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Everything posted by ml1dch

  1. A couple of tangentially interesting stories in the news today. (1) the KFC issue. A change to a different delivery company has led to nearly 600 shops being closed due to a breakdown in their supply chain. Shows how a pretty minor administrative change can easily lead to the whole operation grinding to a halt if it's not properly thought-through and administered well. (2) The discovery of a couple of hundred stink bugs on cargo ships carrying 12,000 cars from Japan to New Zealand means that they have been turned away, and won't be allowed to dock until the ships and their cargo have been fumigated. NZ doesn't have the facilities to deal with that particular pest, so they are currently "floating aimlessly in the Pacific" (New Zealand Herald's quote). If NZ did have the facilities to deal with it, the solution is fumigation with Methyl Bromide. Which coincidentally ruins the upholstery of cars. The knock-on effect is that other exporters have put deliveries of cars on hold, for fear that they will be turned back as well. Leading to an imminent shortage of cars, and possible job losses in the car retail sector. It might just be that "we'll just accept anything from anywhere in the world and let it all in" might come with a consequence or two.
  2. True, at least he is ideologically consistent. If morally and intellectually bankrupt.
  3. The way the wind is blowing as of today: turns out you were wrong and it's actually not possible to both do your stupid idea and stick to the terms of the Good Friday Agreement? Not a problem, announce that the Good Friday Agreement was rubbish and a failure anyway, so it's actually good news that this messes the whole thing up. Problem solved.
  4. What a pity that their deserved slide into oblivion couldn't have happened a couple of years ago. The massive bag of dicks.
  5. ml1dch

    U.S. Politics

    Nah. Let him burn in the fiery pit that he has stoked.
  6. ml1dch


    You can't even scream abuse and post dog turds through a black family's letterbox these days without the bloody PC brigade whinging about it.
  7. I think we're approaching the endgame of this stuff though. When the end of March rolls around they will have to have a proposal of sorts. It'll be unworkable and incompetent (obvs), but I reckon that will trigger something from one side or the other to break the delusion.
  8. Johnson's speech. Asked afterwards whether people are entitled to ask for clarity, he mishears and starts talking about the post-Brexit opportunities for organic carrots. Strong stuff.
  9. "We have to leave the EU, British MEPs are always being outvoted which show that our aims are incompatible" "Don't your MEPs always vote against every piece of legislation on principle, regardless of what it's about" "...."
  10. ml1dch


    It's just the same as FIFA 14.
  11. Isn't that a bit like someone saying "you can't blame Tony Blair for the Iraq war, the Tories would have done it as well..." ? Which I'm guessing you would give the short-shrift that it would deserve.
  12. Well, until it actually happens. It'll be absolutely fascinating to watch the fallout.
  13. Bill Cash, Nigel Farage, John Redwood and the other europhobes didn't up and leave because they didn't get their own way. They tried to convince enough people that their repulsive ideology was right and they've finally succeeded. Now it's up to the side of decency to do the same. But your original point "why aren't some people leaving". Some of them are. Which turns your question into "why isn't everyone who thinks this is stupid leaving". Which is a bit daft.
  14. It doesn't really matter what the reports say though does it? People chose not to listen before, they're not going to listen to the same stuff again with a new date on it. And when it does go wrong it'll just be somebody else's fault. A nice, easy repercussion-free way of doing things.
  15. Some of them were brilliant. His tweet didn't have a lot to work with unfortunately.
  16. I wonder whether the editor would have any pictures of Andrew Neil accompanied by a model under the influence of gravity that he does approve of? [Private Eye letters page\]
  17. Have you seen who is going to be voting for the next leader? If the deranged witterings on Conservative Home are anything to go by, they'll accept nothing less than Rees-Mogg or the ghost of Oswald Mosley.
  18. They even have their own Boris Johnson and Jacob Rees-Mogg.
  19. And rest assured, that fine gentleman would undoubtedly assure you that he knew exactly what he was voting for, and that he wasn't one of those people who hadn't fully thought things through.
  20. He probably does mean that. Although a quick curiosity Google reveals that Senpaku is an ocular disorder, that in Japanese superstition means that the sufferer is going to meet an early and tragic fate*. So maybe it works either way. But probably not. *As was the case for the sanpaku-afflicted JFK, RFK, Princess Diana, Abraham Lincoln, Jill Dando, Sharon Tate and Jim Morrison.
  21. It's the polls stopping the Government working out what it wants from this?
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