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Everything posted by Danwichmann

  1. There's been very little action anywhere, not just Villa, involving big names or big money at least. Everyone knows that not much really happens during the Jan window so I'm not concerned as i think i'll happen during the summer. Its not like other clubs are leaving us behind as they deal, that would be worrying.
  2. I can imagine Posh would want an LA pad regardless, especially if she know's her hubby may be playing somewhere a little less glamarous? But the wage structure thing would certainly suggest they're very serious about signing him.
  3. I wouldn't go that far. But i would love us to sign him. He's a hard working player with bags of talent. True, he's past his best but we're hardly in a position to sign world class players at their peak. We need to raise our profile to move on and Beckham would do that. A big name or 2, even if past it will help us no end attracting other players (Bent, SWP, Young) who at the moment are likey to prefer other options to us, IMO.
  4. http://tinyurl.com/yaex9z Well, he's going somewhere soon.
  5. He has been playing every game, not sure if he will be now. He's not expected to be in the squad tomorrow. But i agree that Le Guen may go first but if not I think Ferguson will be forced out.
  6. I see your point, we can't get left behind now but it will be much harder than people think to do business in Jan and i think MO'N is just trying to expectaions realistic.
  7. Good to know this is being looked into. I would have thought the easy and obvious way would be to give discounts to all full time students? As part time students will at least have some form of proper income from jobs (in most cases).
  8. This is something that was looked at a few years back, basically because people were abusing the system. Signing up for a course that they never attended (just a night course at college or something) just so they could officially count as a student and get cheaper ticket prices even if they were in their 40s. Maybe a compromise would be making it students under 25 or something? As far as I'm aware it's anyone under 21 at the moment not just students, I've never been asked for a student card (or even id recently for that matter). I do know what you mean though Rodders, next time I attend a game I'll probably have to pay full price (might just squeeze one in before my 21st I don't know). I agree on this one. Have recently bought my half-season ticket and its very annoying to have to pay adult prices while being a student. Really i can't afford it but its such a good time to be a Villa fan i find myself going to almost every home game anyway.
  9. I'm at Uni and love it! Most fun i've ever had and reccommend it to anyone! Sure, you're going to build up some debt but you're probably going earn a lot more for the rest of your life to. And if you don't know what you want to do just choose a fairly general course, such as Business. Can go into anything with that and the workload isn't to bad. Uni's a great way to extend your youth, becasue once you start working thats all finished!
  10. Had mine shaved off once, it took about a month to grow back.
  11. great stuff, been a while since we've had an article like that on here!
  12. Can't imagine there won't be a target man upfront. I don't think Moore and Defoe would work as a stike pairing.
  13. Jeremie Aliadiere is thinking of leaving Arsenal, he's only 23 and has done well at championship and reserve level i think. Should be worth having a look at?
  14. Liverpool 100% at home and Villa unbeaten. Someone's run is going to end and i think it'll be Liverpools. 1-1 draw.
  15. Stuart Taylor - 6 - Made some decent saves but didn't look confident enough to comr for crosses. Maybe should have had a better shout for Angels own goal Aaron Hughes - 6 – Quiet today but did his job well enough Liam Ridgewell - 8 – Another assured performance from thw worlds most improved player Olof Mellberg - 8 – Ollie, solid as ever Gareth Barry – 9 – Stunning goal and always looked our most dangerous player. McClaren may have even notcied him today! May be even more effective if we can get him back into midfield Gabriel Agbonlahor - 6 – Earned the pen but couldn't get into the game as much as he has done from the right. Got kicked at a lot. Steven Davis - 5 – Couldn't get into game from left hand side Gavin McCann - 8 – Solid again, looked class. Stiliyan Petrov - 8 – Another effective game from Stiliyan Milan Baros - 6 – Worked hard and did look a threat but not back to his best. Juan Pablo Angel - 5 – I've thought long and hard, and decided to pretend i went for a pie during the 2nd half and missed a couple of incidents. Hardly won a head all day and looked pretty average Substitutes: Didier Agathe – 5 – One decent cross but took to long to put the ball in on several occasions and generally the quality of his crossing was poor Patrik Berger – 6 – Good to see him back and was certainly more comfortable than Davis on the left
  16. I'm sure O'Neil is ready to up the anti, i think its all down to how good a players can be attracted. No superstars were ever going to go to Leicester or to play in the SPL and they won't come to Villa either, yet. We need to be playing at a higher level to get better players, UEFA cup at least so it'll probably be a few seasons until we can attract top players and MO'N can build his dynasty.
  17. Where has all the SWP talk come from? Is there any substance to it or just wishful thinking from fans making the link themselves?
  18. It'll almost certainly be Milner on the right and i expect a target man up front unless Sutton convincies MO'N he can do a job for the rest of the season. Don't really expect to see full backs unless especially good players are avaliable, we have 3 RBs (Hughes, Delaney and Agathe) and 3/4 LBs (Bouma, Samual, Barry, Whitts) so don't think it will be a priority.
  19. Would definatley like to see some memorials, there have been so many people at the club worthy of it. Also, i think those memorials at other grounds add to the whole atmosphere, ambience and general impression of 'greatness'. They make you aware that the club is something much bigger than just what it is now.
  20. If O'Neil is going for a big striker in the transfer window i'd like to see us go for Rasiak from Southampton. Didn't really get a chance at Spurs but i think he'd have something to offer in the Prem and shouldn't cost more than £3 million. And as we're raiding them Gareth Bale looks worth a look as well, a young left back they're already comparing to Wallcot in terms of abilty and who scored his first international goal at the weekend.
  21. >>>>>50 Things that change after University: >>> >>>>>> >>> >1. 6:00 am is when you get up, not when you go to sleep 2.>>>>> >>>Having sex>>>>> >>> >in a single bed is absurd.>>>>> >>> >3. You keep more food than beer in the fridge.>>>>> >>> >4. Your fantasies of having sex with three women with lesbian>>>>> >>> >tendancies are replaced by fantasies of having sex with anyone>>>>> >>>at all.>>>>> >>> >5. You don't volunteer for clinical trials at the local hospital>>>>> >>>6. You>>>>> >>> >know all of the people sleeping in your house.>>>>> >>> >7. You hear your favourite song in the lift at work.>>>>> >>> >9. The bank manager doesn't write threatening letters any>>>>>more.>>>>> >>> >10. You carry an umbrella.>>>>> >>> >11.Seven-day benders are no longer realistic.>>>>> >>> >12. You don't go to Tesco's with all>>>>> >>> >your friends.>>>>> >>> >13. You have standing orders and direct debits.>>>>> >>> >14.The heating works in your house.>>>>> >>> >15.Your friends marry and divorce instead of get together and>>>>> >>>break-up.>>>>> >>> >16.You pay the government thousands of pounds every year.>>>>> >>> >17.You go from 130 days of holidays to 20.>>>>> >>> >18.Jeans and a jumper no longer qualify as 'dressed up'.>>>>> >>> >19.You' re the one calling the>>>>> >>> >police because those damn kids next>>>>> >>> >door won't turn down the stereo.>>>>> >>> >20. you get out of bed in the morning even if it's>>>>>raining.>>>>> >>> >21.Washing up is not an annual ritual.>>>>> >>> >22.Older relatives feel comfortable telling sex jokes around>>>>> >>>you.>>>>> >>> >23.You don't know what time the kebab shop closes anymore.>>>>> >>> >24.Your car insurance goes down and your car payments go up.>>>>> >>> >25.You feed your dog Pal instead of McDonalds.>>>>> >>> >26.You don't get ideas for drinks from local tramps.>>>>> >>> >27.You don't put half-finished curries in the fridge to eat>>>>> >>>later.>>>>> >>> >28.You don't spend half your day strategically planning pub>>>>> >>>crawls.>>>>> >>> >29.You "hate scrounging students".>>>>> >>> >30.You no longer have a strange attraction to road signs when>>>>> >>>drunk.>>>>> >>> >31.Sleeping in the lounge is a>>>>>no-no.>>>>> >>> >32.You can't persuade your flatmates to 'Drink till dawn'.>>>>> >>> >33.You don't spend Wednesday afternoons in the pub.>>>>> >>> >34.You always know where you are when you wake up.>>>>> >>> >35.You no longer take naps from noon to 6 p.m.>>>>> >>> >36.A fire in the kitchen is not a laugh.>>>>> >>> >37.You go to the chemist for Panadol and antacids, not>>>>> >>> >>>>>> >>> >condoms and pregnancy test kits.>>>>> >>> >38. A £3 bottle of wine is no longer 'pretty good stuff'.>>>>> >>> >39.You can remember the name of the person you wake up next to.>>>>> >>> >40.You actually eat breakfast foods at breakfast time.>>>>> >>> >41.You don't have mice living in your kitchen.>>>>> >>> >42.Grocery lists are longer than pot noodles & cans of>>>>>lager.>>>>> >>> >43.You don't go to Liquor Save to buy Vodka.>>>>> >>> >44.You have hoovered.>>>>> >>> >45.Breaking the law means doing 40 in a 30 zone.>>>>> >>> >46.'I just can't drink the way I used to' replaces 'I'm never>>>>> >>>going to>>>>> >>> >drink that much again'.>>>>> >>> >47.Over 90% of the time you spend in front of a computer is for>>>>> >>>real>>>>> >>> >work.>>>>> >>> >48.You don't experiment with banned substances.>>>>> >>> >49.You don't get drunk at home, to save money, before going to a>>>>> >>>pub.>>>>> >>> >50. You dont find a "dump" left in the toilet hysterically funny>>>>> >>> >anymore
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