone who'd worked on the mag being kicked off in favour of the company favourites. Oh and Cathy Cook came to my school to present some awards. Amazed she dared to come to Chelmsley, let alone Simon Digby!
  3. Arteta, are you talking about the kit or the man in the kit? lol!
  4. I applaud you, General, in your answers. It IS now about what we do now that counts... Though good lord please no Gary Mac in charge. YOu build a record over a period such as his for a reason, not fluke or circumstance. Oh a side note on Obama... Like a club and managers, should it really be about someone of that nationality or the best man/woman for the job? We want a global community but our national 'they aint from here' takes over. Some of our bravest soldiers in WW2 were poles who fled when the nazis went in. So for me its about the person, not the nationality.
  5. On the subject of Moyes... you can't be too bad a manager if Sir Taggart rates you. And managers can change their style of play. Look at how le Arse play now (and win **** all) compared to how Wenger had the team of Viera, Henry, Petit, Bergkamp etc. playing (and won loads). They played a far more physical style.
  6. General, First up please wish Gerard a speedy recovery. I always felt that it was next season where we see the green shoots of recovery from this new setup, with a full preseason, new faces, old faces more aclimatised to his training methods etc. I would love him to be back in his managerial role next season, however, if due to this unfortunate health scare, he isn't to return as manager then wish him all the best and I hope he stays on within the club in some capacity. A true gent of the game. Secondly, big thank you for putting out an android app. As the owner of an android phone it baffles me how people can be fooled by apple and microsofts non-open source approach and the 'locked in' philosphy they have. *oops getting all techy * Is all this HTC launch linked to a hint of who our new sponsor is at all? *he cheekily asked in an attempt to get a hint from the good General* It's been a frustrating season but I'm am positive that next season will be one with some rather upeat and pleasant surprises for us all at VP. Stewie
  7. Nike really are putting designs out that scream 'we cannot be arsed or give a shit about all this.' Have to say, and heads up to Mr Warner and his team, Umbro are doing some lovely designs atm, and well done adidas, for finally putting nice kits out rather than the old monstrositys.
  8. I've never been so chuffed to see Villa midtable!
  9. We were **** great today. Never has a result been so totally totally deserved lately and that scoreline flatters the spammers.
  10. Seeing Chas n Dave last night at the Wulfren cheered me up no end... GERCHA!!!
  11. And don't ask me to spill how I know as I don't want to get the guy in trouble. But Houllier won't be sacked. From what I've been told Randy blames Dither for being the cause of the state we are in and Dither ALONE.
  12. Hilarious Not saying I like the fact. Just what I've been told.
  13. I think it starts in September. My mate has all the details, he said that apparently Level 1 is easy but Level 2 is difficult but if you do well in it you can easily be fast tracked. I'm going to be sorting it out soon so if I get the details I will let you know. Cool yeah thanks I'll be keen to find out more too. Me too! Something I'd love to get into. PM details to me too mate
  14. Nail. On. Head. The same McCallister who has **** up as a manager and coach wherever he has gone.
  15. Said it last summer but we really should have moved heaven and earth to have got Moyes in.
  16. They can all go and get ****. Utter garbage from that bog-eyed manager to those useless c**ts on the pitch. They are ALL collectively responsible for this shit.
  17. **** sake, do thes c**ts practice crosses at all? How many have been straight at Hennesey?!
  18. **** sake Gabby wide and 1 up at home. Its not **** rocket science that we play better in a 4-4-2!?!
  19. Sod it, bring back Scotty Too Hotty back and he can do the worm!
  20. Well Sky News in all their glory on the 10 o'clock news had Colin Brazier giving a voice-over to footage of the tsunami hitting the Japanese shores. Fine you think, as really it's something the world should see to understand. However, the sick f**ks highlighted an area in the bottom left hand corner of the screen with ar Colin overdubbing "Take a look in the botom left hand corner. Keep looking and you'll see people trying to runaway from the waves coming in." What?!?! He is encouraging us all, in an almost 'You've been framed way' to watch people forlornly meet their death!? Utter shoddy gutter journalism.
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