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Everything posted by macandally

  1. I think he has tried too hard since day one, needs to take the pressure off himself to “do something” every time he gets the ball. Hopefully a full preseason will help (all that said, still better than £80m Antony at United)
  2. Thanks again for proving my point! Oh the irony!
  3. And if you are not getting my point by now, you are not going to so no point going on
  4. Absolutely not! I am annoyed at you dictating to everyone else what we/they should do based on your view. I don’t give a monkeys what peoples views are on Pedro, but I think they should be able to make them themselves without forced views or ridicule. Thats my opinion of course!
  5. At the risk of repeating, people peddling their thoughts as facts is getting a little repetitive
  6. Peddle crap then appeal to those with common sense. Way to go
  7. Thanks for telling everyone what we should and shoudnt be doing. Hopefully the whole forum is on the same page now!
  8. You can end it anytime you want, just leave the thread!
  9. I know it’s a forum but every thread being plagued by varying (but some repeat) individuals who make sweeping statements about players ability, intent or what Emery or his system will do with them is getting really, really, really boring. Speculate by all means, but don’t make statements you have absolutely no clue about as if it’s gospel!
  10. The Castore kit was crap last year and worse this year. Saved myself well over a hundred quid by not buying either of their offerings. like the badge this year, but the shirt looks like Burnley
  11. I think the raw materials are there, but there is a lot of work to do (aka Nico Williams). in effect it’s our investment in the future
  12. I am not sure I accused you of anything, I just said that we have a wide forum of thoughts and generally most are looking at the player now as opposed to Emery who is likely looking at what the player will be. Not trying to fall out with people but just because Barnes has played a certain position for Leicester or Johnson has faults for Forest, that these players couldn’t be much more with some focused tutelage and coaching. I actually think we are agreeing more than disagreeing!
  13. I have no interest in arguments at my age! I think we agree that the is is a forum full of opinions, but 95% if not more have no clue as to Monchi/Emery plan. That’s why the get the big bucks and we don’t!
  14. Read your post again (although my statement is more generalised). You are singling out our fan base as they don’t agree with you? You say they will look against your proposed criteria, I am saying they will look wherever they can identify talent and develop it. You were the one getting touchy!
  15. I think you will find they have identified talent to develop and sell on, irrespective of where that has come from. I have said this before, too many are fixated on what the player is now, I think Monchi/Emery are looking at what the player could be with the right development and coaching. It bemuses me people still think they are better placed to judge talent and system above Emery because they played FM 1999 edition!
  16. You can coach that, you cannot coach MGW to do the 100m in 12 seconds. If you want to know how any elite sports academy works, that is the thought process. Technique can be taught, size and pace cannot
  17. I would take Brennan Johnson, you cannot coach pace, you either have it or not and he is rapid. I also think that this type of player should be in our sweet spot. Talent and ability but need someone like Emery to unlock their real potential. I also believe it is a barometer of what the player really wants. Emery showed last season he really improves players, therefore should weed out the hungry as opposed to the greedy. I do though have total faith in Monchi and Emery to do the right thing. First time in decades!
  18. Morning Chaps, which potential signing we lambasting as not good enough or fitting Emery’s system today
  19. We could play 56 games next season, rotation will be key. This “subs” stuff is just outdated, everyone will get minutes.
  20. I am not sure why we are going through the annual “hand wringing” ritual. I trust Emery 100% to get the right players in. The one thing I do firmly believe, is that some of them we will complain about, forgetting he has already turned round not just one or two underperforming players, but a whole bloody team! I thoroughly look forward to seeing what this summer brings!
  21. You need Aaron Ramsey and Archer, do well for you as they did bringing a different dimension to Borough!
  22. I think too many are looking at Barnes as he is now rather than what he could be. Who knew how good Ramsey, McGinn etc were with the right coaching? They got pelters on here week in week out. If Unai wants him, it’s because the raw materials are there (for me pace and finishing) the rest can be coached
  23. Shush, whisper this, let’s sail under the radar as long as possible. It’s all going to be about Newcastle and Brighton, but we will shoot past them with a bit of clever investment and Unai at the helm
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