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Everything posted by Grogan_Avfc

  1. A busload of ugly people crashes into a lorry, all 50 ugly people on the bus and the lorry driver are killed. In heaven, they are queueing to speak with St Peter before entering heaven. The lorry driver is standing at the very back of the queue when the first ugly person approaches St Peter. St Peter says, "before you enter heaven i can grant you one wish, what is it to be?" "well," replies the ugly bloke, "I want to be beautiful." "Very well" says St Peter, who turns him beautiful and lets him enter heaven. The second ugly person, hearing this also requests to be beautiful, and this continues until the lorry driver at the back of the queue bursts out laughing. By the time all the ugly people on the bus have entered heaven all looking beautiful, the lorry driver is rolling around on the floor in uncontrollable laughter. St Peter looks down at him and says "What is your wish?" The lorry driver gets up, wipes the tears from his eyes and replies "Make 'em all ugly again!"
  2. I voted PES, PES 3 was the best one, I was addicted.
  3. Normally do when I'm in my mom's car but for some reason i Don't in my cousin's car who wrote off 2 cars in a month and didn't in my mate's stepsisters car who only passed 2 weeks ago
  4. You should have in your poll "other" as an option. For me it's gotta be Kinder Bueno, mmmmmmm
  5. Technically it was 9:01 when you posted
  6. Thought you was posting it today Chrissy Boy? liar
  7. Yea, and mine! You lazy-arsed gayboy
  8. I can't believe this thread has grown nearly 100 pages in a week!
  9. The newest blog!!! Aston Villa Blog 2006/2007
  10. lol balls in a vice or something along those lines OUCH!
  11. Get well soon and what minor injuries do you have?
  12. Newsnow and VT didn't work for me either
  13. An attractive blonde woman is working in her allotment. She has been trying for weeks but still can't get her tomatoes to ripen. So she goes to the next allotment and asks the man, "excuse me, but how do you get your tomatoes to ripen?" "Oh thats easy" replies the man "I just stand in front of them and flash myself at them twice a day for 2 weeks." So the woman heads back to her allotment and follows the mans instructions for 2 weeks, but with no joy. So back she ges to the allotment next door. "Oh Hi" says the man "did your tomatoes ripen yet?" "not yet" she replies "but my cucumbers are enormous."
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